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Hi, everyone! Once again, just stopping by (wish I could stay longer), but I figured I'd try to remake a character sheet or two (at some point I might even make one for Saris *shudders). Anyway, here's what I've got so far:




Name: Tak'we
Gender: Male
Race: Thri'Kreen
Age: 8
Class: Fighter/ Barbarian
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Deity: Selune
Height: 7'3"
Weight: 215 lbs.
Hair: none
Eyes: golden, compound appearance
Skin: tan-gold chitin
Handedness: Ambidextrous; has four hands.
Scars/Tattoos: Missing antennae; countless scars scoring his exoskeleton
General physical description: Slim yet imposing and incredibly strong; Tak'we always seems to take in his surroundings at all times, his staring eyes seeming to reach deep into one's soul when met. A vicious yet remarkably clean set of mandibles adorn his face, and his four hands end in claws.
Voice: Strong but surprisingly timid-sounding at times, comparable to a lizard-folk's voice; often clicks, whistles, and snaps his mandibles when speaking; 'S' and 'EE' sounds are extremely pronounced or prolonged. Hisses and screeches when enraged. When speaking to someone he greatly respects or admires, Tak'we will sometimes switch to refering to himself as 'This one.'
Disabilities: Tak'we, due to his 'raising' as a slave and the fact his people have no written language, does not know how to read, and this combined with his extreme naivety of the known 'softskin' lands often causes him trouble or severe irritation sometimes.
Clothing/Armor: Often relies on his own chitin to help stop blows. After the defeat of the dracolich Valthanarax, Tak'we made a bone cuirass out of the remains and now wears that.
Weapons: True to his people, Tak'we wields a gyth'ka, a sort of polearm with heavy blades on either end native to thri'kreen. Besides this, he uses his own claws and his poisonous mandibles when needed.
General personality traits: Tak'we, though he seems intimidating when calm and down-right terrifying when angered, actually possesses a kind soft-heartedness, especially for hatchlings or fellow escapees from slavery. Extremely loyal to his clutchmates, Tak'we would without hesitation rush to their defense. He possesses a natural curiosity for his surroundings and never ceases to be amazed by the things he constantly learns about the strange softskins he is around. HIs past as a slave in Calimsham has scarred his attitude toward softskins, however, and so he is quiet and wary of softskins (other than his clutchmates), and constantly watches for slavers wanting to capture him, and may very well attack them on sight.
Likes: Music, his clutchmates, hatchlings, Moondrop, nature
Dislikes: Slavers, betrayers, Undead,, being referred to as a bug, large softskin "stone villages"
Fears: Losing his clutch
Attitudes towards friends/strangers: Is devoted to his friends; Is extremely wary of strangers and ignores them if able.
Opinion of the world: Cold, wet, and full of softskins, not like the warm, dry sands of his homeland.
Past: Tak'we, when he was 3 years old (a juvenile among thri'kreen) was captured and enslaved by Calishite slavers after they attacked his clutch's camp and killed his entire clutch. As a slave, he was forced to fight in gladiatorial arenas and suffered horribly at dark softskin hands. Showing a cunning for smithy-work, evident in his crafting of his own gyth'ka, his master started forcing Tak'we to forge armor and weapons that soon became popular demand. This caused his master to treat him with some leeway, but it still add to Tak'we's misery.
Over the years, having grown astonishingly large and honed by countless fighting, Tak'we escaped one night, killing his master and leaving his prison in shambles when he was 7 years old. He spent the next several months fleeing hunters and taking odd jobs to survive, trying to find a place where he'd be accepted.
Unfortunately, slavers managed to ambush him, wounding him terribly, and would have captured him and taken him back to Calimsham if a clutch of adventuring softskins did not intervene. Forever thankful to them, Tak'we has imprinted on them, accepting them as clutchmates and now travels and fights alongside them.
Birthplace: The Shaar
Family/Relationships: None (orphaned), His clutchmates, the winged pointy-ear Rhaine, the dark pointy-ear Nawen, the softskin hatchling Echo, the foolish brothers Grey, their more wise pointy-ear friend Amendale, the strange softskin Kalin, the hormone-shocked Tannin, the tentacled softskin Xallistine, the grim softskin Azuris, the motley clutch of Reona, Alphonse, Arva, Ianthe, and William, the otherworldly Othos, the wemic Kowolj, and the strange hatchling Hexol.
Friends: As previously mentioned above
Enemies: Azhad, slavers
Skills and feats: Craft Weapons and Armor (27), Jump (75), Balance (23), Listen (23)
Weapon Focus, Greater Weapon Focus, Weapon Specialization, Greater Weapon Specialization, Improved Critical (Gyth'ka)- Tak'we is extremely proficient with his gyth'ka and is absolutely deadly with it.
Multiweapon Fighting, Improved Multiweapon Fighting Greater Multiweapon Fighting- Tak'we utilizes the two-bladed gyth'ka to its fullest potential, and is very capable of fighting with all of his limbs
Ambidexterity- Tak'we is well-handed with all of his limbs, each one just as strong and capable of wielding weapons without hindrance as the next.
Darkvision- Tak'we has very sharp vision, and can see in the dark out to 120 feet
Racial Immunities: Sleep effects, Charm and Dominate Humanoid effects; Resistant to desert climate conditions; Thri'kreen never sleep, so Tak'we is immune to such effects. Tak'we's mind is very alien compared to softskins and normal Charm effects have no effect. Thri'kreen live in the desert, and have adapted to survive in such conditions.
Languages spoken: Common, Thri'Kreen

