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Help with Vortex please !


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1 - The problem started when I try to move Realstic Water Two to the bottom of my load order as it has been suggested by the mod author. As soon as I moved down below Unlimited Enchanted Weapons ( number 4 from bottom up ), I received a pop up window stating an error with all my plugins and my Plugin Tab disappear from Vortex. ( Up to that point, I had played my game during 11 hours approximately with only 1 time freezing and when I got to Lost Valley Redoubt, my game CTD right below the waterfall 3 times in a row, right at the same spot, so I knew there was a problem with Realistic Water Two and that cell. Thought that by moving this mod to the bottom of the load order will fix the problem and then the error in mention, happened. Just to mention that I have played this game during almost 900 hours combined and I've never ever had any CTD right in that spot even with Realistic Water Two in my load order because this is a mod that it is always in my load order )


2 - My mods still were there but not my plugins. I reported the error via Vortex feedback. I decided to delete all the mods and it did not let me do that either, so I decided to go nuke. Deleted my Skyrim game completely, uninstalled Vortex, reinstall everything again and as soon as I got out of Helgen, I received an error in Skyrim game stating : game cannot be saved !!


3 - Now I am freaking out because I know that something is not right somewehere and most likely, I though it was Vortex. Again, uninstall Vortex one more time and my game also. Reinstalled everything and this time, as soon as I logged into Vortex, it is telling me to update to a new version so I did. Tried to launch my game via Vortex and it did not let me. Installed SKSE ( new version ) and I launched my game without any problem from icon located in my desktop.


4 - Got out of Helgen, and again, game cannot be saved. Back to Vortex and there are two error windows already reported via feedback ENOENT or something like that stating that Skyrim.ini.base is not found in my directory path : C:\ProgramFiles(x86)\Steam\Steamapps\Common\Skyrim Special Edition\Skyrim.ini.base ( not found ). Error was reported via Vortex feedback. At this point, I am unable to use Vortex to play my game.


5 - Decided to uninstall Vortex and use NMM instead ( thanks God that I did not installed Fallout 4 in Vortex today because I wanted to do it .... ) and I cannot download mods and install them in NMM. So, at this point, I do not know what to do and I need help so I can restart using this tool. I have no problem loosing my game and I know that Vortex is in Alpha state and problems will be there but right now, I do not know what do I need to do to fix this because I already did what I thought it will fix the problem : uninstalled and reinstalled Vortex twice ( uninstalled and reinstalled my game twice ) and still the problem persist, so I am throwing the towel ....


P.S. At number 5, after I deleted Vortex from my computer, I started the game as usual, I am able to save it without any issue so definitely, is not a problem with Steam or the game but with Vortex but ... I am unable to download / install mods into NMM ... I thought that NMM was still working but it seems is not.

Please help !

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Sorry, I tried to write a more detailed reply but this post is just horrible to reply to. Your error reports are all "i can't", "I got an error", "it won't let me" without any details. The rest is all fluff. This is not meant to be rude but when investigating an error in Vortex I don't care how long you've been playing or how NMM is having download trouble, it's just not relevant. The content of the error messages you receive is relevant.

I want to help you but despite writing a lot you don't provide a lot of details to go by.


Without concrete error messages I won't be able to investigate any of the problems you mentioned, just a few pointers:

a) Reinstalling/Uninstalling Vortex does nothing. It will never fix a problem with vortex unless you (or your virus scanner or viruses) actually damaged the vortex application itself. Reinstalling does not reset any data or remove the mods installed through vortex. If you want to remove the vortex-installed mods, disable them in vortex (or switch to an empty profile without any features enabled), then deploy, then close Vortex. This will remove all Vortex influence on the game, whether you uninstall the vortex application afterwards really doesn't make much of a difference.

b) When the game CTDs that is not directly related to Vortex but to the mods installed with it

c) The only plausible way Vortex could prevent the game from saving is
I. if for some reason vortex keeps a save (or the save directory) locked, so the game can't overwrite. You could rule this out by closing vortex before starting the game because a closed Vortex can't keep a lock on files.

II. if the "local profile saves" feature creates an invalid save directory. You could rule this out by disabling the feature.

So far I've had no bug reports indicating that Vortex does either

d) Regarding the ENOENT error on the .base/.baked files would indicate that vortex tries to access those before it created them. I've investigated this and I believe it will only happen if you try to use Vortex on a game that has never been started before, because then the ini file doesn't exist yet. That shouldn't be a major problem though, next time you restart vortex after running the game once should create the files correctly.

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Thanks for replying Tannin ... I will reinstall Vortex in a few minutes and I will try to copy/paste ( printout ) whatever comes up .... unfortunately I had to write a lot in my previous entry because I did not have any printout but believe me that everything started when I moved this mod to the bottom of my load order, an error window popped out and the only option in that window was to report the error so I did via Nexus ( it did prompt me to do it via Nexus and if you have access to see those errors, by all mean, please look into to it ) and now my Plugin Tab completely disappear ( ? ) ....


But anyway, I am going to do this now and I will copy/paste everything so you can see and tell me what is wrong with it because I don't know. And thank you in advance for any help you can provide.

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I _think_ I've found the report you're talking about but it was saved as anonymous so I'm not sure.


If the plugins tab disappeared completely that probably means the "gamebryo_plugin_management" extension was disabled. You can re-enable it by going to the "Extensions" tab (in advanced mode) and toggling it back to enabled. There is a good chance the same error will come up again so you can post the error message here.

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I _think_ I've found the report you're talking about but it was saved as anonymous so I'm not sure.


If the plugins tab disappeared completely that probably means the "gamebryo_plugin_management" extension was disabled. You can re-enable it by going to the "Extensions" tab (in advanced mode) and toggling it back to enabled. There is a good chance the same error will come up again so you can post the error message here.


Tannin .... you were right, Gamebryo Plugin Indexlock is on FAILED status .... and Gamebryo Plugin Management is DISABLED ..... for God' sake, how do I copy/paste here please so you can see everything and it will be easier for you to understand ...thanks for your help ...

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It was me who sent you that feedback and since it was sent from my Vortex I thought I did not have to add my name .... thanks for finding it ... I am really sorry to bother you with this but I would like to copy/paste the screenshots but I do not know how to do it. I am trying to copy and paste it using the little folder that says : paste ... and doing Ctrl+V but it does not let me .... thanks

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Please send a feedback through vortex, append your log file (from the attach special file dropdown) and the screenshot.

Also (afterwards) try re-enabling the plugin management extension and see if the error re-occurs



Tannin ... sorry that I was late but I would like to thank you for your help .. thanks a million, I really appreciate what you've done for me.


I am unable ( for now ) to post a screen shot but today, after I fixed the error via Extensions ( as you pointed in your previous post ), it did happen again when I was installing plugins; I created my own custom mods and after I did it, I enabled the first one and when I dragged and dropped it, then the error came up again ... so I fixed by enabling the gamebryo_plugin management, restarted Vortex and the error went away. I noticed that it happened only when I moved one of my custom mods ...however, yesterday I moved Realistic Water Two and it did happen.


From that point on, instead dragging and dropping plugins ( and my own custom ones ), I used the Manage Dependencies icon and everything was smooth and charming. Again, I wish I could post that error but unfortunately, I have been focusing on installing all my mods and trying to make sure that everything is running as it should. For some reason, it just happened when dragging / dropping only and it did happen twice already.


Thanks again and If you want me to report that error in Vortex feedback, please let me know, but I would like you please to look into it because it did happen twice to me and it should not occur at all. Thanks a lot !!! :cool:

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