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Macman, since Barabas/Lucifer has occupied Lokii and kept him living for nearly ten thousand years, and a Githyanki's normal lifespan is usually up to two hundred years, what happens if the pact is ended (one way or another)?


It seems to me Lokii would wither away to dust at that point ... :unsure:

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The pact is still intact, he just took control. Still using the immortality gained by the possession. The constant pain wasn't a side effect of the possession it was the constant doing of Barabas, he did that to help subjugate him. Now that he has in a sense banished him to the skull he can feed off the power of the oldest devil and use it. Giving him great power and complete control over it but it is still limited by The Cursed Blood. THe more he uses it the more side effects it has and it will kill him. SO he has to use it sparingly.


Technically he is still 'possessed' that will never go away because their connection has been rooted in him for millennia. Thousands of years before Lokii was born his ancestors pacted with Barabas when he was The Archdevil, Arch-Devil was not just a title for a powerful devil, it was the title for THE powerful devil and at that time Lucifer reigned. It was after he signed the pact with the human ancestors of Lokiis that he was deposed and imprisoned. Thousands of years later, he discovered he still had a connection with Lokii because the pact with his ancestors never was fulfilled so he used that connection to influence him into making a new pact that freed him from his prison.


Now he is again trapped in the skull and this time he can't trick his way out, for fear of his own destruction.

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Personally, I think that gives Lokii far too much power, even if he must use it only sparingly. Controlling Lucifer means that no matter who or what Rhaine's company faces, Lokii will handily overcome it. In that case, there's no need to fear Ravenna, or anything more dangerous than she is.


I'm also wondering why Lucifer chose to possess a single Githyanki for ten thousand years, rather than move from one host to another more powerful one, thence to another who is even more powerful, and so on. I'm not sure how it works in Forgotten Realms lore, but I've always been under the impression Lucifer would have better things to do with his unlimited time than possess one person for very long.


You've said Lucifer taking advantage of the connection with Lokii "freed him from his prison"; it seems to me that he merely traded one prison for another (Lokii being the latter). True freedom would mean being able to do whatever he chooses without the physical limitations of a Githyanki, or any other person or creature.


Yours are interesting concepts, though.

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Ok, Lucifer was nearly destroyed when he was deposed. He was sealed away in a skull, his powers are minute compared to what they once were. He does not have unlimited powers and in reality why does he have to be afraid of Ravenna, The Chosen Of Kelemvor was strong. Why can't Loki have some power... I mean there is an Illithid and very powerful one yet you don't get on them for having too much power yet those are both well known for being powerful opponents.


His powers are limited despite the massive pool he now has, he can't go around one-shotting devils but he can stand a decent chance. He does not have absolute power, he has to tap into it when his own reserves drain. That takes time and concentration.


As for why Lucifer stayed with Lokii for so long was because he didn't have the power to create another Pact. That and Lokii could house him for a long time and give him the power he needed to retrieve the artifacts that bound him. After that he would need a truly Black Soul to feed off of, he was grooming Lokii to be that soul. That way he could return to a physical form once again and have the sustenance to regenerate his powers and lay waste to The Nine Hells. Luckily, Lokii found his weakness and exploited it.


Frankly, this notion he was OP is kinda wrong. When you are in the company of a Champion of a deity and a very powerful Mind-Flayer I think this kinda levels the playing field. Besides I should not have to fear Ravenna in RL, in IC he would be wary but he couldn't take on Ravenna in single combat and he would know that despite his newfound abilities. Its only OP if you use your powers incorrectly, Know Your Limits and Set Limits Upon The Power That You Already Possess.

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"Don't get on them"? Apparently I've come across the wrong way. You've clarified your concepts now, which is all I was after. It wasn't my intention to "get on" you, or anyone else. I apologize.


At this point, you seem to be getting upset because I've asked questions and expressed opinions without having any notion where your concepts are taking you. Frankly, I don't know how to deal with that, other than to say thank you for addressing my concerns.

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Frankly, this notion he was OP is kinda wrong. When you are in the company of a Champion of a deity and a very powerful Mind-Flayer I think this kinda levels the playing field. Besides I should not have to fear Ravenna in RL, in IC he would be wary but he couldn't take on Ravenna in single combat and he would know that despite his newfound abilities. Its only OP if you use your powers incorrectly, Know Your Limits and Set Limits Upon The Power That You Already Possess.


Actually, Naktis and I get to decide what is OP and what isn't. :thumbsup:


You're talking about an Archdevil here...these things are worshiped by cults and technically on the same level as minor deities - and you have him practically in your back pocket. ;)


Lokii has already demonstrated an almost unrealistic level of prowess. Rhaine isn't invincible, and neither is Xallistine. But Lokii is starting to sound really close.

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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On the general terms, Rhaine and Ularthid's are far more powerful and Lucifer has little to no power... thousands of years of imprisonment and lack of a physical form has drained much of his powers. Warlocks have many skills, but never focused power... it is wild and uncontrolled. Therefore most of it gets burned off. They can do many cool things like explode in a cloud of shadow bats and use Dark Speech but that is where their power lies. Their only real combat abilities comes from Eldricht Blast and its various Essence Enhancements. if you break it down, If Weyland and Lokii did battle it out they would be matched. Despite his displays he does not have a lot of power just a large pool of skills which he can draw from.


Gives him flexibility, seriously look up the Warlock class in Complete Arcane. While potent they are not uber-powerful. I understand that in this setting the levels of power are changed that is why I created The Cursed Blood, it keeps a cap on his powers regardless of what they are. Barabas gives him "Pseudo" power... its more or less for flare then real power... See the only thing he actually got from his Pact was Immortality, Lucifer put a cap on him with The Cursed Blood to prevent him from using his powers to possibly defeat him when he went to consume his soul. But The Cursed Blood is still present and will never go away. That is the secret... despite his displays of power he is still limited, that and he can't use spells like Fireball or Cure Light Wounds and such.... his powers again are limited to various Spell-Like abilities that not only come with benefits but also flaws.


For example, one of his powers is the ability to Polymorph into any creature. With a relatively high chance of it becoming permanent. While cool its flaws counterbalance its abilities. They become a gamble rather then a relied on ability.

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OK Macman. I'm beginning to see where you're going with this.


I think it may be of benefit to say that everyone here does not have the same level of experience with Forgotten Realms. Some in this RP are very new to the setting, others are veterans. As such, sometimes things take a little more explaining...and I think because you are taking liberties with Lucifer as a character, some of the things you create are sounding more powerful than they really are.

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