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I'm replacing Elaril with a much more capable villain with more potential. Elaril's a minor character now.


Name: Silithus Victous


Gender: Male

Race: Human

Age: 70, biologically 49.

Class: Cleric 18, Wizard 18.

Alignment: Chaotic Evil

Deity: Talona, Loviatar.


Height: 6'0"

Weight: 100 pounds

Hair: Silithus's hair is very neat and trimmed and coloured pitch-black, but with large patches of grey or white. He also keeps an equally neatly-trimmed short beard, also covered with grey and white patches.

Eyes: His eyes are permanently, severely bloodshot and his pupil greyed from severe Coats' disease earlier in life, but because of his high standing within the church of Talona the blindness he previously suffered was cured and he sees as any normal human.

Skin: His skin is a very pale, deathly white and very clammy, sometimes sweaty. Extremely dark circles surround his eyes and even before his imprisonment he looked as if he hadn't seen the sun for 21 years.

Handedness: Right

Scars/Tattoos: Silithus is covered in scars,from whips and torture racks to sickness and disease. His back barely has any of its skin left and is almost entirely scar tissue, the left side of his face is all dead skin and old lesions. His gums are black and his lips are chapped and broken. The only thing he manages to keep neat are his teeth, which are miraculously still lined up in perfect rows and have stayed white.

General physical description: While clearly he was a handsome young man once, Silithus has been wracked with injuries and sickness and wouldn't be recognizable to his own parents. He puts effort into his appearance, keeping his hair and beard trimmed and his teeth white as he can get them, but has been irrevocable scarred by ills and rendered hideous.

Voice: His voice is deep and smooth if it doesn't rattle from a cough or phlegm.

Disabilities: Any disabilities he would have been afflicted with over his years of service to the Mistress of Disease have been abolished and Silithus operates on equal footing with any normal person.


Clothing/Armor: Silithus wears a black hooded robe overtop a sickly gray-green long-sleeved shirt, black pants and black boots. He wears two necklaces, each of them representing a different holy symbol: one of Talona, and one of Loviatar.

Weapons: His primary weapon is a long, gnarled magical staff covered with ooze and pus, with four long spikes tipping one end and a cat 'o' nine-tailss tipping the other. It's enchanted to paralyze any person Silithus wishes, and is often used to inflict great pain upon foes before they are finally dispatched.

Other magical equipment: His necklaces are enchanted, with one of them (Talona's) bolstering his intelligence and therefore empowering his spells while the other (of Loviatar's symbol) enhances his natural constitution and makes him unnaturally hardy.


Positive personality traits: Silithus is very tough physically and mentally due to his conditioning and being used to pain, as well as surviving various (usually fatal) illnesses. He is very pesistent and does not give up easily, as well as being fanatically loyal to Loviatar and Talona and their goals. His goals lie in religious fields and he holds no interest in improving his own position, only in whatever is of the most use to his goddesses. On top of that, Silithus is very courteous and friendly even to enemies, provided he's in the state of mind to do so.

Negative personality traits: Silithus is malicious, masochistic and cruel. He loves both inflicting and recieving crippling pain and holds no fear of death. There is no mercy in his heart, no line to cross. No victim is too helpless, no crime too atrocious, and the only things he considers to be crimes are offenses committed against his churches or faith. Not only does he love inflicting pain- be it physical, emotional or psychological - he also believes it to be the morally correct thing to do. He is extremely mentally disturbed and unpredictable, and his mentality swings instantly and erratically from unsettlingly calm, civil and cold to deranged, psychotic and furious and then back again.

Likes: Giving or recieving pain and suffering, furthering the agenda of his goddesses, hearing the screams of the suffering, watching as one of his diseases destroys a population, worship of his goddesses, the destruction and death of his churches' enemies.

Dislikes: Charity, kindness, martyrdom, anesthesia, euthanization, relief, coddling, antidotes and cures.

Fears: Only the disapproval of Loviatar or Talona. Nothing else, not pain nor defeat nor death, can strike fear into his heart....mostly because he's mentally deranged.

Attitude towards friends/strangers: Varies depending on his state of mind.

Opinion on the world: It's full of blasphemers that deny the "Righteous path".


