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Awesome link there, Nighty! :laugh:




So far, the group has traveled from Waterdeep, through the Western Heartlands and Cormyr, across the Sea of Fallen Stars to Sarshel, Impiltur. It's been over a year-long journey as they've hunted the Cult of the Dragon and one of its most prolific dracoliches, Valthanarax. They are in a race to destroy all nine of his phylacteries before he can challenge the dragon Tchazzar for the power of Tiamat.


Currently, they're taking a break from hunting by spending some time at a local tournament.

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Here's an update on my characters!

Seldszar, Dark elf druid




Name: Seldszar



Gender: Male

Race: Drow

Age: 128 years

Class: Druid

Alignment: Neutral Good

Deity: Silvanus





Height: 5'3

Weight: 140 lbs

Hair: Shoulder length, stark white

Eyes: Amber

Skin: Black

Handedness: Ambidextrous

Scars/Tattoos: His chest and arms are heavily tattooed with golden leaves on a singular vine that wraps around him.

General physical description: With his pointed ears and slim but athletic build, Seldszar is obviously an elf. What stands out the most about him, however, is that he is in fact drow. His features are sharp and handsome, complimenting his shoulder-length, stark white hair.

Voice: Smooth and melodic like most elves, his voice is medium pitched.

Clothing/armor: Seldszar wears earthy-colors, notably his brown robe with leaves embroidered on it. Underneath his robes, he wears leather armor, providing a small bit of protection but keeping him stealthy.

Weapons: A dagger given to him by a dryad. From its pommel up to the crosspiece, it is formed of strong roots, and the blade is smooth obsidian.


Other Magical Equipment: Two rings - one is golden with a leaf carved into it, providing him with enhanced stamina, and a silver one that is plain. He is not sure exactly what it does, but it was given to him by a dryad, and it causes his tattoos to glow when he uses nature magic.




General Personality Traits: Friendly, open to ideas, but dangerous when need be. He is normally calm, but has a short temper when it comes to destroying nature.

Likes: Nature, the sunrise, animals, companions, jewelry and fine crafts


Dislikes: Destruction of nature, evil people, the undead, and large cities

Fears: Demons and fire

Attitudes towards friends/strangers: He is quite friendly to all, except those who destroy nature. To the latter, he has a vicious hate for, and was once incarcerated for killing a man who destroyed a patch of forest so that a town may be built there.




Birthplace: The Underdark, Menzoberranzan

Family/Relationships: None, he left his family behind in the underdark

Friends: His most trusted companion, Cerdic, a dire wolf he found as a cub.

Enemies: Follower-of-Nightmares, the Sahuagin Necromancer


Background: Hailing from Menzoberranzan, Seldszar was exposed to violence and murder from a young age. He found other drow quite distasteful, especially his sister June. She was cruel and sadistic, often giving Seldszar beatings just for the fun of it, especially with her vile snake-headed whip. When he was eight, he found a bat that flew into the house, and it became his first friend. For about two years, the bat often visited Seldszar, and it was his only companion. His sister June, however, killed it when she found it, and with her vile magic of Lolth at that. Seldszar flew into a blind rage, somehow overpowering his sisters magic, and viciously beat her to death with her whip. After that he fled the city, and made it a short distance before his father caught him and brought him to his Matron Mother. She condemned him to become a drider. His mother herself took him to become a drider, but finding some measure of power within himself, he called a dire bat, who began to attack his mother, allowing Seldszar to escape. He fled into the caves, where he came across a party of underdark adventurers. At first they were going to kill him, but after seeing how young he was, they let him live and even took him with them. In a few days they reached the surface, and Seldszar was dazzled by the light, but decided to force himself to go through it so that he might stay on the surface. One night, though, Seldszar had been separated by the group and was now alone in the woods. He called out to them, but there came no answer. Crying, he ran through the woods, and eventually tripped over a rock and fell, hitting his head on a log and passing out.

