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Tales of Faerun


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Sorry for the long and rough post, just had to get it done. But I hope you like the story lol. I didn't want to make him Op but strong enough to survive. Oh the two Invocations he used are


Baleful Utterance- a word of dark speech that can shatter most items. Treated as the Shatter spell.


Walk Unseen- A word of dark speech that allows the speaker to become invisible. Treated as the Invisibility spell.

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So much action, Mac. :3 I wish I was good for more than comedy. I must say, I wanted to grab Lucifer by his nostrils and throw him through the nearest wall at that last part. Messin' with ladies, darn crazy demon. ;D


Also, on a halfway related note, Arva has now become Fabio. Enjoy. :teehee:

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I am pretty good at that kind of writing. Social writing I am working on but I sorta need to get this story parts out so he can be free for sometime. That's why the posts are long lol Barabas is supposed to be evil... hes a devil. There is no way he will ever reform but he is a unique devil.
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Perhaps I was just deeply in character somehow. Usually reading something like that wouldn't ruffle my feathers at all since it isn't real. :B


Edit: Also, I almost killed things today. Just as I hit the button to submit my post, my internet cut out. My post wasn't exactly important, but I still got mad. xD

Edited by tokyobleach
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Btw, (I post this at Tok's insistence XD) the animosity between Weyland and Lokii is strictly an in-character thing, although I'm sure you all know that :tongue:
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Btw, (I post this at Tok's insistence XD) the animosity between Weyland and Lokii is strictly an in-character thing, although I'm sure you all know that :tongue:

I do! :biggrin:

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