Birthplace: The basement of a house in Neverwinter, which has since burned down.

Family/Relationships: None. His parents are dead and he's never pursued a romantic relationship.

Friends: None yet.

Enemies: Anybody of good alignment, and anybody not allied with his goddesses.

Background: Silithus' parents worshipped the same deities he does. His mother died giving birth to him and his father was killed by paladins of Ilmater. He grew up being raised by men and women from both churches and learned both clerical and arcane magic from a young age, not being born with any inherent talent but learning it as he grew up. Over the years he participated in various actions against the churches of Lathander, Ilmater, Chauntea, Mielikki and Tyr, earning a great amount of experience and the field growing very powerful on the knowledge he gathered through study and various other methods. He was especially active during the Time of Troubles, staging or leading attacks against many religious establishments and using cruel tactics such as poisoning their water with dead bodies- often of children or filthy animals - or flaying them alive. It wasn't long before spies located one of the bitterest enemies of both Loviatar and Talona: Ilmater. Silithus was one of a group sent to try and assassinate the god-turned-mortal, but before they could even formulate a proper plan of action they were discovered and overpowered by some of Ilmater's most devout followers and the survivors were magically imprisoned beneath the earth. SIlithus has been trapped ever since, not aging or moving, but trapped within the confines of his own mind for twenty-one years. He remains there to this day, entombed beneath a ceremonial gravesite thousands of feet up one of the Wyrmbones mountains.


Languages spoken: Common.

Pets/Animal companions: None.

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Approved, provided the character is to be added later after your char number is reduced.

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Since my description of the armor that Tannin made is terrible, here's the image on how it suppose to look. Basically it looks like Standard but with the Witch on the Go shawl/hood thingie.



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All right folks...it looks like Grue is going to be gone on an indefinite hiatus, so it seems I'm going to be finishing out the plotline he had planned. In the event that he is able to return before we're quite finished with it, I'll hand it back over to him. However, in the meantime, I'll be taking control of his characters enough to get this thing wrapped up.

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Name: Artarion Whitestrake

Race: Human

Age: Fourty-two




Place of Origin:

Appearance: Artarion Whitestrake//Appearance- Artarion is a fair built man, he isnt to small nor too large. His lean build and loose clothing hide his rather defined form. He stands at an even 5'10. His defining points are his visible and yet strong jaw line; which is covered in a rough outline of black. His cheek bones are set high to boast his "royal-esque" which he is entirley not. His eyes shine a glimmering blue, betraying his usual neutral gaze. His hair drooping over his shoulders and onto his back. He stands proud, conveying a sense of honesty, loyalty.

Armor/Clothing: His armor is a combination of leather,chainmail, and cloth. He is usually seen walking about in his casual white tunic which is loosely fit around himself; followed by his black leathered pants and boots. His belt fastened around him holding his rapier on his left and dagger on his right. A necklace is tied about his neck, a simple string cord in which he treasures. When armored he dorns a chainmail vest with shortented sleeves, the cuffs of his tunic lie beneath and tucked under his black gloves. He then equips what is left of his armory, a leather pauldron that is fastened on his left and a steel pauldron that covers the right from shoulder to arm. His right hand clad with a decorative steel vambrace.

Personality: Artarion is a man of loyalty, well to those whom he respects.
He is also is the type to speak when the time arises or if questioned. He is not one to spout for the pleasure of filling the void of silence. He estimates, calculated and projects his thoughts in a clear and conveying way. He is not one for shying away from truths. He isn't at all a monotone man as he has his few jokes, and laughs. Artarion can be summed up to be a calm man for the most part. Although a human has his defining and flawed moments.

History: Artarion had a harsh upbringing. As a child he was mentored in sorcery but failed miserably at anything that counts as a major spell. His parents had the expectation of a survivor. As both his mother and father found it to be vital that in a world like this. You must be able to take care of yourself. You must be able to protect yourself from the dangers that the world throws at you. Artarion was taught the meaning of thought, not speech. He was carved into the personality in which he has now. At every turn Artarion would be the one fending himself. At the age of sixteen his parents had died, his inheritence stolen; his once wealthy family vanished one night only leaving stains of blood. With the fear of him being accussed of their murder he fled his home. For twenty-six years Artarion resided within the city of Innarlith. His life with little friends, doing jobs for the dockworkers, ship captains and what ever comes his way. He never gave his passion up for the bow and blade (rapier) his most cherished possession is his fathers rapier. It's grip designed to appear as if steel vines wrapping around until the head of the pommel. He owns a small home near the docks of Innarlith.Its' built of stone and quite quaint. To this day Artarion lives a life of relative peace. The nightmares of his family now faded into history he lives a humble life. Or does he?