He awoke in a small clearing, alone, he presumed. He was startled when a woman came out of a tree. She had the shape of a woman, anyway, but was made of wood and her eyes glowed green. She told Seldszar that she was a dryad, and that she would care for him until he was old enough to go out on his own. She taught him in the way of the druid, teaching him to heal wounds, enhance his overall abilities, call animals to help him, and finally to shapeshift. Seldszar tried transforming into many beasts, such as the bat, wolf, and bear, among other things. His favorite form, however, was the wolf. After eight years of training, the dryad came to Seldszar while he ate honey, and told him she had a gift for him. She took the honey and traced a curving line, around his chest and back, and all over his arms. Then, she traced leaves on the vines, and cast a spell that changed the honey into golden-lines, now a part of Seldszar. She then gave him two rings - one was golden with a leaf carved into it, than enhanced his stamina. The other was plain silver, and though he was not exactly sure what it did, the dryad told him it had a purpose. After he turned 18 and the dryad had given him these gifts, she led him through the forest, teaching him about all the things of nature. For two years she taught him, and then she declared he was ready. She had one final gift for him, she had said. Then, she shed her body of wood, taking on a primordial form, pure green energy. She entered Seldszars body, after a lengthy process in which his mind fell asleep. Channeling all her essence into the now-druid, she ceased to exist, except for in Seldszar. After he truly became a druid, he wandered the woods of the High Forest, defending nature where he could and basking in it all. He came across a dire wolf pup, who he raised to be his most faithful companion. Eventually, after 90 years wandering with the wolf, he ran into the Sahuagin Follower-of-Nightmares, and decided he would be the one to kill the necromancer.



Languages spoken - Drow sign language, common, Elven

Pets/Animal Companions: His companion Cerdic





My second character!

Grinhall, Illithid Sorcerer




Name: Grinhall



Gender: Male

Race: Illithid

Age: 43 years

Class: Sorcerer

Alignment: Neutral Evil

Deity: Bane





Height: 5'9

Weight: 150 lbs

Hair: None

Eyes: Milky White

Skin: Bluish-purple

Handedness: Left

Scars/Tattoos: None

General physical description: Thin but strong and muscular, he looks like he could be a fighter. However, he is an Illithid, with slimy skin and a head more like an octopus than any humanoid creature.

Voice: His voice is light, barely a whisper.

Clothing/armor: Preferring to go shirtless, he wears cloth pants under banded mail.


Weapons: A glass dagger used more for play than an actual weapon.


Other Magical Equipment: None




General Personality Traits: Clever, cunning, calm, vicious, cruel

Likes: Killing, having power


Dislikes: Almost everything not mentioned in the "likes" section

Fears: Death

Attitudes towards friends/strangers: He hates strangers but does not show it, and has no friends

Opinion of the world: It exists only for the pleasure of those powerful enough to enslave and destroy others




Birthplace: An unmarked spot in the underdark

Family/Relationships: None

Friends: None

Enemies: Generally every single being other than those working with him. Dysius and Zissren in particular

Background: Born and raised among the evil Illithids, Grinhall was raised hating other races. He loved to go out into the tunnels with his father, and raid bands of drow and duergar, then enslave or kill them. He was always spoiled, gifted with thralls to feed upon as well as other luxuries. He felt small among the other Illithids, though, and wanted to be a larger player in the world, so he set out onto the surface to find others of like mind. He came across the Sahuagin necromancer Follower-of-Nightmares, who took him as an advisor. Since teaming up with the fellow follower of one of the Dead Three, he and the necromancer have begun to amass an undead army. Grinhall, as well as Follower-of-Nightmares, falsely believes that Myrkul is not dead and is in fact, very much present in the world.



Languages spoken - Undercommon, Elven, Common

Pets/Animal Companions: None





And my third character!

