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Rule #11 on the front page has been edited and the others bumped down. This is a very important new rule that I want everyone to read. If you have any questions about it, PM me or comment.

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Hi, everyone, just hopping in to say hello (the silence is maddening and I fear I shall go mad lest I say something to my friends every now and then). I hope y'all are doing fine. I'm afraid that I don't have the time to post something in the RP (which bites because I see such good opportunities going by :( ), but I'm glad to see I'm not horribly holding everyone back (at least, that's what I hope, heheh). Anyway, I hope y'all keep having fun! I miss you guys!

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Hey! Good to hear from you Grue! :happy: We miss you too and hope you'll be able to post something from time to time. I miss Tak'we. :ohdear:


I miss him too! :(

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Well, I have finally remade Nawen's character sheet. Did some changes to her background story... again. :rolleyes: Anyway I have to post it in a separate post because the last update to her character sheet was made with my old closed account so I can't edit that post.


Edit: 12/06/2013 Hid the character sheet under the spoiler tag for better viewing I guees. ;D



Name: Nawen Relve'fer


Gender: Female

Race: Drow (great-grandfather Eladrin)

Age: 39

Class: Ranger/Scout/Beastmaster

Alignment: Neutral Good

Deity: Fenmarel Masterine


Height: 163cm

Weight: 59kg

Hair: White, shoulder blade length, usually tied to a side braid.

Eyes: Dark green

Skin: Middle grey color

Handedness: Right

Scars/Tattoos: A number of small scars across her body.

General physical description: If not for her unusual eye color which may suggest her having non-drow blood, Nawen is like any other Drow. Her small and somewhat athletic figure helps her even more to move swiftly and silently. When she is not hiding beneath the hood of her cloak, she appears always on the lookout and focused which does not really fit her soft features and round face.

Voice: Soft and quiet on normal circumstances, when angry she lowers her voice instead of raising it.

Disabilities: Due to the injury she suffered, she can only wield a weapon with her right hand, using two weapons at once makes her left hand hurt too much to the point where even the light objects might get difficult to lift. For this very same reason she only uses a shortbow for ranged combat and even then she tends to switch to a blade.

Clothing/Armor: She tends to wear light leather armor in combat, sometimes she wears chainmail tunic, if a lot of fighting is expected. For regular clothing she wears a simple linen tunic and breaches. When in towns or other places with a lot of people she wears a cloak. All of her armor and clothing are usually of brown or green colors.

Weapons: An elven blade with ebony colored hilt marked with silver ornaments across the hilt. An elven inscription carved into the blade reads 'Sillarielle', a simple duskwood bow and a skinning knife.


General personality traits: Nawen is kind, loyal and helpful. Because of strangers pretty much always reacting in a hostile manner towards her she is distrustful towards strangers and people in general. However, she is willing to put it aside when needed. Usually she is friendly but her shyness and general antisocialness prevents her from easily communicating with other people, thus she mostly remains quiet during conversations and rarely starts talking first. Because of this she prefers to listen to people and feels very happy when people shares their feelings and secrets with her. Despite her calm and reserved nature she will always stand up for what she believes is right and will always support and back her friends up and if someone wrongs the people she cares about they might see a much darker and more frightening side of her.

Likes: Nature, animals, quiet places, wilderness, scouting, evenings in the camp, traveling, strawberries

Dislikes: Racism, evil people, loud and busy places

Fears: Eremophobia (fear of loneliness)

Attitudes towards friends/strangers: Nawen is extremely loyal and caring to her friends, distrustful of strangers.

Opinion of the world: The world is cruel and unfair place but there are good aspects of it too, even if sometimes they are really difficult to see.


Past: Born into a House Relve'fer, Nawen was the first daughter to be born to Valthiira Relve'fer - current matron of the house. Due to what was described as a vision that Valthiira received while pregnant, the girl's eye color was received as a bad omen and a possible sign of the ability to see in the future that her father possessed, Nawen's father was sacrificed to Lloth and the same was wanted to be done to the baby but at the eve of the sacrificing ritual, Nawen was stolen by a mysterious winged man and brought to the surface.

She was then given to a Wood elf ranger Valendil because the mysterious winged man deemed the wilderness to be safer than anywhere else with him as he was seen fleeing with the baby. Reluctantly Valendil agreed to look after the girl and protect her until she'll be old enough to do so herself. The Wood elf has her own reasons to dislike the dark elves thus he was a distant and cold guardian but he did his part and taught everything that girl might need in the future.

Because of an unresponsive guardian, Nawen sought the friendship of animals to which at first the animals were unresponsive. Everything changed when she met a black panther she named Sinn. The two became close friends and spent as much time as they possibly could scouting the wilds together and hunting. Their friendship was not meant to last for long. Sinn was mortally injured by the city guards who had decided that the panther was too dangerously close to the city gates.
Greatly saddened by her friend's death, Nawen two days later returned to the camp only to see that her guardian was missing. She waited for Valendil for nearly a week before leaving Neverwinter Wood for Waterdeep.

Birthplace: Underdark, Tes Natha'rra city.

Family/Relationships: She doesn't know anything about her family.

Friends: All the people she currently travels with.

Enemies: Ravenna, Sefris and everyone they ally themselves with


Skills and feats: Move Silently (23), Survival (25), Spot (16), Hide (15), Listen (20), Handle Animal (21), Heal (10)

Racial Immunities: Sleep


Wild Empathy - Nawen can alter the attitude of an animal.

Swift Tracker - Nawen can move at a normal speed while following tracks.

Woodland Stride - She can move through any sort of undergrowth (natural thorns, briars, overgrown areas) at a normal speed without taking damage.

Darkvision - Can see out to 120 feet in darkness with no light source.


Daylight Adaptation - Spending all of her life on the surface world, the bright light doesn't blind or dazzles her.

Languages spoken: Common, Drow, can read a bit of Dethek.

Pets/Animal companions: Dapple grey mare named Kiira, a wolf named Rhegar.


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