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Alright, showed one of Arland's weaknesses (he's a terrible shot)


If there's anything wrong with this latest post just lemme know (I was exhausted when I posted it.)

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Alright, here we are, if anything is wrong just point it out.

Name: Carnifex Daud

Race: Human

Age: 34

Class: Assassin

Alignment: Neutral Evil

Deity: None

Place of Origin: 'Hmm... I'm quite sure it was a building...' (( I admit I made up name. I have no idea of any towns. Prehapes someone could give me a link so I don't have to make up the name ))

Appearance: Carnifex Daud stands at 6'. His black hair has a grey streak on the left side. His eyes are brown and seem to be tired most of the time. He rarely smiles, but frowns more often than not. In-fact, sometimes it seems his face is permanently frowning. Carnifex has some trouble reading social situations and displays what seems to be a lack of empathy for others.

Armor/Clothing: Light Armour, Travel-worn Boots, Gold amulet, Hood

Weapon: Sword, Wrist mounted Crossbow, Small vials of lethal Poisons for matters requiring a more... sensitive touch, Poison Bolts, Crossbow bolts, Poison Darts (Non-lethal. Basically sleep darts), Black Mask

Personality: Carnifex Daud is generally uncaring for the wishes of others, he is an assassin by trade and thinks very little of killing when the occasion calls for it. However, he tries to avoid killing people who are not his mark as it stains what little of a conscience he has. Carnifex wishes to retire into wealth and prosperity after he grows to old. He has plans for his life laid out, but he fears what will happen after death as he has no control over it. And that makes him the prey.

History: Born Alfred Winterbottom (He changed that name as soon as he could. He took his mothers maiden name, Daud and chose Carnifex for his first name simply because 'It sounded more threatening'). Carnifex started his existence as a thief, stealing food, money and other goods. At age 16, he put the stealth skills he had acquired growing up to use as an Assassin.
His first job was nothing glamorous, he was contracted to kill a fisherman. He knew the old fisher man, Samuel. The man had been nice enough in his youth, he had told stories of the sea and sometimes even gave a fish to the youth. But Carnifex wanted the money, he had grown greedy after snatching money from shops.
The kill sounded easy enough, but he failed in almost every way. After stowing away on the boat, an opportune time came to carry out the kill. But he couldn't do it, he could see those old eyes. Which were weathered but friendly, even now the man was alone. Carnifex decided to return to shore and forget about the whole nasty business. He didn't even realise he had made a sound until a wooden pole was brought down on his back. The fisherman had caught him, only now, threatened with imprisonment and starvation did he have the will to kill the man. He stood and spun, tearing out his blade, barely even realising what he was doing. When he was finished, those old eyes were empty now, staring up at him. It was haunting.
The Town Guards found the fisherman dead in his boat with blood splattered everywhere. Carnifex had taken 5 stabs to kill the man, the rusty blade had caused a painful demise. He could kill... he knew that now... he was less hesitant on his next kill.
He met another Assassin while on his third contract. The two competed to get their target, eventually this ended with a climatic sword fight on the roof of a manor. Carnifex was getting more and more experienced at his job, but this Assassin was stronger, faster and more skilled in all respects. After a 7 minute engagement Carnifex found himself disarmed and on the wrong side of a blade. He had prepared for the blow that would surely end his life... but it never came
"You have some skill, boy" The assassin had said, pausing to wipe blood from his face before continuing what was almost a recruitment speech "With my help you could go far. You could become one with the shadows, your targets would not know you were there until they drew their last breaths. Your blade a whirlwind, your feet silent." Carnifex had been searching for a way to escape, but he had stopped, intrigued by this one. "Well? Want my help?" Carnifex and paused, unsure of what to do and what to say "Do ya?" The voice came again. But this time, Carnifex nodded slowly, unspeaking. The Assassin had lowered his blade "Come"
The Assassin, whose name was Balof, had led him into the sewers of the city. This was the place Carnifex would call home for many a year. Balof trained him, he learnt. He learnt how to fight properly, how to kill 'properly' and how to cross filled rooms without being seen. By the end of the 5 years they were together, Carnifex had transformed from a hired thug into something much more deadly.
Of course, all 'good' things come to an end. Balof died one day, caught and killed by guards. This gave Carnifex a final lesson, how even one mistake can cost you everything. Carnifex had systematically killed off the three men who had taken the life of his friend and mentor, before leaving town. Concluding it was safer not to linger in one place for too long.
Ever since then he has traveled the land, with every kill becoming even more deadly. And even richer. Slowly, he is building up a small fortune so that he may live comfortably in his old age... that is, if he survives for that long. Now he leads a small group of Assassins, 12 in number. They turn up to 'make your problems disappear'... if the coin is good enough. Money solves everything...

But sometimes, when it's late at night, those eyes still haunt his dreams. And sometimes he awakes, sweating and gasping for breath.

Edited by Brutii
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What are these 'various poisons' you mention? Please elaborate on what kind of poisons he has and how much.


Also, are you planning on him bringing the team with him? How many assassins are there all total? You can only have three major characters. Side characters must be in and out quickly. If you plan on having more than one major character, you'll need to make sheets for them as well - but you can only have two more in addition to Carnifex.


Where is this Bonwolf you say your char is from? It doesn't show up on the FR wiki.


Lawful Evil, Neutral Evil, or Chaotic Evil alignment?

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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No, he won't be bringing the assassins along. They will have cameos every now and then but probably won't do anything more than look scary.


I'll be honest, I just made up the name because I can't find a page on human towns :(

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You'll probably want to get well acquainted with the wiki here: http://forgottenrealms.wikia.com/wiki/Portal:Geography There's the geography portal, where you should be able to find towns and cities for each region.


We try to stay as lore-friendly as possible, so including canon places and practices is encouraged.


OK, we'll give this a shot. Be sure to stay with the story and interact appropriately with other characters (the group has had problems with character interactions before, and it didn't end well).


If you haven't already, re-familiarize yourself with the rules. Sometimes, as problems arise, the rules are updated. Checking back occasionally is a good idea.


Also, if you have any questions about anything, especially something that you want to do on your own, ask before you do it. Around here, the "it's better to ask forgiveness than permission" thing doesn't work. Always ask first if you are unsure of anything. Avoid problems; don't cause 'em.


Good luck and happy writing. :)

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Carry on without me guys, i can catch up... I'm extremely busy and riddled with troubles at the moment :ermm:


If needs be, Auri can move Xallistine and Mireth if they are like miles away, but otherwise i should be able to resume posting soon-ish.


Right-o. Hope things get better soon.


On a related note, has anyone heard from Nightshade?

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I wanted to say brava/bravo for the battle scenes, folks! Death by suffocation is my personal nightmare, no joke. *shivers* An enraged Tak'we is a fearsome thing to behold, Weyland and Amendale's teamwork is brilliant, and then there's Rhaine handing out her Judgments (or the threat of one) right and left. Just ... wow! :woot:

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Just so everyone knows, I'm not going to be able to post for several days (worst case looks like an entire week :yucky: ). There's no internet connection where I live, which sucks. I'll try to post if I get the chance, but it'll be rare in any case. Sorry for any inconvenience, guys. :( I hope everyone has fun while I'm gone.


@Thanks, Ithil! :biggrin: (methinks you should join us again sometime :wink:​ )

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