Bar'bark, gnoll Fighter/rogue




Name: Bar'bark



Gender: Male

Race: Gnoll

Age: Sixteen

Class: Fighter/rogue

Alignment: Chaotic neutral

Deity: Valkur





Height: 7'2


Weight: 298 lbs


Hair: Dirty-grayish fur that covers his body, and a reddish-gray mane


Eyes: Hazel


Skin: Gray colored


Handedness: Ambidextrous


Scars/Tattoos: He has several small scars around his body, mostly on the arms

General physical description: He stands slightly taller than a human. He has gray skin, a furry body, and a head like a hyena's, with a reddish-gray mane

Voice: His voice is rough and scratchy, but not overly so

Clothing/armor: He wears bad-quality plate and leather armor


Weapons: In one hand, he wields a crude steel axe with a large blade connected to the pommel, and in the other he wields a steel shield


Other Magical Equipment: A thunderstone (an engraved rock that creates a booming thunder noise when thrown)






General Personality Traits: He values freedom above all else, and does whatever he feels like. He is not motivated by the causes of evil or good, though, and does not seek to make those around him suffer nor liberate the innocent. He is relatively intelligent, especially compared to others of his kind. He does not support any ruling body, nor does he openly rebel against them. He would rather be surrounded by good people, but does not actively seek to do good himself.

Likes: Smoking, drinking, food, adventuring, hunting, fishing, the sea, and sailing


Dislikes: Bad drink, over-greedy merchants, lords, etc., and giants

Fears: Skunks, starvation, giants, and deserts

Attitudes towards friends/strangers: He enjoys exchanging stories with friends and is usually nice to them, and is wary of strangers

Opinion of the world: Life is good but hard, and there are many bad things in the world, but there are also many good things




Birthplace: The Savage Frontier

Family/Relationships: None

Friends: He only ever had one friend - Chains, an orc who split off from his tribe to be an adventurer, but he died

Enemies: None yet


Background: Born in the Savage Frontier, deep in the woods, Bar'bark was accidently left behind by his tribe when he was six years old. A lone orc by the name of Chains found him, and they became best friends. In exchange for being a friend, Chains taught him how to hunt and survive, as well as to speak common and orcish. But when Bar'bark was ten, they were camping in a cave when a frost giant entered and killed Chains. Bar'bark managed to escape while the giant fought Chains, and when his friend died, he was grieved. He came to hate frost giants fiercely, and often harassed them and even tried to kill them in blind rage at times, only barely escaping sometimes. For the next four years, Bar'bark became a mercenary, and came to be popular among lesser nobles, who often hired him to clear out bandit dens and other problems like that. He traveled between cities, mostly in the northwest, but sometimes making his way down to Calimsham and the surrounding areas. Generally, most of his contracts came from Luskan. That all ended, though, when he was framed for the murder of a local lord, and imprisoned for a year. He was to be hung, but a surprise orc raid saved his life. Over the next year, Bar'bark wandered the woods and occasionally into cities such as Waterdeep, searching for adventures to pass the time.



Languages spoken - Gnoll, common, orcish

Pets/Animal Companions: None




My evil character!

Follower-of-Nightmares, Sahuagin Necromancer




Name: Follower-of-Nightmares



Gender: Male

Race: Sahuagin

Age: 33 years

Class: Necromancer

Alignment: Neutral Evil

Deity: Myrkul





Height: 6'1

Weight: 200 lbs

Hair: None

Eyes: Large, green

Skin: Green, and riddled with various dark stripes and bands. He is darker on the back, and lighter on the belly

Handedness: Right

Scars/Tattoos: A skull tattoo on his left wrist

General physical description: This humanoid has scaly skin with webbed fingers and toes, and sharp fangs fill its mouth. It has a long tail ending in a curved fin, and it has fins on its arms, back, and head. Its great, staring eyes are deep black. -Monster Manual 3.5

Voice: Shrill and high-pitched, and reptilian-sounding, often exaggerating the "s" in words

Clothing/armor: Follower-of-Nightmares wears a black robe with a hood, concealing most of his body. He wears a large skull that somehow fits onto his head - you can barely tell he is Sahuagin, excluding his tail and reptilian hands and feet


Weapons: He wields a trident


Other Magical Equipment: A staff that he uses to raise the dead, as well as a trinket that lets him stay on land up to several days in a row




General Personality Traits: He is cold and unforgiving. He was never known to lose his temper. He never seems happy, but is pleased when somebody is murdered, especially when he can raise them from the dead.

