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Right, because massive dragons nor gods are in anyway over powered.


The power meter other characters seem to be exempt from.


To put it as AAN did, as a quick gif:



But whatever, this is your rp so I won't bother you about this again.

Edited by Brutii
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Just because you don't understand it doesn't make it hypocrisy. You
obviously forgot the rule about gods...they can only give advice in this
RP...and dragons can't put themselves back together, so your argument
is invalid.

You're right. This is my RP, but I want everyone to be comfortable here, and I want everyone to have fun here, and I don't want anyone infringing on the rights of others. That's what happened the last go around. It won't be tolerated this time.

Whining, smart-mouthing, and name-calling isn't going to change it.

Just to recall the conversation we had almost a year ago:

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Brutii, on 16 Jun 2012 - 10:55, said:


'Brutii', on 16 Jun 2012 - 10:53, said:



So basically, any attack I make is void? Wtf...

Read what I just posted.

Yeah... Ditto

AurianaValoria1, on 16 Jun 2012 - 10:54, said:



'Brutii', on 16 Jun 2012 - 10:53, said:

So basically, any attack I make is void? Wtf...

Read what I just posted.

Brutii, on 16 Jun 2012 - 11:09, said:



Brutii, on 16 Jun 2012 - 11:17, said:


'BaldurAnthology', on 16 Jun 2012 - 11:15, said:


'Brutii', on 16 Jun 2012 - 11:09, said:



No. I say you cannot kill Caladus. He is my character, and thus I control if he lives or dies. Also, Although he may not fight, I am still going to (after this when Cal is walking in the woods (You said this was ok last night, Auri) grant horses. how many is up to you, if you only want him to grant the one for Cal, then so it shall be. If you want a bunch of good horses, so it shall be.

-.- I hate that rule, people die every day



Do you all take everything so seriously?

AurianaValoria1, on 16 Jun 2012 - 11:18, said:

You have no control over who lives and dies...only your own characters.


If anyone has a problem with the way this RP is handled, bow out gracefully.

I think I've been pretty consistent and I'm tired of the same argument popping up.

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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First off, there is a difference between picking fights all the time and being an evil character. Bad guys don't just constantly kill unless they're utterly psychotic. Nobody in their right mind wants to fight all the time, anyway. This RP is much more of a social one than a fighting one, I'd say, so characters that constantly fight disrupt the whole thing and just don't quite fit in cohesively.


The main point here, though, is that Auri never said you couldn't join, she just suggested you start with a new character. It's not unreasonable, and if I remember correctly, Adamant was a tank, pure and simple.


Also, you may call me whatever names you wish. In fact, I would welcome your disrespecting myself instead of Auri, someone who obviously has more experience in roleplaying than you do and should be respected as such.


......I like puppies. :V

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@Auriana Your argument about me forcing the dragons head towards spinning blades is valid as it was meta-gaming, I do apologise, I forgot about that instance and at the time did not know that forcing someones head was meta-gaming, I only thought it was when one dictated damage to another


Everything past that is irrelevant as it is either me stating my personal standing on one of the rules (I may also comment this had little to do with Adamant, as I still hate that rule and will always hate that rule because, as I stated before, people die and death is another part of life), making silly speeches or simply wondering why baldur was allowed to make it so any damage I dealt was instantly healed. Technically, Adamant couldn't simply put himself back together as he would need outside help to restore an arm first, though with his arm body and head intact he very well could rebuild himself.


No, me not understanding something doesn't make it hypocrisy, and I would not use the word in such a way, instead I would state I do not understand something, in the same way I have stated that I do not understand why Adamant has gained OP status. Comment: You said you were not going to argue, yet made a counter argument to me anyway? Of course, I can hardly talk, as I said I would leave the issue alone and I haven't. Though I see this now more as me defending my honour and less to do with Adamant himself


@Tokyo I agree with your first statement when in accordance to Humans, but Adamant was not human, he was Warforged, design to kill and destroy when simply given the order. Killing things has filled his whole life to the point when death has became the only punishment he would ever give. He set up a strict structure of rules after destroying his creator/ the same set of rules he zealously upheld, through blade and skill. One of these rules led to him pursuing the party through the forests and into a town so he could get his 'vengeance'. On top of this, I have not called anyone a name, I simply stated my view on Auri.


PS: Auri, thank you for marking my speech in red, red is such an awesome colour. The colour red was the colour of both the Roman and British empires, both of which spanned massive segments. It also happens to be my favorite colour. I have always found it to be an eye catching colour, which makes it useful for designing posters. Sadly, others view it as a violent and negative colour. I have always been disappointed with this view.

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