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Tales of Faerun


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Sadly I couldn't come up with four more characters but finally, after months of going nuts I came up with a new evil character. :dance: I also updated Nawen's and Shalena's character sheets. Wish there was a way to keep track of everyone's character sheets. :wacko:




Name: Nawen Relve'fer




Gender: Female


Race: Drow


Age: 39 (Born 1340 DR - Year of the Lion, 9th of Deepwinter)


Class: Ranger/Bladesinger (with a few Wizard levels)


Alignment: Neutral Good


Deity: Fenmarel Masterine




Height: 163cm


Weight: 59kg


Hair: White, breast-length and straight, usually in braided undercut (right side) hairstyle.


Eyes: Dark green


Skin: Middle grey color


Handedness: Right


Scars/Tattoos: Two lines, one horizontal, one vertical, branded on her back right below the left shoulder-blade.


General physical description: If not for her unusual eye color which may suggest her having non-drow blood, Nawen is like any other Drow. Her small and somewhat athletic figure helps her even more to move swiftly and silently. When she is not hiding beneath the hood of her cloak, she appears always on the lookout and focused which does not really fit her soft features and round face.


Voice: Soft and quiet on normal circumstances, when angry she lowers her voice instead of raising it.


Disabilities: Due to the injury she suffered, she can only wield a weapon with her right hand, holding a shield or wielding two weapons at once makes her left hand hurt too much to the point where even the light objects might get difficult to lift. For this reason she only uses a short bow for ranged combat and even then she often switches back to her blade.




Clothing/Armor: Nawen wears light leather armor in combat, sometimes a chainmail tunic underneath, if a lot of fighting is expected. For regular clothing she wears a simple linen tunic and breaches. When in towns or other places with a lot of people she wears a cloak. All of her armor and clothing are of brown or green colors.


Weapons: An elven blade with ebony colored hilt marked with silver ornaments across the hilt. An elven inscription carved into the blade reads Sillarielle. Her other two weapons are a simple Duskwood bow and a skinning knife.


Other magical equipment: Gauntlets of Ogre Power (Strength +2), Boots of Elvenkind (Move Silently +5), Ring of Protection +3.




General personality traits: Nawen is kind, loyal and helpful. Because of strangers pretty much always reacting in a hostile manner towards her she is distrustful towards strangers and people in general. However, she is willing to put it aside when needed. Usually she is friendly but her shyness and general aloofness prevents her from easily communicating with other people, thus she mostly remains quiet during conversations and rarely starts talking first. Because of this she prefers to listen to people and feels very happy when people shares their feelings and secrets with her. Despite her calm and reserved nature she will always stand up for what she believes is right and will always support and back her friends up and if someone wrongs the people she cares about they might see a much darker and more frightening side of her.


Likes: Nature, animals, quiet places, wilderness, scouting, evenings in the camp, traveling, strawberries.


Dislikes: Racism, evil people, loud and busy places, sea travel.


Fears: Sea, becoming useless, afterlife.


Attitude towards friends/strangers: Nawen is extremely loyal and caring to her friends, distrustful of strangers.


Opinion on the world: The world is cruel and unfair place but there are good aspects of it too, even if sometimes they are really difficult to see.




Birthplace: Underdark, Tes Natha'rra city.


Family/Relationships: Guardian Valendil (deceased), great-grandfather(whereabouts unknown), she does not know about the rest of her family.


Friends: Rhaine Alcinea, Xallistine, Tak'we, Weyland Grey, Tannin, Amendale, Arland Grey, Azuris, Kowolj, Conall Whitefang, La'Niebelleta Anemone Siale.


Enemies: Ravenna Everdawn, Sefris and their allies


Background: Born into a House Relve'fer, Nawen was the first daughter to be born to Valthiira Relve'fer - current matron of the house.
A month after her daughter's birth, Valthiira noticed that her first daughter had green eyes. Because Valthiira barely tolerated the drow with non-drow ancestry, she was enraged that her own daughter is nothing but a "filthy half-breed" and that someday she might become a new matron of House Relve'fer. Because of this, Nawen's father was sacrificed to Lloth. The same wanted to be done to the baby but at the eve of the sacrificing ritual, Nawen was taken to the surface by her great-grandfather.

She was then given to a Wood elf druid Valendil because the elf deemed the wilderness to be safer than anywhere else with him as he was seen fleeing with the baby. Reluctantly, Valendil agreed to look after the girl and protect her until she'll be old enough to do so herself. The Wood elf had his own reasons to hate the drow thus he was a distant and cold guardian but he did his part and taught everything that girl might need in the future.

Because of an unresponsive guardian, Nawen sought the friendship of animals to which at first the animals were unresponsive but the girl tried her best to remain patient and eventually some animals took a liking to her.

Occasionally a green-eyed Eladrin visited them. Nawen never found out his name but the elf always was strangely affectionate towards her. Not only that he has given her a beautiful elven blade to wield when she turned 20 but also taught her how to be a Bladesinger.

