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Let's not this turn into an argument, or ima sic my dog on all of ya. She'll kill you with love, and/or by breathing up all your oxygen (she'd crumple a submarine like a tin can.)


EDIT: Just catching up on the RP, the reason Weyland didn't destroy Barabas when he had the chance was because that was posted when I was asleep XD. Although in all likelihood he'd wait for Barabas to return Lokii's family, he'd still take Barabas out if he had the chance. If Rhaine was talking to Lokii when she mentioned the opportunity to destroy Barabas, this is all a moot point (although Weyland would destroy Barabas in a heartbeat if he could.)

Edited by Flipout6
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...Why can't everyone just shut up and be content? I'm sick, and therefore not in the mood to deal with all of this. I know nothing of the universe besides what little I've looked into and have never played a single game associated with this series and even I can tell when someone is showing too much power. I will say what I do know, though.


First off, this seems to take place when Rhaine is just getting the hang of being a Chosen and she doesn't seem to even be used to the type of power she has yet, nor have control of when or even if she taps into it.


Second off, Xallistine has never, ever done anything which I have found OP. Hell, Mythic is so damn good at playing down the amount of power he has that I didn't even know until someone else told me that Illithids are extremely powerful and technically an OP choice of character.


I don't know anything about demons or devils or possessed, so I'm not even going to attempt to delve into that.


Now, I'm going back into my game and I'm going to unpause it and play for a while, and I'm not going to even read the rest of this, because if I wanted to listen to children argue, I could damn well go down the street and do so in the real world without having my escape from reality sullied by such nonsense.

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I figured as much but I don't want to sound as if I am talking bad of Mythic or Auriana. Rhaine was very powerful, you brought her powers down quite abit but she is a unique character. The Chosen of a frigging deity. Not a small title in honest opinion. The Ularithid are very very very powerful Mind-Flayers... A single Mind-Flayer is more then enough of a challenge for a party of adventurers... Ularithid's are strong enough for Ten normal Mind-Flayers, both of these two are knock around drag out high level shot callers.


Lokii in reality, despite his flair is a Warlock/Hexblade. His powers are potent for sure but he isn't a heavy hitter like a Ularithid or Rhaine. He pays respects to Rhaine because he trusts her and he knows of her power... He would not challenge that power on his best days, like I said before. The bit with the skull and stuff is all for flair and character development. It gives no actual power... as a matter of fact it adds a penalty. He must now protect the skull for eternity until he dies, and the Cursed Blood prevents him from accessing his deep reserves of Eldricht Energy that would give him far greater power. Since The Cursed Blood was apart of the Pact he cannot remove it without killing Lucifer... So hes stuck with it.


During extended battles he will begin to loose power and eventually have to stop because the Cursed Blood is taking its toll, rendering him helpless. His powers come by unnatural means and have no focus... think like a magnifying glass and the sun. A suns Ray does little damage on its own right but if you use a magnifying glass it can burn quite a lot of things... the same thing here. The sun is his pool of Eldricht Essence, substantial but when he uses it he puts it through a magnifying glass to focus it into a beam. it compresses it into a fine point to direct it but after that point it goes where it chooses and he can make some changes to it by expanding it into a cone shape to hit many enemies or Chain it so it arcs to a second target. He can turn it into a radius blast that comes from him and add various elements too it like Cold damage or Fire Damage, he can also use it to curse his foes with sickness or blindness.


Despite these changes, the damage stays the same its just the focus of the energy that changes. He can even direct the energy to arc out through his sword as he strikes with it... That is his true power... its the Versatility he possesses. When used correctly he comes Potent, otherwise he is just wild and uncontrolled.

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... if I wanted to listen to children argue, I could damn well go down the street and do so in the real world without having my escape from reality sullied by such nonsense.

Point well taken, hon. :ohdear:

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And the tornado's about to hit the cactus now.


Anyway, could we just sort this out (which is boring) and get back to the RP (which is fun) before bad mojo happens? We all know what happens when arguing starts in RPs.

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I am not trying to argue, just simply explain my point that he is actually underpowered. And for the record, Mythic and Auriana are great RPers, some of the best I have ever seen and very creative. When I realized that Mythics character was a Ularithid I was surpised at her race choice. But the restraint she had... I always enjoy mythic in any roleplay and look forward to her posts because they are full of such detail and story that is truly great to read. She is very very talented and the nicest and most un-biased person I have ever had the fortune of chatting with. Edited by Macman253
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Well... where to start? I wan't an argument as much as i wan't to be buried alive in the middle of field, but i feel that unless this is resolved, we aren't going to be able to move on comfortably, and believe me, nothing is worse in an Rp than having a character people have problems with.


As everyone who's been Rping any length of time, no matter the setting, knows that an RP is a lot of work, and more than that, it is a huge team effort. For a roleplay to work, we must function like a machine, with every cog firmly in place, and every gear working in unison. What happens when you chuck a spanner in the works? The machine stops.


Our spanner is Lokii's abilities, am i right? Now, i am not going to say whether they are OP or not, because my knowledge of this setting is minute, The forgotten realms was first introduced to me by this Rp, so i am treading thin ice with every post that i make, so to be breif, i can't say "yes they are/No they are not" because i have no idea. But one thing that is very clear to me, is that there is disagreement as to whether or not his abilities are taking it a step too far, and judging by the reaction of those who have posted, they are.


Now, honestly, this applies to anyone who makes a character, if your fellow team-mates are pointing out problems, and finding things that they are finding it difficult to Rp with, and commenting that they feel what is happening is being took a step too far, then it must be, right? And the only way to rectify that problem is to come to a compromise, perhaps Lokii's abilities only seem OP because of how they are presented? maybe that is what needs to change, the way in which he uses them, or perhaps themselves they are just a tad too far for us to contend with? I've been in the position myself, when making the character you think "yeah, this is great, everyone is gonna love their uniqueness" But once you unleash them, others, and eventually you realize that you've overstepped the boundary a little.


To make an example of a Pre-existing character, Rhaine does infact possess some very potent abilities, but as stated, she is only just coming to grips with them. It was not until page 264 that she unleashed a power of any detrimental effect, up until then, it had simply been the imbuing of her blade with holy energy, and summoning of a Balor (which i recall only thrice, maybe twice).


I believe that, if the same is done with Lokii's, e.g, not using these dark eldrich powers in average battles, but saving them until a moment agreed upon by whomever it may effect (as me and Auri agreed Rhaine's "damnation" spell would take Ravenna to hell), then there would not be an issue, and we could all roleplay as we have been doing since the start: In unison.


I don't take sides, unless it's in the name of fashion, so please, don't think this is intended to be me siding with anyone or any idea, it's just my observation on what's occurring :thumbsup:


(And thank you Macman, i'm very, very happy that i am seen as a talented writer :sweat: )

Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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I agree with mythic (and said something similar to Mac in a PM). ;)


The key thing here is restraint. Your character may have the potential to unleash hell, but you don't do it unless it is absolutely necessary and agreed upon by other members.

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I didn't have Echo say good morning to Nawen, since I figure it's more than likely she would've rushed out the door with Rhaine, Amendale, Weyland, and Little Old Monica. :D
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I didn't have Echo say good morning to Nawen, since I figure it's more than likely she would've rushed out the door with Rhaine, Amendale, Weyland, and Little Old Monica. :D

No worries, dear. :thumbsup: Yeah, she would have followed to see what happened. :teehee:

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