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Hey everyone, just posting this here to say that Tok gave me temporary permission to control Sana, to be handed back to her whenever she wishes. She just wasn't feeling up to posting today but it was a major moment, so she handed control over to me, for the moment.

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It's been awhile since I've had time to RP, so it looks like I'm comin' home. I really didn't like my last character though, so I would be glad if you would allow me back in with these two. Luckily I have a lot of time on my hands now, so I put everything I got into these.



Name: Othos of the Desert

Race: Genasi Windsoul/Firesoul

Age: 24

Class: Swordmage

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Deity: None

Place of Origin: Calimshan Desert

Appearance: 5'9, pale lavender skin that is cool to the touch , and pupiless white eyes. His hair is white, midlength, and upswept as though held by a light wind. When angered his Firesoul nature becomes more evident, and his eyes begin to glow a yellow tint that darkens to a light orange when he is overcome with great rage. Also, as his anger takes hold his white hair begins to grey, and finally becomes as a fire atop his head. Other traits gained during and angered state include sharpened teeth, and significantly hotter skin.

Armor/Clothing: Othos wears a red silken tunic that reaches his knees with a black silk sash wrapped at his waist, and white silk sirwal. Both arms are heavily armored with simplistic steel armoring what covers all portions of flesh from the shoulders to the fingers. He wears no shoes.

Weapon: His falchion, named Amun, with which he holds a tight bond. It is a simple blade of steel, with no guard and a leatherbound handle that curves slightly forward. He makes significant use of his elemental abilities in combat, enhancing his speed with wind and conjuring flames. Though his control over air and fire is connected to his mood, with greater control of air when calm, and fire when angered.

Personality: Othos is a rather cool, reserved individual who values freedom higher than anything, including his own life. He constantly fights his burning anger, and finds great shame in losing his cool when anger is uncalled for. His disinterest in most things lead many to believe he is apathetic when quite the opposite is true, as he is always aware of others and willing to fight for their freedom and well being.

History: Born to semi-nomadic Windsoul genasi in the Calimshan Desert Othos' family was forced into constant movement due to prejudice against genasi due to their past control over the humans of Calimshan, and rival Firesoul genasi who held grudges stemming from the ancestral hatred between djiin and efreeti. When he was 16, Othos developed a Fire manifestation that appeared after a heated argument with his parents. This caused him to become ostracized from his family, and lead him to eventually leave in search of a life of freedom and adventure.

At 18, while exploring the Shaar, Othos came across a lone Wemic who shared his love of freedom and lack of a family, and the two quickly became comrades.


Name: Kowolj

Race: Wemic

Age: 10 (they mature at age 5)

Class: Barbarian

Alignment: Neutral Good

Deity: None, worships nature in a shamanistic fashion.

Place of Origin: The Shaar

Appearance: With the upper torso of a man, and the lower torso of a lion, Kowolj stands at 6ft from front paws to head and 11ft from head to hindquarters. His fur is tawny and his thick mane is black. His facial features are a mix of human and feline, with sharpened teeth and golden slitted eyes.

Armor/Clothing: Nothing save for a necklace of talons and claws, along with a leather harness for sheathing his blades on his back. He also has a few bags on his lion half's back for storage, yet they are made so that he can quickly remove them if forced into combat.

Weapon: Two iron shortswords with no unique qualities.

Personality: Kowolj is noble and respectful, yet almost painfully thick. The only instances in which his cunning shows through is in times of battle, and instances where violence is involved. He has no particular opinion on most matters, but is extremely loyal to Othos, who he believes is the spirit of freedom and wind.

History: Kowolj was raised as an average Wemic, playing as a cub with his fellow cubs in the pride. But when he was 4, his pride was slaughtered by a rival group of Wemics, leaving only he and the other cubs to fend for themselves. Over the next six years, his fellow survivors died one by one, leaving only Kowolj to fend for himself. That is, until he met Othos, whose love of freedom and elemental abilities convinced him that he was a great spirit, and pledged his friendship to this man.



Whattya think?

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I agree with Auri. Great character sheets and welcome back! :dance:


Edit: Oh. I almost forgot. Sorry for Nawen not introducing herself to some of the newest characters but like Auri mentioned that in my absence Nawen was 'understood' to be with the party so she would have introduced herself. :biggrin: I also have a bit of a problem to understand who's new and who's not. Stupid head doesn't work. :wallbash:


Edit 2: I also have a suggestion. Since we're using drow language and might use it later in the Underdark maybe we should write the translation from drow to common language in brackets or something.

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That's a good idea. Looks like the House Maerdryn translator is down, and the Chosen of Eilistraee site has a...mature background. :P

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Before anyone shoots me over it, I had permission to do everything in that post ;D

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lul, ol' Weyland took a little nap. No surprises there :biggrin:

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