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Tales of Faerun


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Argh ... I didn't realize the gravedigger was a minor character of Mythic's (Monica's husband). :facepalm: Edited so it's the apprentice speaking to Echo and not the gravedigger himself.
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Call me crazy here, but I feel that the whole group probably wouldn't get along with each other if this were reality. I mean, in a group of several people, what are the odds they'll all get along, anyway? Lokii provides a tension that is actually sort of a good thing, if that makes sense. I say keep him, but tone down on having him go off on his own and have a whole adventure alone. (Wow, I'm one to talk, huh?)


My honest opinion is, keep him. :3

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I don't have a problem with with Lokii being unsociable. What bothers me is that you're constantly having him go off alone like tokyo said, and haven't toned Lokii down a little bit like a few others have suggested. He's a good character, just... don't go overboard with him, is all I'm saying (I don't mean to sound overly critical or anything, just trying to offer a little advice).
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What Grue said. He's a great character, and your posts are always well-written, but it's like he's on his own adventure sometimes. :3


Also, how many of you guys besides me, Auri, Grue, and Flippy have Steam? >_> I actually kinda want to get to know you guys a little better, and that's just where we could all have a semi-general chat at once. :sweat:

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What Grue said. He's a great character, and your posts are always well-written, but it's like he's on his own adventure sometimes. :3


Also, how many of you guys besides me, Auri, Grue, and Flippy have Steam? >_> I actually kinda want to get to know you guys a little better, and that's just where we could all have a semi-general chat at once. :sweat:


Yep, if anybody else has Steam, I'll invite you all to join the chat group I made especially for the RP. :)

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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I'm on it. Though i don't have any friends on there so i have no idea how most of those kind of functions work. So yes, I fail at Steam. :( Been on it for two years and still don't know how it all works lol. Never had much of a reason to use the community section though so meh.
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I'm on it. Though i don't have any friends on there so i have no idea how most of those kind of functions work. So yes, I fail at Steam. :( Been on it for two years and still don't know how it all works lol. Never had much of a reason to use the community section though so meh.


Is your username the same? If so, I can find you.

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