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Tales of Faerun


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Welcome, Raz. :happy: It is great to hear that you are interesting in joining the RP. :dance:


It is sad to see you go, Ithil. I as well liked reading your posts and characters.


I am also very sorry for not posting anything lately. I am very busy at the moment with real life things. :wacko:

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:( And now i am sad.... hate to see you go but i can completely understand. If you're not really having fun and your heart's not into it then why bother? Then all it really becomes is a waste of time. So here's to hoping that you have fun reading whatever comes next :thumbsup:


Also.. page 300 :dance: :dance: :dance:

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Hate to lose 2 Rpers in a single day, but what's done is done. Sorry to see the both of you go.
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Sorry for not posting much lately, i've been working on Ravenna's travels as of late. Currently in Phlegethos.


Anyhoo, i'll try and get a post up soon :thumbsup:


Ooh, Ravenna! :dance: Always fun to see what she's up to. :D

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I have already done far too many words to put in one post :laugh: But i don't want to split it up into the RP either, as it'll be giant posts every so often, which will get lost pages behind :laugh: I think i may post the final product on deviant art should anyone be interested when i finish, that way i think shall be much easier :thumbsup:
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Whoa, I missed a lot. Hey there, kiddos. I sorta went to sleep at 6 PM and just woke up. (It's 11:14 AM right now.) :sweat:


Before that, I was lazy and out of ideas for a while... So, I welcome Raz and am sorry to see Ithil and Mac go and, and, *yawns* ...I just woke up, it's a wonder I even logged in this quickly. :P


I guess I got a little readin' to do. I'll probably get lazy at some point, 'cause you know, I'm me.


(Edit: You see how distracted I am? Started typing at 11:14, finished at 11:25 because somehow I was distracted for ten minutes. :B )

Edited by tokyobleach
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