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So, my newest additions to our merry band of misfits. :tongue:


Quinsie :3


Name: Quinsie Dudley


Gender: Male

Race: Halfling

Age: 29

Class: Bard/Arcane Trickster

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Deity: Sheela Peryroyl


Height: 84cm

Weight: 67kg

Hair: Light brown, short and messy

Eyes: Amber

Skin: Lightly tanned

Handedness: Left

General physical description: Small, with messy short hair, freckles, a wide friendly smile and round face which gives him an innocent, at times child-like appearance.

Voice: Higher pitched, fast-paced but somewhat melodic


Clothing/Armor: Simple light leather armor with the mix of brown, orange and yellow colors. His casual attire is a simple linen shirt, breeches and pigskin shoes - all of the same colors as his armor.

Weapons: Two enchanted silver daggers Mel and Ody.

Other magical equipment: Amulet of Natural Armor (+2), Ring of Protection (+3), Harp of Charming


Positive personality traits: Friendly, outgoing, helpful, polite, creative, intelligent, respectful

Negative personality traits: Nosy, forgetful, somewhat lazy, relies on others for protection too much

Likes: Music, literature, traveling, listening and making up stories, frogs, gnomish inventions

Dislikes: Disrespectful people, sour foods, insects

Fears: Dying young, gigantic bees

Attitude towards friends/strangers: Friendly and helpful to both

Opinion on the world: Such a marvelous land! Where to next?


Birthplace: Neverwinter

Family/Relationships: Halfred Dudley (father), Lidda Dudley (mother), Wilby and Gilly Dudley (twin brother and sister).

Friends: Neighbors and fellow bards in Neverwinter

Background: Quinsie had a very normal life. Ever since childhood he was surrounded by loving people. His parents own a shop in the Market District of the town and on occasion Quinsie would help them. While working in his parents shop, he seen a lot of adventurers and sometimes they would share stories with him. It was those stories that kindled his love for tales. When he got old enough to travel on his own, Quinsie left Neverwinter and travel all across Faerun, joining different adventuring groups and writing down their adventures, hoping to someday write an epic tale of his own.


Languages spoken: Common, elven, dwarvish




Name: Jaelryn Telenna

Gender: Female

Race: Drow

Age: 379

Class: Cleric

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Deity: Eilistraee

Place of Origin: Underdark

Appearance: Jaelryn is lean, small-framed, graceful, with somewhat sharp facial features. Her pointed ears usually hidden by her white flowing curls have two sets of piercings on each ear. Her skin is of dark grey, almost obsidian black color. While she usually keeps her white curly hair loose, she ties them into a ponytail when battle is expected. Her eye color is silver.

Armor/Clothing: Mithral armor with Eilistraee's symbol embroided on a belt, and several spiderweb motives decorating the gauntlets, boots and a cuirass. Her casual attire is a white somewhat revealing robe.

Weapon: Bastard sword of a rather simple design called Moonspell. The blade glows silver under the moonlight.

Personality: Jaelryn is kind, respectful, confident, supportive and very devoted to her faith, almost to the point of zealotry, according to some. She is generally nice to people, even to those who are cruel to her.

History: Being born to one of the few good drow houses, Jaelryn had seen plenty of fighting from the early age. While everyone in her house were devout worshipers of Eilistraee, Jaelryn always felt closer to The Dark Maiden and thus was looking forward for the priestess training.

When Jaelryn was 200 years old, her house was attacked but unlike previous battles, they were overwhelmed and defeated. Not long after the battle was over, Eilistraee-ians came upon the ruin, rescued the survivors and brought them to the temple. Ever since then Jaelryn and the rest of the surviving members of house Telenna remained in the temple, until very recently, Jaelryn left for the surface for reasons known only to her.


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