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CTD When Entering Falkreath


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I just recently installed SkyrimSE and got all the mods added as well. And so far, I had no issues. Until I decided to visit Falkreath. Upon entering the town and getting near the blacksmith's forge, my game crashes. So I decided to try and enter Dead Man's Drink. Worked fine until I went to leave. The game loads, but crashes before it finishes meaning I cannot leave the inn. I end up having to load a previous save. What is going on? Where is the conflict because I don't have many mods and I have had them cleaned. It has to be a load order issue, but what needs to be moved to stop this? I haven't gone everywhere on the map, but Falkreath seems to be the only place giving me this issue.


Here is my load order;


0 0 Skyrim.esm
1 1 Update.esm
2 2 Dawnguard.esm
3 3 HearthFires.esm
4 4 Dragonborn.esm
5 5 Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch.esp
6 6 ApachiiHair.esm
7 7 Cutting Room Floor.esp
8 8 SMIM-SE-Merged-All.esp
9 9 FNIS.esp
10 a SkyUI_SE.esp
11 b XPMSSE.esp
12 c EnhancedLightsandFX.esp
13 d dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp
14 e dD-Larger Splatter Size.esp
15 f Chesko_LoreBasedLoadingScreens.esp
16 10 HearthfireMultiKid.esp
17 11 HearthfireMultiKid_LastName.esp
18 12 Hothtrooper44_Armor_Ecksstra.esp
19 13 Immersive Jewelry.esp
20 14 Skyrim Immersive Creatures Special Edition.esp
21 15 SoundsofSkyrimComplete.esp
22 16 LABikiniSSE.esp
23 17 Eli_Breezehome.esp
24 18 SoS_ELFX_Patch.esp
25 19 Hothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.esp
26 1a ScopedBows.esp
27 1b LrsamwaysExpandedSkyrimWeaponry.esp
28 1c Unique Uniques.esp
29 1d Clockwork.esp
30 1e AmazingFollowerTweaks.esp
31 1f mihaildruidbackpack.esp
32 20 mihaildwarvenpowerarmor.esp
33 21 Antennaria.esp
34 22 YurianaWench.esp
35 23 Skyrim Flora Overhaul.esp
36 24 mihailrottenmaidens.esp
37 25 SuperbSerana.esp
38 26 ScopedBows_EagleEyeTweak.esp
39 27 Maxine - Zombie Follower.esp
40 28 mihailmmasithis.esp
41 29 mihailcurseddoll.esp
42 2a Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp
43 2b RealisticWaterTwo.esp

Edited by JoeMcBob55
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I'm only familiar with half your mods. But I don't see any obvious conflicts. Crashing when entering/leaving areas is often a symptom of memory issues. You DO have a lot of memory intensive texture mods. What is your GPU? Specifically, how many GBs of VRAM does it have?

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I'm only familiar with half your mods. But I don't see any obvious conflicts. Crashing when entering/leaving areas is often a symptom of memory issues. You DO have a lot of memory intensive texture mods. What is your GPU? Specifically, how many GBs of VRAM does it have?


Ok, I just checked on what I have


Total Available Graphics Memory: 9952 MB

Dedicated Video Memory: 2048 MB

System Video Memory: 0 MB

Shared System Memory: 7904 MB

Edited by JoeMcBob55
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Okay. 2 GB of VRAM is a bit weak with all those texture mods. Chances are rather high that you're simply running out of VRAM when loading into certain cells/areas.


You can test this by simply un-checking most of your texture mods in NMM (or whatever mod-manager you are using) in the plug-ins tab. Load back into a save just before the crashing occurs. You'll get an error message about missing content. Just load on in. If you can enter/leave the problem areas now, then that pretty well confirms that your GPU simply can't handle the load.


You can either dial back the number of texture mods or get a new, beefier GPU. Unfortunately GPU prices in general suck right now (gee, thanks bitcoin miners) but there are some bargains to be had. Lemmee look....


GTX 1050ti's (4GB version) are averaging $200 right now. A bit less if you catch one on sale. This is probably your best bet if you can afford the scratch.

An RX 470 (4GB version) would probably be better, but good luck finding one thanks to the aforementioned bitcoin miners.

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Okay. 2 GB of VRAM is a bit weak with all those texture mods. Chances are rather high that you're simply running out of VRAM when loading into certain cells/areas.


You can test this by simply un-checking most of your texture mods in NMM (or whatever mod-manager you are using) in the plug-ins tab. Load back into a save just before the crashing occurs. You'll get an error message about missing content. Just load on in. If you can enter/leave the problem areas now, then that pretty well confirms that your GPU simply can't handle the load.


You can either dial back the number of texture mods or get a new, beefier GPU. Unfortunately GPU prices in general suck right now (gee, thanks bitcoin miners) but there are some bargains to be had. Lemmee look....


GTX 1050ti's (4GB version) are averaging $200 right now. A bit less if you catch one on sale. This is probably your best bet if you can afford the scratch.

An RX 470 (4GB version) would probably be better, but good luck finding one thanks to the aforementioned bitcoin miners.


Yeah. I was thinking I never had this issue with Oldrim when I had over 200 mods running, but I only had around 2 texturing mods. I already removed one of the largest texture mods I had, the Static Textures mod and I was able to walk around Falkreath until I got to the blacksmith forge at which point it crashed. If I can remove another one, it will probably have no issues.


I will look into that. I need to upgrade my PC since it's been a while. Better start saving up. Thanks.

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I found the source. It wasn't a mod at all, it was Dawnguard. For some reason, although I had cleaned the plugin, there was unused data that was compiling in Falkreath and causing a crash every time I neared it. I cleaned the hell out of that plugin and I can now fully explore Falkreath with no crashing. It's no wonder I had such an issue finding it, I assumed it was a mod causing it when it was a plugin instead. I'm going to be extremely careful from now on.

Edited by JoeMcBob55
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Excellent. However, I would still urge you to upgrade to a 4GB card. You'll be able to add LOTS of texture mods and experiment with ENBs with that much VRAM.

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