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Tales of Faerun


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Got a character sheet for an antagonist, at least against my characters. I'm likely going to come up with another one (Specifically this character's sister) as a kind of paradox to the Grey brothers. Ought to be implemented towards the end of this new story with Azuris (don't want to steal the spotlight, after all.)



Name: Marie Ordain


Gender: Female

Race: Human

Age: 19

Class: Rogue

Alignment: Lawful neutral

Deity: Hoar, Tyr


Height: 5'4

Weight: 110 pounds

Hair: Shoulder-length and auburn, pulled back into a tight ponytail, Marie hates it when her hair falls into her eyes.

Eyes: Marie's eyes are big and a light shade of Hazel that, depending on the light, looks more golden in color, though not because of any secret hidden superpowers or anything. (Unfortunately for her.)

Skin: Marie's skin is a light tan colour and mostly smooth, but stress and worry often mar her features.

Handedness: Ambidextrous, though she fires a bow right-handed.

Scars/Tattoos: She has a slight limp from her right leg because it didn't heal properly when it was broken, but it doesn't hamper movement.

General physical description: Short, skinny, and built lithely, Marie is far from the strongest or toughest person around, but she is extremely agile and stealthy because of it. She's also able to fit into small spaces that other people wouldn't be able to, but she's no Kender, she has her limits.

Voice: Her voice doesn't seem to match her appearance, being medium-pitched and almost deep at times, and not in a seductive way.

Clothing/armor: Marie's preferred armor is well-made thick leather reinforced with black dragonscales, providing considerable protection for something so light (though still outclassed by heavier armors.) she also wears a light mithril breastplate over her chest and lower torso to protect her vital organs, as well as mithril knee-caps. She wears sturdy leather boots on her feet. She keeps her arrows in a black quiver on her back.

Weapons: Marie's preferred weapon is a yew shortbow, light but powerful and rapid-fire, with various designs expertly carved into the wood, including her family's coat of arms. If she's caught up close, she uses two decorated forearm-length daggers, pommels and hilts embedded with emeralds and the blades barbed in several places to rip and shred flesh instead of simply slice. She's also skilled when caught without a weapon, but her lack of size and strength gives her a sever disadvantage in melee combat in general, and she is by far at her best striking from the shadows with a bow.

Other Magical Equipment: None.


General Personality Traits: Focused, intense, and severe, Marie doesn't make friends easily. She is, however, quite practical, which comes in quite handy in situation that require preparation. She does occasionally have trouble keeping a level head during a fight if directly pressed, making her somewhat more vulnerable to magical attacks targeting the mind. She also follows a jumbled moral code that has not seen much refinement due to a sheltered existence up until just a few years ago, meaning that her actions, while sometimes inconsistent, seem right to her. She is also organized and keeps equipment, living spaces, and the like unscrupulously clean and organized so that she knows exactly where to find what she needs, which comes in handy in fights. She primarily looks out for her own instead of going out of her way to help (or harm) others. She does, however, have a more tender side for whoever classifies as 'her own', as does every other sentient being ever.

Likes: Justice being served (legally or otherwise), dogs, family, honesty, efficiency.

Dislikes: Criminals, mercenaries, bandits, barbarians, lack of direction or purpose

Fears: Her mother dying, any of her sisters or the dog dying.

Attitudes towards friends/strangers: Just stay out of the way, unless you happen to be her enemy, in which case, just stand right there, perfectly still....

Opinion of the world: Too many problems around to eliminate them all, just make the best for you and yours. Eliminate problems as they crop up, but don't rip your hair out trying to help everybody or you're destined for disappointment.


Birthplace: Westgate, Ordain house.

Family/Relationships: Father (deceased), mother.

Friends: Besides being somewhat friendly with the Westgate town guards, Marie doesn't have any friends.

Enemies: Vigilantes, criminals, bandits, rowdy and chaotic people.

Miscellaneous: Maintains an uneasy cease-fire with family Grey.

Background: Marie was born to a minor nobleman and his wife and given a sheltered and somewhat privileged childhood. Her father's influence gave her a bigoted edge towards those that society views as 'rabble' and 'uncivilized savages' that she still retains to this day, but isn't intense as it used to be. As the Ordain family gained influence, settlers moved onto their land, where her greedy father taxed them heavily. This eventually provoked Arland of the Grey family to 'infiltrate' Ordain house, resulting in her leg being snapped backwards and permanently scarred and her father being murdered -specifically beheaded- on the spot for all of them to see. While grieving, he was the only one to die, whether it was intended or not. While normally inheritance would go to the next-of-kin, it wasn't long before the overtaxed peasants, already on the brink of starvation, invaded the rest of the manor and plundered it, reducing the Ordain family fortune to that of a more common middle-class family. The Ordains struggled to adapt to the loss of the luxuries they were used to, but they made the hard transition without losing anybody else and, with the aging of the Ordain girls, have earned enough money through work to support themselves. Marie, starting off as a scout for the local town guard, expanded her horizons by taking governmental bounties, which pay much better and are also much more dangerous, which has brought in plenty of money for the family but also caused them to worry. Through it all, despite it being a Grey that brought them to their knees, the Ordains and the Greys have declared a truce, brought about by the Grey family promising that they didn't encourage Arland to do as he did, despite any good intentions behind it. While the parents and elder children interact with one another shakily at best, the younger children of both families get along rather well despite the circumstances that forced them to meet.


