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My deepest and sincerest apologies, but it seems my posting of my char and intro posts will have to be delayed awhile. A close family friend of mine is having some medical problems and I'll be away over the weekend looking after her. I'll work on it when I can, but it'll most likely be around next Thursday or Friday before I can post anything.


Again, my deepest apologies.




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There's no need for apologies, Raz. Real life always comes first. :)


Best wishes for your friend and I hope she'll feel better soon.


^This. :)

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I'm so sorry I haven't posted for a good long while, everyone. I just haven't had the time to stay on here long enough to type up a post. Hopefully my computer part will be here Monday and I can have it repaired quickly.


@Ithil: :( Too bad you're leaving. Tak'we really liked Echo. Oh, well, if you ever decide to come back, Echo can travel to where everyone's heading. It's been fun. :happy:

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Name: Kento Ikeda

Race: Human

Age: 42

Class: Kensei / Psionicist

Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Deity: None

Place of Origin: Kozkura

Appearance: Kento stands at five foot seven. Most of his body is covered in severe burns and tattoos obviously added after the burns. His face however has been spared any signs of burning.

Armor/Clothing: Feeling that armor only slows him down Kento instead wears bracers which increase his natural speed, allowing him to dodge and parry attacks that would surely kill him. His clothing is often basic and nondescript.

Weapon: A single heavily enchanted Katana that has been passed from down from father to son for six generations. Being a pcionicist his mind is also an equally dangerous weapon.

Personality: Cold and deathly serious Kento never jokes, never laughs, never smiles. His face set into a permanent scowl. He has little use for socializing and is fueled only by a code of honor and a need for revenge.

History: There was a time when Kento smiled, A time back when he was happy. An adventurer of no small renown he made his fortune amongst friends. But he soon saw the truth. The path that those he traveled with were on was the wrong one. He tried to stop and save them to no avail. The others found what he was trying to do and forced him to run. He had a wife and son waiting for him to return home. He was going to settle down, spend the rest of his days with his family, Teaching his son to be a man and devoting more time to his wife. But the evil he had fought soon found him. He returned home one day to find his wife and son murdered. Their killer still standing over their defiled bodies, bathed in their blood and a smile on his face. The trap was sprung, and Kento burned but did not die. Now he hunts, tracking the man who destroyed his world and will not rest until he is found.

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Name: Arland Grey



Race: Human, Male



Age: 22



Class: Tempest Fighter



Alignment: Chaotic Good



Deity: Tempus



Place of Origin: Westgate



Appearance: Neck-length dark brown hair, nearly black, with unassuming green eyes (unless he's discussing his cause.) sunburned fair skin, and thin, chapped lips. His nose is long and thin, with a pink scar running horizontally across it. A dagger slash has left another pink scar running from just above his upper left lip diagonally down towards his jaw line. He doesn't often shave and as a result his face is covered in stubble. He, like many in his family, stands several inches taller than averages, and is quite muscular and strong. He can take a hit and shrug it off, but not quite to the level of many other fighters due to his light armor, but is also more agile and dexterous than most of his fellow warriors.



Armor/Clothing: Light yet durable steel chainmail supplemented with light armoured plates that enhance Arland's protection without encumbering him much more. On his head he often wears chainmail helmet with leather padding on the interior, pulled over his head almost like a hood. His sword belt contains a sheath for his blades and a multi-purpose knife tucked into a small sheath on the small of his back. When travelling, he has a durable leather backpack and a simple, hooded fur cloak.



Weapon: Arland uses a pair of well-crafted longswords, with various designs and depictions of battle forged into the hilt. The blades themselves grow broader as they approach the hilt, thin out as they reach the middle of the blade, and then fan out once again as they near the tip of the sword, making them excellent choices for slashing and stabbing, as well as giving them a bit more of an armor-piercing edge than most blades. He also carries a simple though reliable and well-made crossbow and has a quiver of 25 bolts, but isn't a particularily good shot with it and only uses it if a foe cannot be reached. He also has a multi-purpose utility knife, but against all but the lightest armor it is of little use. He is very skilled with his blades, however, with a melee combat prowess rivalling Weyland's.



Personality: Arland is a young man willing to go to extremes for what he believes in, but he doesn't believe in most things evil such as senseless murder for the fun of it. He firmly believes that the rich and powerful should be knocked down several pegs and made to serve the people as their position dictates, and hates pompous and selfish nobles, politicians, lawyers, and landowners. He is infamous in the Westgate region and, as of recently, the Dalelands, for his habit of assassinating powerful figures who serve themselves first. This has many viewing him as a terrorist, but Arland's intentions are ones that (he hopes) will ultimately result in improved lives for the vast majority of people. He is a stubborn, serious man that prefers to work alone or in small groups, and keeps himself in peak shape as often as he can. He can grow to be quite protective to his friends, however. Because he is so stubborn and strong-willed, he has a natural talent for resisting spells that target the mind.



History: Arland Grey, like his brother Weyland, was born and raised in Westgate along with two sisters. His older brother and him were quite close (though still possessing a healthy rivalry for one another.) until Weyland disappeared when Arland was only 8. Unbeknownst to him, Weyland had been kidnapped and pressed into service as one of Sana's slaves, and this lack of knowledge eventually led to him thinking that Weyland had either abandoned the family or was dead. He received combat training from one of his father's friends, a member of the town guard, and after many years of practice and training under multiple tutors and of his own accord, Arland had become quite adept with dual-wielding daggers and swords. The family farm was possessed by a noble when they started falling behind on taxes, and the family was forced to move. Arland, however, struck back against the selfish snob, waylaying caravans carrying luxuries for the noble and eventually assassinating him. While his family was left unharmed, Arland was forced to leave Westgate as a wanted man (although not without leaving his family quite well off with spoils from the noble's estate.) He found himself travelling far and wide, and before he knew it he was in the Dalelands several months later.

Edited by Flipout6
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