In the Year of Lightning Storms (1374 DR) Valendil and Nawen went their separate ways as the wood elf received troubling news about the corruption of Mere of Dead Men, and as a druid he felt obligated to find out the truth as well as help in any way he could. When the druid left, Nawen also left Neverwinter Wood and traveled on her own. Several months later, the drow found out that her guardian perished while trying to defend a small settlement called West Harbor.

For several years Nawen traveled across the western part of Faerun, having her own adventures as well as meeting new people. For reasons unknown even to her, at the Year of the Cauldron (1378 DR) Nawen went to the City of Splendors, Waterdeep. That was where she met a former Knight-Captain of Crossroad Keep and a Chosen of Kelemvor - Rhaine Alcinea.




Skills and feats: Move Silently (23), Survival (25), Spot (16), Hide (15), Listen (20), Handle Animal (21), Heal (10)


Racial Immunities: Sleep


Wild Empathy - Nawen can alter the attitude of an animal.


Speak with Animals - Nawen can speak with animals.


Swift Tracker - Nawen can move at a normal speed while following tracks.


Woodland Stride - Nawen can move through any sort of undergrowth at a normal speed without taking damage.


Combat Casting - Nawen is adept at casting spells in combat.


Darkvision - Can see out to 120 feet in darkness with no light source.


Daylight Adaptation - Spending all of her life on the surface world, the bright light doesn't blind or dazzles her.


Languages spoken: Common, Drow, can read a bit of Dethek.


Pets/Animal companions: Dapple grey mare named Kiira, a wolf named Rhegar.





Name: Shalena Windsail




Gender: Female


Race: Half-elf (Human mother, Moon Elf father)


Age: 27 (Born 1352 DR - Year of the Dragon, 23rd of Highsun)


Class: Rogue/Swashbuckler/Dread Pirate


Alignment: Chaotic Neutral


Deity: Valkur




Height: 175cm


Weight: 68kg


Hair: Mid-back dark red, straight hair tied to a loose braid at the back.


Eyes: Brown


Skin: Lightly tanned


Handedness: Mixed-handedness, uses her right hand when fighting with a cutlass, prefers to use the left hand when using a hand-crossbow.


Scars/Tattoos: Tattoo of a skull wearing a black bandana with a rose in its mouth on her right breast and horizontally positioned dagger going through a rose on her lower back.


General physical description: Shalena is lean and surprisingly graceful with sharp features and heart-shaped face. Her skin is tanned from spending most of her life in an open sea and unlike most of her crew, she is relatively clean.


Voice: Medium pitched, at times sultry. When angry her voice becomes higher pitched.




Clothing/Armor: Black leather pants, black leather knee-high boots, crimson chemise style shirt with elbow-length sleeves and long dark red coat. Unlike many other pirates Shalena doesn't wear a lot of jewelry. The golden belt buckle, simple earrings and a small golden compass she wears as an amulet are the only jewelry she wears.


Weapons: Custom-made cutlass called Throatcutter, a hand crossbow called Sparrow and a set of throwing knives.


Other magical equipment: Gloves of Swordplay (Parry +3), Ring of the Rogue +4, Amulet of Natural Armor +3.




General personality traits: Proud, greedy and adventurous, Shalena has no love for laws and justice and hates being told to do something. Whenever someone orders her to act one way or another she will do the exact opposite. She loves shiny objects and will steal anything shiny that isn't nailed down. The only thing she loves more than shiny objects is the sea. As a captain of the ship, she is tough and rarely acts merciful unless the people had proven themselves or are still of use to her.


Likes: Sea, her ship Sea's Compass, treasure, seafaring, wine, taverns.


Dislikes: Traitors, people who order her around, mountains and overgrown places, wolves.


Fears: Losing her ship and hard-earned respect of her crew.


Attitude towards friends/strangers: Loyal and quite caring to friends who she knows are worth of her trust. She's pretty indifferent towards strangers, until she learns if they can be useful to her or not.


Opinion on the world: Sea is the only world worth caring for.




Birthplace: Westgate


Family/Relationships: None (orphan), widowed


Friends: Anyone who helps her more than once


Enemies: Anyone who wants her dead


Background: Shalena's father was a famous traveling bard, Belad who mysteriously disappeared after being caught with a daughter of the wealthy merchant. Time passed and the merchant found out that his daughter was pregnant. Thinking that his daughter had brought shame upon their entire family, he disowned his daughter and kicked her out to the streets. After spending all of her coin and selling whatever jewelry she had, Shalena's mother joined the brothel and that's where Shalena was born. Unfortunately her mother died of childbirth and Shalena became an orphan.

Even though her mother had some friends in the brothel, Shalena avoided the place and went there only when she was very hungry, needed clothes or the weather outside was too dreadful to sleep outdoors. She preferred the streets of Westgate and a company of other orphaned children.

When Shalena was twelve years old she was caught while attempting to pickpocket and infamous and a cruel pirate, Galar the Sea Terror but instead of cutting her hands off, the pirate took the girl with himself, taught her how to fight and many other useful things. When Shalena turned twenty two the pirate captain took her for a wife. She hated this... arrangement and eventually the half-elf convinced the crew to mutiny and used the uproar to kill the fearsome pirate. When Galar was removed she became the captain of the ship.