Likes: Death, necromancy, water, monsters


Dislikes: Mortals, especially goodly beings

Fears: Myrkul

Attitudes towards friends/strangers: He is generally secretive and hateful, but rarely deals with strangers anyways

Opinion of the world: He enjoys living so that he can indulge in the darker things in life: the world is perfect, except for the goodly races




Birthplace: Off the Sword Coast

Family/Relationships: All his family are deceased

Friends: None

Enemies: The goodly races


Background: Raised in the clutches of evil human mages who wished to exploit him, Follower-of-Nightmares was destined to become something powerful. After so much cruelty at the hands of his captors, he killed them and raised them from the dead as thralls, to eventually become his personal guard. The deity Myrkul came to him in a vision, and he realized he was to become his champion. For several years he operated in the countryside, killing travelers and raising them to join his ever-growing army. He went on to raid small villages, then on to larger and larger villages until he had amassed an army of thousands of undead. Currently, his intentions are unclear, but his army is said to be hidden somewhere near Calimsham.



Languages spoken - Aquan, Sahuagin, Common, Draconic

Pets/Animal Companions: He has trained a rust monster to be his mount and bodyguard



My fifth character!

Zissren, Lizardfolk barbarian




Name: Zissren



Gender: Male

Race: Lizardfolk

Age: 21 years

Class: Barbarian

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Deity: Semuanya






Weight: 225 lbs

Hair: None

Eyes: Yellow

Skin: His skin is brownish-green on the back and front of arms and legs, and white on the chest, throat, and back of legs. The colored parts of his skin are covered with dots

Handedness: Left

Scars/Tattoos: He has a large tattoo on the back of his left leg and up to his left cheek, depicting a snake

General physical description: This tall humanoid looks like a cross between a powerfully built human and a lizard. It has clawed hands, a long tail, and toothy jaws. -Monster Manual v.3.5

Voice: His voice is deep and clear, but when he speaks quickly it is scratchy and rough

Clothing/armor: He wears no clothing save a loincloth and a rope around his chest, holding his scabbard. Other than this, he wields a shield made from a turtle shell


Weapons: He wields a crude club and spear


Other Magical Equipment: None






General Personality Traits: Friendly and loyal, Zissren actively seeks out the forces of evil and enjoys destroying monsters and evil races, such as goblinkin. He never gives up when tracking a target, and almost always catches them. He resents authority but upholds the wishes of the people

Likes: Swamps, art, song, hunting, swimming, climbing, nature, heights


Dislikes: Evil, demons, orcs, underground areas

Fears: Lava, powerful undead, giants

Attitudes towards friends/strangers: He is extremely loyal to his friends and generally friendly to strangers, even those who disdain him for being a lizardfolk

Opinion of the world: The world is a great, open place, full of opportunity but also evil that must be destroyed




Birthplace: The Evermoors

Family/Relationships: He left his family behind to pursue his quest of destroying evil

Friends: None yet

Enemies: Follower-of-Nightmares, the Sahuagin necromancer


Background: Raised in the Evermoors, he learned to fight from a young age, specializing in fighting trolls. When his sister was killed by trolls, he dedicated himself to destroying evil, and left his home to wander Faerun. He stumbled across the necromancer Follower-of-Nightmares in his travels, and has been following the Sahuagin ever since, determined to disrupt his plans.



Languages spoken - Common, Draconic, Gnoll, Aquan

Pets/Animal Companions: None



My final character, who is evil!

