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Tales of Faerun


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*Dances into forum* Helloes, everyone! I'm back from my long silence! ;D It'll take me a while to get caught up with things, but I'll hopefully get there (tonight, preferably). Well, see y'all soon. :biggrin:

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New guy. hope he's alright.

Name: Azuris

Race: Human

Age: 34

Class: Doomguide, Great Weapon Fighter, Paladin (fallen)

Alignment: Lawful neutral

Deity: Kelemvor

Place of Origin: Athkatla

Appearance: Standing at six feet tall Azuris is an imposing figure, Thick limbs and numerous scars mark him as a warrior by trade. His dirty blonde hair is kept shorter than his thick beard. His dark brown eyes carry a weight with them that shows a world weary man who’s seen too much to ever be surprised.

Armor/Clothing: For armor he wears heavy plate mail which has the symbol of Kelmevore painted on it. Though through wear and tear the symbol is all but worn away by now.

Weapon: A large claymore that he wields with much ease, able to use it with either one or two hands, a well as a small hand-crossbow usually found attached at his hip.

Personality: Gruff, unapologetic, and jaded, Azuris is not one for manners and is horribly out of place amongst other paladins. To him it’s all just a job he’s good at, not something to devote his life too.

History: Raised to be a paladin Azuris was once the shining example of what a paladin should be, but years of being forced to cut down women and children simply because their race was deemed as “evil” eventually wore him down, the light in his eyes left as did his respect for the order. Eventually he took the mantel of doom guide to try and distance himself from such actions only to find more tragedies and heartbreaks. Fallen out of favor he now simply travels the land, taking up just about any job that requires the destruction of the undead. After all, a guy’s gotta make a living somehow right?

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Hello guys. *waves*


Good to see some new members and characters. I am terribly late for this but, great character sheets and welcome! ;D


I know I've missed a lot of events but could someone maybe fill me in about what happened in general and to the characters? Hope that Nawen and Aedan were not murdered in a ditch somewhere. :ohdear:

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Hello guys. *waves*


Good to see some new members and characters. I am terribly late for this but, great character sheets and welcome! ;D


I know I've missed a lot of events but could someone maybe fill me in about what happened in general and to the characters? Hope that Nawen and Aedan were not murdered in a ditch somewhere. :ohdear:


;D They're fine...Nawen was just "understood" to be with us the whole time.


PM sent. :)

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