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Edit: 2013/04/09 I am very sorry for all this nonsense but please disregard Rheilah (I hid the character sheet under the spoiler thing) I should have spent more time deciding whether I need another character or not. :wallbash:

Name: Rheilah (Rhei to her friends)

Race: Half-drow

Age: 25

Class: Rogue/Invisible Blade

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Deity: Valkur

Place of Origin: Westgate

Appearance: Shoulder blade length, light brown hair braided to the right side, amber eyes. Her light grey-ish skin color and slightly pointed ears suggests that she's a half-drow.

Armor/Clothing: Her armor is a custom made light leather armor with a winged cutlass. When she isn't wearing her armor, Rheilah wears simple brown breaches and a simple shirt. All of her clothing and armor are either of brown or golden colors.

Weapon: Two enchanted daggers, Throatcutter and Fang as well as a set of throwing knives.

Personality: Rheilah usually is a bubbly and hyperactive person randomly stealing things, especially shiny objects even if they are completely worthless. When she gets angry she can get really cold-blooded.

History: Rheilah was an orphan who grew up on the streets of Westgate. Just like many other orphans she resorted to thievery to survive. Even though she had no place to call home and no family to care for her Rheilah was oddly happy with her life. She always found a way to get food, clothing and a dry corner to sleep and because she wasn't the only orphan in Westgate she had many friends who helped her whenever she needed assistance.
At the age of eighteen, Rheilah was a skilled thief and one day she joined a group of pirates called the Celestials of Waves. This particular band of pirates founded by an escaped slave robbed only the slavers ships as well as the ships of people who were known to own slaves.
Eventually, Rheilah got tired of raiding ships and left the crew to look for new adventures on the land.


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Nice character sheet, Nighty!


I'll be replacing Maydiira and Ginafae, soon, and these two will be their replacements (though they might not come into play until much later).





Name: Lyria Fenwhisper



Gender: Female

Race: Tiefling (succubus grandmother)

Age: 27

Class: Fighter/Rogue

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Deity: Waukeen





Height: 5'11"

Weight: 140 lbs

Hair: Jet black hair, always pulled into a high, thick ponytail

Eyes: Pink, the pupils of which are slitted like a serpent's

Skin: Shiny, bronze-colored complexion

Handedness: Ambidextrous

Scars/Tattoos: Her tail has been tattooed with intricate floral patterns, and she has a ragged scar beneath her left eye.

General physical description: Lyria's facial features are sharp, and her countenance is thin and long, much like the rest of her lanky form. She has a long, sinewy tail.

Voice: Low, sultry, and slightly breathy at times. It turns into a whine if things don't go her way.

Clothing/armor: Lyria wears a skin-tight, black leather jumpsuit that is studded with silvery steel along the shoulders, arms, and thighs. Though little to no flesh of her body shows, the suit still shows off her figure.

Weapons: A pair of silver hand sickles called Culler and Reaper.


Other Magical Equipment: Boots of Elvenkind (Move Silently +5), Bracers of Dexterity +2


General Personality Traits: Lyria is vain, proud, and greedy - the two former traits she inherited from her succubus grandmother. The only thing she loves more than herself is gold. Where others would be ashamed of their demonic heritage, Lyria embraces it. She believes she is the best and most beautiful woman on Toril...anyone who thinks otherwise is just kidding themselves. However, despite her tendency to cause trouble, she does not associate with others of her kind. In fact, she believes her full-blooded ancestors to be little more than animals.

Likes: Herself, gold, material wealth, anything to do with adventure


Dislikes: Boredom

Fears: Becoming a pauper, losing her ability to fight

Attitudes towards friends/strangers: Lyria is usually quite loyal to friends who earn her trust, though people generally have to jump through hoops to get that far. She dislikes strangers in general, until they start talking coin.

Opinion of the world: The world is a place of endless opportunity.



Birthplace: Westgate

Family/Relationships: None (orphan)

Friends: Anyone who agrees with her, helps her, or looks the other way while she helps herself; Shalena Windsail

Enemies: Anyone who disagrees with her, hurts her, or takes exception to her.


Background: Born in Westgate, Lyria was destined for the life of a mercenary. Though it took much of her childhood and teenage years to "pay her dues," Lyria was eventually welcomed into the Swords of the Yellow Serpent - a ruthless, but effective group that stood its own amongst the countless other mercenary companies in the city. The tiefling's keen senses and talent as a finesse fighter were highly prized amongst the Serpents, and she quickly rose to become the leader of the company itself. Her love of gold, however, tainted her judgment, and one risky mission proved to be the destruction of the entire mercenary band - save herself.


Lyria now works as a lone sellsword. Despite her failure in keeping the Serpents in business, she still makes quite a bit of fortune for herself. However, she is becoming bored of Westgate and yearns for adventure beyond the Dragon Coast.



Skills and feats: Disable Device (23), Hide (10), Move Silently (14), Open Lock (27), Parry (28), Search (23), Sleight of Hand (27), Taunt (23)


Blind Fight - Lyria can fight well blinded or against invisible creatures

Disarm - Lyria can attempt to disarm a foe in combat

Infernal Resistance - Lyria's demon blood gives her extra resistance against cold, electricity, and fire

Darkvision - Lyria can see well in caves and at night


Languages spoken - Common and Abyssal

Pets/Animal Companions: None




Name: Conall Whitefang



Gender: Male

Race: Human (lycanthrope - werewolf)

Age: 35

Class: Paladin/Ranger

Alignment: Lawful Good

Deity: Selune




Height: 6'2"

Weight: 180 lbs

Hair: Steel-grey mixed with white

Eyes: Sharp, electric blue

Skin: Weathered and tan

Handedness: Right

Scars/Tattoos: Many on his chest and back

General physical description: Conall is quite muscular, bold-featured, with a cleft chin and a square jaw. In his werewolf form, Conall's hair/fur and eyes are the same color as in his human state.

