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How do Profiles Work?


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Sorry to pull this thread up again, but I have a new question about Profiles.


My computer got all screwed up after a Windows Update, so I lost most of the stuff on my PC. Rather than go through the whole process for setting up Skyrim again, I decided that I'd play Fallout 4 instead. Spent some time setting up mods and making sure everything worked, and my younger brother decided that he would like to play.


Unfortunately, one of the mods that I had added was Horizon, and it adds a bit too much to the Survival setup for him. He prefers to kind of wander around, and does not have either the patience to stay put and set up supplies/whatever, and does not have the focus to get the necessary gear to not get sick, starve, and die right off the bat.


So, I want to set up a profile for myself with Horizon enabled, and another profile for him without it. I've got the two profiles set up, but I wanted to ask: Are there going to be any issues as far as save files go swapping between the two profiles depending on who's playing? Vortex claims that each profile can have its own save files, so does that mean that I don't have to worry about him overwriting my files by accident? Somebody else posted that the profile-specific save file setup wasn't working quite right, but it's been a while and I thought that maybe it's been fixed?


I know that I could just kind of trial-and-error my way through figuring things out, but my desktop isn't in an easily-usable state right now. (No easy flat surface for keyboard/mouse. It's not at a desk at the moment) My little brother is the kind of person that playing the game like that doesn't bother him, but it does make extensive troubleshooting sessions a bit of a pain.


Just make sure the profiles are set to have their own saves and you won't have a problem. That's how it's supposed to work and if it doesn't, file a bug report.

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How on different profiles can you have a different configuration of a mod? I'm wondering how this actually works. I have several mods that have fomod installers that let you choose various settings along the way to make them play nice or more compatible with other mods. However on another profile I may not be using these mods, but when I enable the mod I want to use, its going to load the same setup as configured on the other profile, so may now have features for mods which aren't loaded. Is there a way on different profiles, to be able to re-install and configure mods and have those settings apply just to that profile?


Say for example on Profile A I'm running Armorsmith and Vals Item Sorting, when I installed all my clothing and armour mods I choose the Armorsmith/Vals options within the fomod installer, this then installs the mod and I can deploy and enable the files.

Now on Profile B I'm not running Armorsmith or Vals, the mods already show as installed, just need to be enabled and deployed, however doing so will add them to the profile with the Armorsmith/Vals configuration. How do I stop this?

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An easy to understand example. Every profile for Skyrim uses FNIS. FNIS animations are based on other mods used in that profile.

Since Vortex writes all FNIS modifications back to the FNIS mod, all profiles unwillingly share those changes from the last FNIS run.

This typically results in the infamous NPC "T Pose".

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@duckyduckyquackquack: The way to solve this is to install the same mod a second time (type in a different name and click "rename" when it asks), that way you can use different variants of the same mod with each profile.


Thank you for that advice, I knew there must be someway around it and think I had done this myself already for a couple of mods that I make some changes to in xEdit to work with different mods.


Another question about Profiles, where does Vortex read and load the ini file configurations from for say Fallout 4? The Fallout4.ini, FalloutPrefs.ini and Fallout4Custom.ini? Because when I load up the game and make changes within the settings menu for things like difficulty, save options, hud colours and audio settings, when I exit out of the game and then relaunch it these settings are not being saved. So I'm wondering if its loading files from somewhere that may be set to Read-Only and need to disable this so changes in game are saved in the inis. I've checked the ones in My Documents\My Games\Fallout4 and they are okay. I've even checked the ones at AppData\Roaming\Vortex\Fallout4 and they seem okay. So I can't work out why the inis are not being overwritten in game, unless Vortex is using some from somewhere else.

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