Skills and feats: Swim (21), Bluff (15), Balance (23), Tumble (18), Gather Information (24), Sleight of Hand (19), Hide (20)


Racial Immunities: Sleep


Acrobatic Charge - Shalena can charge over difficult terrain that normally slows movement or the squares occupied by allies blocking her path.


Touché - Shalena can deal additional damage with her cutlass.


Deflect Missiles - She can use her cutlass to deflect missiles (arrows, bolts, bullets) in the air.


Low-Light Vision - Can see farther than humans in poorly lit areas.


Languages spoken: Common



Edit 07/11/2013: Changed some stuff in the character sheets. Deleted Qsashei's sheet.

Edited by Guest
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Hi! Scorpion here. I am hoping to join the Tales of Faerun group, if it's still running. I have read up to The Two Swords in the Legend of Drizzt Do'Urden series, and I am continuing to read it. I have also read several forgotten realms novels, such as The Gilded Rune. I don't know if you're still accepting new members, but here is my character sheet.


Name: Dalgol Twinhammers

Race: Dwarf

Age: 150 years

Class: Cleric

Alignment: Lawful Good

Deity: Moradin

Place of Origin: He does not know where he was born, but he was raised in an orphanage at an unmarked spot on the Sword Coast.

Appearance: He is 4'10, close to the average height of dwarves, but he is slimmer than some dwarves. He has red hair that he wears tied back in a knot, as well as a heavily braided beard he tucks into his belt.


Armor/Clothing: He wears earthy colored robes and armor, like this:



He almost always wears his armor, but otherwise wears a simple brown robe with a linen cloak.

Weapon: He wields two silver hammers, hence his surname.

Personality: Like most dwarves, Dalgol loves to drink. His favorite is mead. He is friendly but stubborn, and loves to get his way in an argument. He loves to fight, especially against orcs and other goblinkin, but this can sometimes be a bad thing, as he is constantly leaping into the fray.

Dalgol never knew his parents. They were slaughtered by frost giants, and he was the sole survivor, being sent to an orphanage on the Sword Coast, where he has a basic education. The mistress who cared for the orphans was a cruel, evil woman, and was constantly beating children and even locking them in a closet for as long as a day, so he ran away, and found a travelling follower of Marthammor Duin, the patron god of dwarven travellers and adventurers. His name was Hargor, who was also orphaned at a young age. He taught Dalgol everything he knows about being a Cleric, religion, smithing, etc. The two became best friends, and often went on bounty missions together. But on one such quest, to track and kill a rogue frost giant by the name of Cerdic, Hargor was killed by the giant. To this day, he has been on the tail of the giant, always seeking to end his hated enemies life.


What do you think about this? I'd love to hear your feedback.


Second RP character!


Name: Grimslade

Race: Half-orc

Age: Twenty-eight

Class: Barbarian

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Deity: Gruumsh

Place of Origin: He was born in the Savage Frontier, deep into the forested hills, among a small orc tribe.

Appearance: Being a half-orc, Grimslade is larger and stronger than many humans, with a slight green shade to his skin. One would assume, being a half-orc, that Grimslade is ugly, but he is actually quite handsome, with his black hair let loose on the sides and tied up in a knot on top, and his strong build.


Armor/Clothing: He wears scalemail armor forged from black dragon scales, with the magic long-faded but the armor still in good condition. He wears hide stretched over his armor in places. To top it off, he wears a red cloak and hood, as well as an eyepatch over his left eye.

Weapon: Grimslade wields twin axes, preferring a savage approach to battle. He is capable of producing a slight spark of magic, but is weak in that area.

Personality: Grimslade would do anything for freedom; it is most valued in his heart. He is not afraid to kill or steal, but he is not completely selfish and does not murder for the fun of it. He enjoys to fight savagely, especially against dwarves and elves, but does not actively seek to destroy them. He believes in orcish control of the land, but has a grudging respect for the other races. He leans heavily towards his orcish side, but is quite intelligent, even among humans.


History: Born in the Savage Frontier, Grimslade learned to survive from a young age. Shunned by the orc clan he was born into, and not welcome in cities, he wandered Faerun, seeking adventure. He eventually ran into the city of Neverwinter, which, to his surprise, let him enter. He was directed to an innkeeper, who was surprisingly well-connected with the affairs of the city. The innkeeper, named Belron, offered him a house and much gold in exchange for his loyalty to Neverwinter. He was put on several missions to assassinate authorities in Luskan, as well as clearing out local problems with rogue giants, bandits, etc. He spent eight years in service to Neverwinter, until he was falsely accused of murdering an entire family of elves, and sentenced to death. He managed to escape, however, and with the help of Belron, set out to Waterdeep, where he had heard of rumors of trouble with local matters.

Edited by Redscorpionarmy
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Welcome to the RP, Redscorpionarmy, and to the Nexus Forums!


Your character looks good - approved. Be sure to read the RP rules carefully before making your first post.


Also, I realize the RP itself is a lot to read...if you need a synopsis, we will be more than happy to help you out, though I do advise you to try and read as much as you can in your spare time in order to get a feel for what it's about and how to post.


If you have any questions, feel free to ask. :)

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