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uncap skills to go further than 255


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The problem lies in the engine and can't be be modded over. Even though you can still reach high stats in vanilla Oblivion, they will not work as intended past 255. Your only options to tone down the vampire powers (if possible) or remove/weaken the enchanted armor.


huh... but when I use the vampiric powers, they work fine, my speed at one point reached 700 hundred and I could feel the difference between 400 and 700... as well as my acrobatics.

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When a stat goes past 255, it loops back to 1. So,at 400 speed you're really have about 145 speed and when you have 700 speed you have about 190. You can test it yourself with the console command "player.setav speed x" , with "x" being the amount of speed you want. On top all that, all the uncapper mods only allow effects up to 200. Going past serves no purpose. I believe that athletics and acrobatics work differently, but that's it. Edited by Guest
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When a stat goes past 255, it loops back to 1. So,at 400 speed you're really have about 145 speed and when you have 700 speed you have about 190. You can test it yourself with the console command "player.setav speed x" , with "x" being the amount of speed you want. On top all that, all the uncapper mods only allow effects up to 200. Going past serves no purpose. I believe that athletics and acrobatics work differently, but that's it.


as I mentioned before, it does work, there is a huge difference between 700 and 400 speed/acrobatics. Besides, its an effect increase; it has nothing to do with increasing it permanently.

Edited by deama
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Fist, I did make the mistake about forgetting about speed having an abnormal cap too.


The still stands: The cap is 255. Changing this is impossible in this game. When you reach 256, your stats become bugged or not working as you want them too.This is with or without enchantments, with or without mods. Most mods that aren't cheats (some of them too) specifically aim to avoid 255 in any stat or skill altogether. The only things mods can do is make stats 101-200 have an effect.


Speed, Athletics, and Acrobatics are exceptions.


If you still don't believe me, make custom enchants in the construction set and test it. You can also use the console command I said earlier. Both act the same. Some one correct me if I'm wrong about anything.

Edited by Guest
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Here's a quote from the UESP Wiki on Skills (emphasis added):

Some magical effects can increase your skill above 100, but in general increases above 100 have no real effect. The only exceptions are Acrobatics and Athletics, which will continue to increase your character's jump height and run speed respectively, up to a maximum value of 255.
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