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Tales of Faerun


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Greetings everyone!


I'm a friend of Raz and josh. I RPed with them quite a bit in the past and now I am attracted to this wonderful RP.

I've been reading for a while and I love all of your charcters and posts. I'm unfamiliar with the universe theis RP is set but im slowly doing research, with josh's help. I have a character in mind, one I use frequently in other RPs and I'm slowly trying to 'convert' him to fit in this universe. I can forsee some very interesting scenes right off the bat. You'll know what I mean when I post my character.


It'll take me a while to get to posting, since I have to catch up on the story and decide on a proper entrance with my character. Can't wait to join you all!

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Greetings everyone!


I'm a friend of Raz and josh. I RPed with them quite a bit in the past and now I am attracted to this wonderful RP.

I've been reading for a while and I love all of your charcters and posts. I'm unfamiliar with the universe theis RP is set but im slowly doing research, with josh's help. I have a character in mind, one I use frequently in other RPs and I'm slowly trying to 'convert' him to fit in this universe. I can forsee some very interesting scenes right off the bat. You'll know what I mean when I post my character.


It'll take me a while to get to posting, since I have to catch up on the story and decide on a proper entrance with my character. Can't wait to join you all!



Hello! Glad to see you are interested in the RP. Hope to see your character sheet soon. :smile:

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Name: Kyran

Race: Eladrin

Age: 28

Class: Necromancer

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Deity: None

Place of Origin: Easthaven

Appearance: Kyran has an average height, long white hair and green eyes.

Armor/Clothing: kyran's usual attire consists of black robes with blood red trims. He usualy wears hs hood up.

Weapon: In addition to his necromantic magic, Kyran has an assortment of fire realted spells. He also has a staff. The staff is made of a variety of bones, the headpiece is 2 skeletal hands holding a skull. In the event that he;s forced into closed combat, he has a shortsword on the ready.

Personality: Kyran is generaly a nice guy (despite his trade). He tries to be friendly to his companions. Usualy he has a 'posh-like' attitude for the sake of passive humor, but drops it in serious situations. He also has a bad habbit of being a big ham.

History: Born and raised in Easthaven. Kyran was the son of a lower class family. In his youth Kyran dabbled with petty magic for little pranks and over time he began to take it a bit more seriously and started studying it. Later in his young adulthood, the elf became a telented sorcceror, but was still an apprentice in the local mage guild. He, along with several other apprentices, volunteered to go on a quest of sorts to infiltrate a small necromantic cult. The quest ended in success after Kyran challenged and killed ther leader to a fight for leadership and turned in the remaning necromancers. But over the course of his undercover mission, he learned some of the undead related spells as well. Afterwards he took the cult leader's staff as his own, and decided to continue learning necromancy. Since deep down he always wanted to be adventurer, Kyran decided to go on travels and see what the world could offer him.

Edited by spyro1201
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