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Name: Jaxion

Race: Human

Age: 48

Class: Assassin/Sorcerer

Alignment: Chaotic evil

Deity: Cyric

Place of Origin: Tezir

Appearance: Jaxion’s age is starting to show as his skin is beginning to wrinkle and his jet black hair is beginning to grey and start to thin out, His frame however is still as lean as it was in his youth.

Armor/Clothing: Jaxion will almost always be found wearing his black robes, What he wears underneath is more often than not common wear.

Weapon: He carries several knives and has an assortment of spells which he can use.

Personality: Most would call him unhinged, but those that know him see what’s going on behind his bulging eyes. There’s a sort of genius for chaos hidden inside what appears to be a simple man.

History: Jaxion has a long history of violence, Of course those few that know of his parentage would expect nothing less. He has somehow managed to stay hidden from his supposed destiny however and became a loyalish member of the Zhentarim. Maintaining a cover as a raving lunatic

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Name: Mynos Argantes Ty'rii (Myn)


Race: Human


Age: 27


Class: Ranger/Swordmage/Weapon Master (longsword)


Alignment: True Neutral


Deity: Waukeen


Place of Origin: Jalanthar, Silver Marches


Appearance: Of plain looks, Myn could blend into the crowd and get lost immediately, despite having a long and slightly roundish face and a sharp hawkish nose. He can also oftentimes appear slightly pudgy at first glace, but is in actuality quite lean, slender and muscular. Which is also a likely beneficial side-effect from his many travels and work as a mercenary. Myn is of slightly below average height for someone from the northern regions and has blonde hair and blue eyes coloration most commonly associated with northerners. Finally, his hair is fairly long and most often kept in a braided ponytail.


Armor/Clothing: As both a ranger and a swordmage, Myn prefers to wear only clothing fitted for whatever environment he currently finds himself in, to best move at speed through it. Though he very rarely ever does it, if necessary, Myn will armor himself lightly. In order to allow the best possible range of free movement during combat, and to cast spells unhindered.


Weapons: As a swordmage Myn's preferred weapon is his longsword, which is named Ter'oc. It is both a carry over from his days as a ranger in the Silver Marches and a keepsake that once belonged to his long dead teacher and master, Tanec. Above everything else, Ter'oc is Myn's most beloved and cherished possession. Myn will also make it a habit to always have a longbow and quiver of arrows at hand, as he is also an accomplished archer and marksman. It is of no doubt having once been a ranger, that Myn's skill in archery should come as a surprise to anyone. Lastly, Myn will often make use of a small hunting knife that is generally carried at either the small of his back or on his right side for many everyday uses or actions.


Personality: Ever the calm and professional individual, Myn is rather hard to either upset or lead to anger, even though many have tried over the years. Once hired on by someone, he is the kind of mercenary that will stay loyal to you, no matter what, even if such action or sense of devotion might cost him his life. Unless otherwise forced to do so by extra mitigating circumstances, Myn's sense of loyalty is absolute and without question. While his sense of professionalism might keep others at bay. Myn can warm up to both those he respects and admires, and those he has grown to be rather fond of and care for.


History: The son of a local trapper, Myn spent his early youth in the Silver Marches learning how to catch game and various other wildlife alongside his father. As he grew older his skills in archery and hunting led him to leave his home of Jalanthar at the age of fifteen to seek out a living as a frontiers guidesman and ranger's apprentice. After several years, Myn grew to become an accomplished and highly skilled ranger in his own right, and fought in a series of battles against a raiding horde of Orcs spanning the entirety of the Silver Marches. The ensuing bloodshed from these battles caused Myn to grow disillusioned with the ruling governments and his sense of what was right and wrong was thrown into disarray. It was during this time that a swordmage based out of Silverymoon, named Tanec, became a traveling companion of Myn's and together they left the Silver Marches for good. During their travels, it was discovered that Myn had some talent for magic and Tanec promptly began to teach his erstwhile companion to become a swordmage, until his death after many years of adventuring together. Since then, Myn has traveled aimlessly, bounding from one meaningless job to another as a mercenary for hire.


*Ugh... my apologies for getting this up so late. Took a little longer than I would of liked to finish this off.

Edited by DracoRazgriz
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Hey guys! Just wanted to ask you guys a question about where we are taking this RP. We are very close to approaching the first events of the Spellplague, which launched Forgotten Realms into 4th edition several years ago. It's just recently come to my attention that WotC is preparing to launch the "Sundering" later in 2013: another "catalcysm" that will propel the Realms even further toward 5th edition.


Now, I don't know about you guys, but I am seriously tired of this worldspace being butchered from one version to the next - so I have a proposition. Since we are moving fairly quickly by Realms time (we've already spent over a year in the Realms timeline), how about we just ignore the fact that the Spellplague even happened? We can continue on in sort of an "alternate universe" that never goes past 3.5 edition.


What do you all say?

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Hehe thank you for the post, Auri. *happybounce* I apologize for not letting everyone know, but it's me (Naktis) and... hello. ;D


I agree that we should keep the RP in the 3.5e state without moving it to 4e. Even if not everyone are spellcasters in our group but it would affect anyone and not in a good way. Not to mentioned that the Realms were transformed so we'd get lost a lot. :wacko:

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