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Help, CK NPC Replacer Troubles


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Hello everyone, I've been in the process of making a mod (an NPC replacer,) and have hit a wall.


The facial features and whatnot work when ported to the NPC, but things like hair, eyes, and eyebrows revert back to default when I test ingame. I'm using mods for the 3 aforementioned things, and I assume that's why.


Can anyone tell me how to get those features to "stick" to the NPC and not revert back?


Mods I'm using are: Eyes of Beauty, KS Hairdos, and Brows.


(This is what he looks like below, after reverting to the default stuff ingame)



Edited by Elysianx
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Here's a link to a thread about the grey face bug, but the long post is really about getting modded faces to stick: https://bethesda.net/community/topic/65972/help-needed-to-fix-the-dark-faces-bug/8


One of the tips that really helped me to make my simple mostly vanilla edits was removing the tintmask folder before making any edits in the CK.


Also you might want to reverse engineer one of the successful npc re-placer mods with TESEdit to see what kind of hoops they had to go through to get there mods to work.

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Okay so this gonna sound weird, but I tried following the guide and got to the point where it says


Below is what you need to have:
this isn't in my Skyrimeditor.ini? Should I simply add the lines in and if so, where in the General section?
Edited by Elysianx
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