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Tales of Faerun


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Well, here is my replacement for Arica, seeing as Ravenna won't be primary for a while, it'll give me some time to focus on xallistine and my new gal:


Name: Mireth Celeethelen


Race: Eladrin


Age: 348


Class: Divine Champion of Corellon


Alignment: Good


Deity: Corellon


Place of Origin: Arvandor


Appearance: Mireth is a tall elf of slender build(6’1” in height), and her body is toned with fine muscles. She has delicate elven features, very long snow-white hair, and a healthy glow to her skin. Her eyes are a light violet, and are flecked with gold.


Armor/Clothing: Mireth wears a revealing green outfit that is adorned with heavy gold accessories, her neck is bound in a solid gold brace, and her shoulders protected with golden pauldrons. Her midsection is completely exposed, and her modesty is protected only with a green harness for her breasts, and a long, intricately detailed loincloth that almost brushes the floor as she walks. Her shins are protected with golden pads, and her feet in a pair of golden sandals. Mireth’s hair is tied back with gold rings, and she wears a headpiece to keep it all in check:




Weapon: A pair of beautiful elven blades, the bar of the crossguard and the pommel are both crafted into bronze swirls with embedded azure cabochons. They rest in embroidered azure and gold sheaths, that sit either side of Mireth’s hips.


Personality: Mireth is kind, friendly, and speaks with soft, soothing words. She despises evil in all of it’s forms, and has spent her whole life striking it down in the name of Corellon. She resents the denizens of Shar’s realm deeply, and hates the orcs.. She is mild-mannered and well spoken. In battle she is focused and ruthless, having spilled much blood over her years.


History: Born in Arvandor, she lived a life rich with culture and beauty, from a young age learning to wield the blade, in her youth she honed her skills of swordplay through various adventures throughout faerun. Developing her own style of combat based on the graceful moves of the Blade Dancers, she returned home to become a protector of Corellon’s holy temples. Through hard graft and a lot of work, she set herself up to the position of divine champion in recent years, waging campaigns against Corellon’s foes.


She met Rhaine Alcinea and Maydiira Torana in the Underdark some time ago, she and a party of Eladrin were assisting combat the undead that attempted to reach the surface. She did not stay for very long after, as tensions between her party and the good Drow caused her problems, but long enough to have briefly befriended both favoured souls.


She currently travels an unknown course, intent upon crossing the great desert, to reach the Dalelands beyond.

Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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That's awesome, Auri! :D


Sorry for not being on here lately. I have an English paper that is a source of a LOT of stress and sleep deprivation due later today :wallbash: , and I have a math midterm tomorrow evening. I'll be free after my test tomorrow, so I'll try to be on then.

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You know how little children ask too many questions sometimes? That describes Echo at the moment ... but she'll quit if she senses Rhaine's not in the mood. :laugh:
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