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Tales of Faerun


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I figured I'd come back and try my hand at this RP again. Please be gentle :unsure:


Name: Adoroar Carter

Race: Tiefling

Age: 23

Class: Wizard

Alignment: Neutral Good

Deity: Azuth

Place of Origin: Uthmere

Appearance: Adoroar is somewhat short (4.9). He has short black hair, dark skin tone, a pair of short ram-like- horns that he occasionaly files, in order to shorten them even more. He also has a tail, which he keeps hidden under his robes. His eyes are human like, brown, and emit a slight glow, which is mostly noticable when he's in the shade.

Armor/Clothing: Adoroar wears light blue robes and a large pointed straw hat, which draws a shadow over his face during most of the day.

Weapon: Wooden staff and a Crossbow

Personality: For the most part, Adoroar is quite timid and calm. He also tends to get too curious for his own good. He's accepting of his teifling heritage, but prefers to not attract too much attention when around others.

History: Born and raised in Uthmere, Adoroar had parents that had somewhat...agressive... means of disipline. The fact that he wanted to persue magic, instead being a fighter did not sit well with his father. He left his home town at an early age and since then been to places like Waterdeep and Neverwinter, where he furthered his studies in wizardry, where also aquired a taste for adventure.

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Name: Saint Hegrim the the Indomitable (Hegrim Shemov)


Gender: Male

Race: Human

Age: 37

Class: Monk, Martyred Champion

Alignment: Lawful Good

Deity: Ilmater


Height: 6'1

Weight: 262lbs

Hair: Shoulder-length, wavy, and jet black. Paired with a large bushy beard.

Eyes: Green

Skin: Peachy

Handedness: Right

Scars/Tattoos: A large horizontal slash mark across the abdomen marking the wound that killed him. Heavy callused feet from many years of walking barefoot.

General physical description: Hegrim is a burly man of exquisite physique, earned from a lifetime of physical training. His face is covered with dark facial hair, but with sufficient examination it can be seen that he is not altogether repulsive, and yet he is not an extremely attractive man. His hairstyle could be reminiscent of Jesus, if the people of Faerun knew of him.

Voice: He speaks with a deep, monotonous voice that rarely betrays his emotion. Never does it waver. The only instances it changes is when he is filled with righteous anger, changing to a booming, humbling, and thunderous roar.

Disabilities: None


Clothing/Armor: Simple grey robes, discarded when entering combat. He wears a white breechcloth underneath. He always adorns himself with red cord bound to his hands and forearms, and wears no shoes.

Weapons: Unarmed

Other magical equipment: None


General personality traits: Grave, observant, noble, valorous, pious, masochistic, compassionate, solemn

Likes: Aiding the suffering and weak, taking others pain unto himself.

Dislikes: Sadists, torture

Fears: Failing Ilmater

Attitude towards friends/strangers: Hegrim treats all people, known or unknown, with the same amount of respect, and to a certain degree love. It may not be a cuddly love, but it is love nonetheless.

Opinion on the world: The world is a cruel place that needs people to care for it, and it's denizens.


Birthplace: Heliogabalus, Damara

Family/Relationships: Church of Ilmater, Monastery of the Yellow Rose

Friends: Ilmater, The Adorned (followers of Ilmater)

Enemies: Most evil beings.

Background: Hegrim was born a sickly child to a poor family that could not afford to keep him. To save their child, his parents gave the Church of Ilmater custody over him shortly after his birth. He was raised in a orphanage affiliated with the Church until the age of three, when he was delivered to the Monastery of the Yellow Rose. He spent the next fifteen years in training to become a monk, quickly overcoming his former sickly disposition to become one of the largest, most physically capable monks in the monastery. At the age of twenty three the monastery came under siege by heathen bandits seeking to defile its hallowed ground. To save the monastery, Hegrim was dispatched along with fifteen other monks to defend the monastery from this throng of seventy six bandits. The battle raged across the mountainside for three days, with the monks losing men daily, and the bandits losing far more. The monks led the bandits away from the monastery and into a pass on the final day, culminating with a last stand by Hegrim in which he killed twenty two bandits before one spilled his intestines into the snow. Knowing he would die, and that they no longer had the numbers to overcome the monastery, the bandits were routed, leaving Hegrim to bleed out. And bleed out he did. However, in a strange twist, the breath he breathed before his death would not be his last. It was never found out how he came back, but Hegrim found himself resurrected. Not only that, but he was Championed by Ilmater for his part in saving the monastery. As a Martyred Champion, the newly sainted Hegrim now answered only to Ilmater himself, and would find himself travelling the world in service to his god.


Languages spoken: Common

Pets/Animal companions: None

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