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Nifskope editing: the issue with clipping and axes in general..


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As we all know, in the land of Skyrim, there are weapons of all shapes and sizes which is good and all, that is until we get to equipping them.


Why? well certain items, that is weapons have strange (well not really) and distorted shapes that have a very strong tendency of hitting and clipping into ones body. Why is that a big concern to me.. well it's a bit strange perhaps even a little bit horror inducing seeing my character, and many other npc axe wielding characters strutting about their business.. continually being dissected like some sort of cheap magic trick you see on TV.


But I digress, my topic, and reason why I am posting this is simply, how does one go about tackling the equipping angle for axes in such a way that it has minimal clipping?


At default hip position, it continually chops into ones upper chest, and arms/hand.


I tried lowering and rotating it onto the thigh area, but the handle will continually traverse to and fro through your legs as well as blades occassionally chopping through the hands.


I've also tried mounting it behind the character.. problem any situation where you're moving, and it passes through ones torso. And let's not forget the floating mounting ring.


So I posit this question to you modders, how would you propose tackling this?

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Well, you can delete that "floating ring". Right click, remove branch.


As for moving skeleton nodes, it can be done. You need to open the skeleton you want to edit in nifskope and track down the weapon node you want to move and right click and choose edit. I've never had any luck with changing rotation though, only distance from the body.

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