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Tales of Faerun


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I agree with Auri and Josh, Best to change his name and stick with one alignment, It'd be like making another Rhaine or another Nawen, one is certainly enough, and having characters with the same name as others just confuses things.


On another note, the amount of Good characters we have now really is rather astronomical, especially considering all of them have/will wound/wind up with the main party. It's understandable is no-one wants to RP an evil character with Ravenna, Sefris and Hakkon, but the three of them do have quite the opposition in however many umpteen goodies there are ;D


Don't worry, I'm not complaining or anything, just a little observation I made :happy:

Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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Heh, I'd have probably gone for a villain already if I hadn't reached my character limit already. It'd just take a while to come up with something good.

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I think I'll make a new character because I can't bring myself to change so much about a character that I've worked up so much on.


Oh, about the gods: interloper deities can have some small influence on their worshipers, but overall can't exactly influence the world unless they have significant enough followers.


I think I'll go with what mythicdawnmaster said and make an 'evil' character. I don't like making characters based around an alignment, though, so they will be whatever comes to mind for me. I do like anti heroes, so this should be interesting.

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All depends on what you want in a character and whether you will enjoy writing IC as them. Don't go for an evil character if you don't really want to, and you have to think of where they will slot in. Anti-Hero's don't necessarily have to be against Rhaine and the others, look at some of the shady characters they have in the group. (Arland is my prime example, but Sefris and Aedan once travelled with them).


Or perhaps you want to go full-scale evil and attempt to join Ravenna, which would require a lot more than an Anti-Hero, which slot into the category of "Protagonist" In literature, to my knowledge, they are like the bad cops and the rogue agents out for revenge or whatever, Ravenna and her little following are all cold blooded murderers and sadists... so quite the divide.


Could go solo as well, think up your own way to slot him in, perhaps as an antagonist from your good character's personal life and problems, as you seem to be writing well as him on your own also.


Anyhow, it is up to you, just make sure you make a character you'll be able to play and enjoy. :happy:

Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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Well would be a total waste of your work if you decide to not use the character instead of just changing a few things, but that's just my thinking.

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