Dysius, Human wererat




Name: Dysius (also known as Dice)



Gender: Male

Race: Human wererat

Age: 28 years

Class: Rogue

Alignment: Neutral Evil

Deity: Shar





Height: 5'5 as a human, 4'8 as a wererat

Weight: 80 lbs as a human, 50 lbs as a wererat

Hair: As a human, his hair is matted and brown, cut short, as a wererat he is covered with matted fur of the same color

Eyes: Faded and yellow

Skin: A pale color

Handedness: Left

Scars/Tattoos: A tattoo on the back of his hand depicting a rat

General physical description: He is a thin, wiry individual of shorter than average height. His eyes constantly dart around, and his nose and mouth may twitch if he is excited. As a wererat, he is quick and feral, covered with matted brown fur and has a long, hairless tail

Voice: Smooth and medium-pitched as a human- this belies his true nature as a wererat

Clothing/armor: He wears dirty, ragged cloth trousers, and often goes around shirtless


Weapons: Twin iron daggers


Other Magical Equipment: None




General Personality Traits: He is a liar and a thief, and does whatever suits his designs. He has no qualms about killing, and often revels in it when he can get away with it. He is often getting into sticky situations, and often barely escapes alive

Likes: Jewelry, gold, luxury, murder


Dislikes: Elves, governing bodies, bright light

Fears: Camels, drow, the sun

Attitudes towards friends/strangers: He is selfish and unfriendly to all he meets

Opinion of the world: It exists only to be exploited and to enjoy life




Birthplace: Calimsham

Family/Relationships: He was a member of a wererat guild, but was exiled from the guild when he killed a high-ranking individual within the guild.

Friends: None

Enemies: None that he knows of, as he always escapes


Background: He was born in the slums of Calimsham, another worthless individual. Seeking the power and money to cure his mothers sickness, he joined a guild of thieves, and was soon introduced to their special power, Lycanthropy. He used his wererat form to sneak into a prominent nobles home, and stole a potion to cure his moms disease. After he cured his mom, she lived for another five years, then died of old age. Grieved by his mothers death, he became heartless and cruel, and after his exile from the guild, left Calimsham. He came across a Sahuagin necromancer by the name of Follower-of-Nightmares, and became his assistant. His latest mission is to shadow the gnoll Bar'bark and find out anything he knows, as well as to make sure he doesn't betray Dices master.



Languages spoken - Common, Orcish

Pets/Animal Companions: None



My intentions with my characters

For my evil Sahuagin character, I plan for him to somehow be incorporated into some evil army along with his. I do also plan for him to die before the main antagonist is killed, preferably from somebody else's character, as it would be kind of weird for my characters to kill each other.

Edited by Redscorpionarmy
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Hey Redscorpion, just so you know, Myrkul's dead. He can't be the deity for your Sahuagin. I suggest Velsharoon as a replacement.


EDIT: Also, what are your intentions for his army of "thousands of undead?" Do you intend him to join our primary villain or become that primary villain?

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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I know he's dead :D Follower-of-Nightmares does not believe that Myrkul is dead, and follows his former teachings. So really, he's following a false cause but I hope he will still rise to power. I might look into changing that, though.


As for his army, I would like them to join the primary villain, but I'm still reading up on the RP to see what has happened, and to see what I want to happen with him. I do plan on him being killed by one of my other characters, but that might all change, of course.


EDIT: Btw, his source of power is not from his deity. It comes from years of training in the art of necromancy.


EDIT 2: I do plan on my Sahuagin becoming a lich, but I don't know if that will change anything or if it's even possible for a Sahuagin to become one.

Edited by Redscorpionarmy
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I know he's dead :D Follower-of-Nightmares does not believe that Myrkul is dead, and follows his former teachings. So really, he's following a false cause but I hope he will still rise to power. I might look into changing that, though.


As for his army, I would like them to join the primary villain, but I'm still reading up on the RP to see what has happened, and to see what I want to happen with him. I do plan on him being killed by one of my other characters, but that might all change, of course.


EDIT: Btw, his source of power is not from his deity. It comes from years of training in the art of necromancy.


OK, thanks for the clarification. Might want to edit that into his history.

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