Edited by GrueMaster
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Did he already meet Hexol?

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Alright folks. Some of you may remember me, some don't. I was the guy who went on hiatus before he even made his first post in the RP. I am now ready to properly join in. Altough my character sheet is on page 113, I'm going make some changes to it and await Auri's approval.

Name: Kyran

Race: Eladrin

Age: 28

Class: Necromancer

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Deity: None

Place of Origin: Easthaven

Appearance: Kyran has an average height, long white hair and green eyes.

Armor/Clothing: Kyran's usual attire consists of black robes with blood red trims. He usualy wears his hood up.

Weapon: In addition to his necromantic magic, Kyran has an assortment of fire realted spells. He also has a staff. The staff is made of a variety of bones, the headpiece is 2 skeletal hands holding a skull. In the event that he's forced into closed combat, he has a shortsword on the ready.

Personality: Kyran is generaly a nice guy (despite his trade). He tries to be friendly to his companions. He may not seem serious most of the time, but really he just doesn't like showing it, unless needed.

History: Born and raised in Easthaven. Kyran was the son of a lower class family. In his youth Kyran dabbled with petty magic for little pranks and such, and over time he began to take it a bit more seriously and started studying it. Later in his late teenage years, the elf became a telented sorcceror. He also had a close friend along who was training to be a guardsman/warrior, a human called Ivan. They both would often go on endevours together. Sadly, while on a quest to take down a necromancer who had been terrorising the town, Ivan lost his life in the process. To make matters worse, the necromancer had risen Ivan's remains, and bound his soul to his skeleton, leaving him trapped in the mortal realm.
Being at an age where rushed decisions were not uncommon, Kyran focus his magic training towards Necromancy, in hopes to somehow help his friend. And now, after many years, the elf has become more accustomed to necromancy, despite not practicing it the way others of this trade would; he travels all around Faerun, seeking help, and helping those in need as well.






I'm also going to add a 2nd character, as a companion for Kyran.



Name: Ivan

Race: Undead, formerly Human

Age: 21 (when he died), actual age - 28

Class: Fighter

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Deity: None

Place of Origin: Easthaven

Appearance: He's a walking corpse, stripped of everything but the bones, which are held together via steel rings. Ivan is about as tall as as the average human.


Armor/Clothing: He only wears a horned helmet and a leather belt around where his waist used to be.

Weapon: A one handed steel battle axe

Abilities: Apart from his usual set of skills as a fighter, his state of undeath has taught him a unique little trick. Ivan is able to 'collapse' his body and make himself appear as a ordinary skeleton who's bones have been scattered on the ground. This allows him to either 'camouflauge' as random clutter when in a cave or other underground area. Mostly he uses this ability to hide in a leather sack, carried by Kyran, which allows him to travel pretty much annywhere without causing commotion.


Personality: Due his condition, Ivan has long forgotten how to properly communicate with other people. He mostly keeps to himself and is very quiet. The person he talks to the most is Kyran.

History: Born and raised in Easthaven like his friend, Ivan lead an average life. His mother was a local tailor, and his father was a guard and part time fisherman. Eventualy when he became old enough he started traning as a fighter and would often go along join Kyran on minor adventures. Unfortuantely one such endevour lead to his death and damnation as a skeleton. Now he accomanies his closest freind - Kyran.



Edited by spyro1201
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I have a question about Kyran's class. I'm assuming his base class is wizard, am I right? Might want to clarify in his sheet.


Concerning Ivan's race, he would be classified as "Undead."


Just as a fair warning, too, Rhaine would instantly be in total opposition of your chars, despite their good alignment. :P Could cause a lot of complications, but if you're willing to roll with it, more power to you. ;D

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Kyran is more like wizard/sorcerror dual class. Atleast that's what i can gather from what i've been told / have read

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