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OK, there's a big problem here. The bigger Fey aren't in contact with the Realms in 3.5 edition. There's no connection between the Feywild and Toril. You've essentially created a 4th edition god-power...not just an epic character.


Sorry, this one isn't going to work, either.


It really sounds like you're trying too hard to make your secondary characters completely unique and special, when that doesn't have to be the case at all. There's nothing wrong with trying to make a unique character, but you can cross the line into OPness by going over the top with it.


To be fair, I don't try to be completely unique; a leShay is just something I've wanted to try for a very long time. He really wasn't intended to be an over the top character either. He was actually going to be quite unseen and doing a lot behind the scenes.

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I think you should try a less over-the-top character, Altmer. I mean, of course I'm not exactly the most memorable person in this RP and hardly ever post, but my characters are relatively normal and I have just as much fun with them as I would with special races/abilities, and everyone seems to love reading anything I post with them.


This probably makes no sense, but in short, what I think is that maybe you want a really special character that stands out, and really there's no need for it.


(Wow, I sound negative today)


PS - If we are making you feel unwelcome, that is definitely not the intention. We've just been at this for over a year and know when a character is probably not going to work out.

Edited by tokyobleach
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Okay, so I've narrowed down what I want to play right now and I hope it falls within playability (they really should):


An Air Genasi who is trying to find his place with his own kind (that being other Air Genasis), a wizard/sorcerer type of man from Luskan who is obsessed with the Far Realm and everything about it or a Drow from Sshamath who came from an extremely abusive House from Menzoberranzan.


These are but very faint ideas of the characters I'm interested in right now. I really wish we could incorporate some of Pathfinder's player options, especially the alternate race traits, the new classes and the class race variations. If it helps, 3.5 and Pathfinder are extremely similar in rule set.

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I don't know, I think I'll stay with my one character right now. I'm experiencing a huge creative block that's really stifling and preventing me from creating quality characters, that's probably why my most recent ones seem like crap. *bangs head against any hard surface* I'm really not this bad at character creation, I like to put a lot of love into my characters and really explain and detail them; not like what I have made recently.

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Well, Xyrsys is not really going to happen anymore... and I fancied a go at another good character- Originally the plan was to create an evil character, but I don't think I want to go through with the idea any longer.


Anyhoo, here is my newest. For those of you that are familiar with Mass Effect I was inspired by the Justicar Samara, and their look and armour are very similar (of course, no sci fi elements in a Deva)



Name: Seraphine
Gender: Female
Race: Deva
Age: 400
Class: Arcane Devotee/Justiciar of Tyr
Alignment: Lawful Good
Deity: Tyr

Height: 6’1


Hair: None, her head is completely shaven.

Eyes: Her eyes are strange and ethereal, her sclera sliver, and her iris a shade of incredibly light blue, that are of a considerable intensity, and glow in dark conditions.
Skin: light blue

Handedness: Ambidextrous.
Scars/Tattoos: Her markings are a deep crimson red. Her facial markings encompass the area her eyebrows would have been, and resemble them greatly, but are far more squared than traditional eyebrows, and carry on around the back of her head, travelling upwards until they meet at the tip of her skull. She has traditional markings on her shoulders, back, and chest.

General physical description: Tall, proud and wise, Seraphine is blessed with the general traits of beauty of which her kind is renowned for, but her looks are down to ones personal taste, a bald headed and stone-faced killer may not appeal to all. She has a small nose and full lips, strong cheekbones and a square jaw, her skull is perfectly rounded.


Voice: Calm and serene it is old and wise, speaking with an air of millennia, it is always calm as a gentle breeze in any situation, except when speaking with the spirits of her past life )or when they speak through her) Her voice sounds like hundreds in unison.

Clothing/armor: A full suit of black armour, this features polished adamantine plates on her shins, knees, thighs, shoulders and torso, her breastplate opens in the centre to reveal her cleavage line and neck, the latter being bound in a heavy, thick and ornate metal choker, that covers from beneath her chin to the bottom of her neck. Beneath the joints of her armour is a thin layer of black chainmail. Her arms are bound in thick leather, her knuckles capped in gold, and the entire outfit features gold accents.





General Personality Traits: Seraphine is quiet and very closed off from others, primarily an isolationist she has spent centuries on her own hunting down the forces of evil. She is by no means cruel, but equally so is she by no means merciful, Ruthless, efficient and relentless are the traits best used to describe her, she is a woman who carries her own burdens, burdens of the like that have been passed down from one life to the next, she is underneath her mask of utter devotion and stone-cold justice broken and remorseful for the life she lives.

Fears: Dying in a manner not befitting her code and beliefs.

Attitudes towards friends/strangers: Cold and shut off to others she is however extremely polite and courteous to those whom mean her no harm, however at the slightest hostility she will not think twice to end the individual before her.

Opinion of the world: The world is full of evil that must be hunted down; It is her job to do so at all costs.



She was reborn with the sole purpose of rooting out all evil as a servant to Tyr, a goal which has always been on her mind. Coming to this new body in a location of religious importance, her naked form found her armour lying ready, and her doctrines sitting open to read. Crystal clear this was the path she was to walk in this life, she began immediately in the elimination and hunting of any and all evils, ruthless in her cause.


Her current life was marked with a brief period of peace, she settled down with a human man and bore two children, both Aasimar, yet due to her code, and the wrong path her children chose as they matured, she was forced to attempt to put them down, killing her first child, and subsequently her partner, she is now seeking to end her remaining child.


Her hunt still ensues, but it is secondary to her main goal, and both lie hand in hand.

Birthplace: Unknown
Family/Relationships: Husband: Alec (deceased) Son: Cyrian (deceased) Son: Talvon (Alive)
Friends: None.
Enemies: Any and all evil.


Skills and feats:


Her skills are all focused on the use of physically devastating magic, her own safety a secondary concern. She possesses abilities unique to her state of being, and is an adept, far more so than mortals, at channelling divine and raw magic.


Speak with the Spirits: An ability all Deva possess, she is capable of speaking to the spirits of her last life for advice and counsel.


Summon Spirit: She may conjure a spectral Deva, one of her past bodies, to fight at her side on rare occasions.

Magic Items: Her armour is imbued with divine magics that ward off evil.




Pets/Animal Companions: None.


Other: None.

Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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Hey everyone! If anyone's interested in playing a rp that is about Vampire: the Requiem/Masquerade, then come on over and view my thread titled: Vampire: Requiem for the Masquerade!




If you're new to Vampire, don't worry; I can help you a lot :smile: I'll make it very newbie friendly.


In relevance to this thread:


I think I'm going to have to retire Nym for now. I just don't feel the creative energy to keep him going. I don't want to run on empty and make it all out very crappily. He might resurface in the future, but he's going to have to be inactive for now.


I'm really urged to create an Illithid, though. He would be around the same level/power as the other characters, of course. I'm just in quite a hankering for more horror based characters like vampires, Cthulhu-esque creatures, etc.

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