Languages spoken - Whatever passes for English in Faerun. Basic, was it?

Pets/Animal Companions: A guard dog sometimes accompanies her, but it's usually protecting the Ordain household in Westgate.

Edited by Flipout6
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Sweet, alright, got it.


Also she (and any sister I may make her) may not come into play until later, as I said. But they will, and I will have fun with them :D (oh god that sounded wrong.)

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Hey guys! I decided to ditch Nyx for now (she will return later...just much later), and in the meantime I'm making another male character. :D Hope you guys like him. The stuff in parenthesis is going to be his main form.


Name: Argyros



Gender: Male

Race: Silver Dragon (Moon Elf)

Age: 250 [mature adult dragon]

Class: Fighter

Alignment: Lawful Good

Deity: Bahamut





Height: 20 feet when standing (5'6'')

Weight: 1,000,000lbs (130lbs)

Hair: None (Pale lavender-blue)

Eyes: Metallic silver orbs (Pale blue, almost silver)

Skin: Silvery scales (porcelain white)

Handedness: Ambidextrous

Scars/Tattoos: None

General physical description: As a dragon, Argyros is like all Silvers - a muscular dragon with a massive wingspan, his scales of bright silver with a slight purple-blue sheen. His head is sharply chiseled, with a convex snout. He also has a long, finned silver crest running from the top of his head to the very tip of his tail.





As a humanoid, Argyros takes the form of a lithe and graceful Moon Elf. He has well-defined cheekbones and a convex nose to match his dragon form. His long, straight blueish hair reaches to his waist. Argyros's face and mouth are both quite expressive - his emotions are never well-hidden.


Voice: As a dragon, Argyros's voice is deep and booming. Similarly, his elven form possesses a commanding and authoritative tone, oddly deep for his chosen race.

Clothing/armor: A simple steel breastplate with a blue tunic and violet leggings, with a pair of steel-armored boots and gauntlets.


Weapons: A pair of steel shortswords and a zalantar bow.


Other Magical Equipment: None




General Personality Traits: Argyros is kind and good-natured, with an almost insatiable curiosity. He will shamelessly ask any question he deems fit for a situation. Like most silver dragons, he doesn't purposely go looking for evil, though he will root it out if it is nearby.

Likes: Common human and elven cuisine, adventurers, the life of humanoid peoples in general, history, the arts


Dislikes: Any evil, especially Red Dragons

Fears: Practically nothing, except perhaps the eventual demises of his humanoid friends.

Attitudes towards friends/strangers: Argyros is friendly to almost everyone until they prove themselves unworthy of kindness

Opinion of the world: The world is a place to be learned from; never can any being stop learning.




Birthplace: Giantspire Mountains, near Narfell

Family/Relationships: The fellow Silvers of his clan

Friends: None currently

Enemies: Any Red Dragon


Background: Argyros was hatched in the faraway Giantspires to a substantially large clan of Silver Dragons. As all Silvers eventually do, he grew tired of his lifestyle and sought a change, transforming himself into an elf and seeking out humanoid settlements to learn from the short-lived races. He has enjoyed his life as an adventurer, joining various mercenary companies, completing local missions for temples and guilds, and even striking out on his own for great distances. He has found himself at a large fairgrounds in Impiltur, where he seeks to test his knowledge of humanoid combat and further learn about this intriguing get-together that people so enjoy having.



Silver Dragon Abilities: Breath Weapon - Cone of Cold; Breath Weapon - Paralyzing Gas


Languages spoken - Common, Draconic

Pets/Animal Companions: None

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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LOL I can't wait to catch him in his dragon form and make jokes about his breath.


Also I'm probably making an extra char or two later, fill up all 6 slots, hope y'all don't mind XD


ALSO: Redscorpionarmy, I never welcomed you to the RP or even acknowledged you and it makes me feel like a dick, sorry about that. So, with that aside, it's friggin' awesome to have you aboard here, welcome! :laugh: sorry about my tardiness and forgetfulness.

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