Voice: Deep and gruff.

Clothing/armor: Conall wears a full suit of silvery steel armor. He is often mistaken for a knight, as he always wears a visored helm. When out of armor, he wears a simple pair of brown breeches and a white shirt. He always sports a silver amulet with the symbol of Selune.

Weapons: A silver-enhanced crossbow called Starbright. For occasional melee, Conall also carries a shortsword and dagger.


Other Magical Equipment: Necklace of Prayer Beads (limited clerical spell use), Ring of Fortitude +4


General Personality Traits: Conall is very quiet and introverted, preferring to keep to himself. He protects several shrines to Selune in the Cormanthor, and so he is almost always on the move. He despises followers of Malar and will slay them whenever he finds them...preferably in his werewolf form.

Likes: Animals, nature, quiet places


Dislikes: City life in general

Fears: Losing control over his lycanthropy

Attitudes towards friends/strangers: Conall is extremely loyal to friends and impassive towards strangers

Opinion of the world: The world is full of evil and corruption that must be rooted out if the good are to survive



Birthplace: Cormanthor

Family/Relationships: Whitefang Clan (deceased)

Friends: Good rangers, good lycanthropes, Church of Selune

Enemies: Evil rangers, evil lycanthropes, Church of Malar


Background: Conall was born into a good pack of werewolves, all of whom were followers of the goddess of the moon, Selune. He showed an aptitude for combat at an early age, and so was trained to become a warrior. In his teenage years, he pledged himself to the protection of the followers of Selune and her shrines, and so he became a paladin in the service of the Moonmaiden. It was not long after this that his family was slaughtered by a band of Malarites, and he himself was almost killed. The shrine of Selune that his family kept was also destroyed in the battle.


This event has always haunted Conall, and he seeks to redeem himself by guarding every shrine to Selune in the Cormanthor forest...even if it means traveling back and forth for hundreds of miles for the rest of his life.



Skills and feats: Concentration (25), Hide (10), Move Silently (20), Parry (21), Survival (23)


Natural Bond - Because of a strong bond between Conall and Fenrir, Fenrir is more powerful, despite Conall's split class levels

Brew Potion - Conall can brew a potion of any minor spell that he knows that is level 3 or lower

Smite Evil (3) - Conall can deal extra damage to evil creatures

Turn Undead (5) - Conall can cause minor undead to flee or freeze in place

Rapid Shot - Conall can fire as many bolts with a crossbow in the same amount of time as an archer can fire arrows with a longbow

Paladin Spellcasting - Conall can cast a few minor-level paladin spells

Ranger Spellcasting - Conall can cast a few minor-level ranger spells


Languages spoken - Common

Pets/Animal Companions: A white wolf companion named Fenrir

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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I made my evil dude, just like I said. :devil:



Name: Fssoulis

Race: Yuan-ti Pureblood

Age: 57

Class: Cancer Mage

Alignment: Neutral Evil

Deity: Talona (formally Sseth)

Place of Origin: Sword Coast

Appearance: Standing at 6'0, Fssoulis has a very lean and bony frame. His face is extremely gaunt and pale, giving him a perpetual look of illness. His mouth is unnaturally large and his lips are extremely thin, almost to the point of non-existence. Along with this he has a long forked tongue, white eyes with black slitted pupils, two vertical slits for nostrils in place of a nose, and needle-like teeth of an opaque dark grey color. He constantly foams at the mouth, which he is forced to lick off in order to keep it from running down his face. On his chest over his heart is a large black festering wound, and black tendrils that extend out several inches over his skin. His long bony fingers are stained with blood, dirt, and refuse that he never bothers to clean. He has no hair, his head is as smooth as a 'babies bottom', though definitely not as cute.

Armor/Clothing: The only thing Fssoulis chooses to wear is a thin black funeral shroud.

Weapon: Mostly diseases and poisons, since he doesn't carry any weapons with him.

Personality: Once a proud, shining, arrogant example of what all pureblood infiltrators would hope to achieve, Fssoulis has fallen so far as to even fall out of favor with the very people responsible for his existence. After a rather powerful bout of rabies that he had the good fortune to survive, he became obsessed with disease, as he believed he could use it to achieve the Yuan-ti goal of eradicating all non-reptilian beings. But his descent into maddness has left him completely unstable, and his motives have become muddled to all, including himself.

History: After growing up in a Yuan-ti compund, Fssoulis showed great promise as an infiltrator and soldier of the reptilian cause. He was sent to spread discord in Neverwinter, which he happily agreed to. A few years after arriving, Fssoulis was bitten by a rabid dog and left to die in the street. By some twist of fate, he survived this encounter, though at a great cost to his sanity. He found weakness in his form and strength in disease, as he set about learning to control the most vile of magics. For the next few decades he gained great infamy as the most hated part of the Neverwinter Underground; hundreds came to him as though he was the angel of death, asking for someone of their choosing to 'get sick'. After a string of high ranking murder cases involving city officials and nobles Fssoulis was driven from the city, and thus the plague began to walk the land.

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