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@Grue, I read your post and personally I don't find anything too disturbing about it. :thumbsup:


Hey guys, just wanted to let you know that I'll be offline for a while, real life getting in the way. :wacko:


Let's just pretend that Nawen won the second place or something in the archery competition because I'm sure you guys want to go forward because there are other tournaments and stuff like that. I'd like Nawen to be among the winners since from my characters she's the only one participating in something. Not to mention that a little confidence boost wouldn't hurt. :whistling:

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Hello, I've been looking for a good RP thread and I found this, which looks PERFECT! I was wondering if I could join. BTW, I did this one but had to re-do it because my internet had some "issues", so if it's bad quality, I'm sorry. Anyways, here's my character:





Name: Xundus Melarn



Gender: Male

Race: Drow

Age: Sixty-eight (born 1311 DR, Year of the Fist, 30th of The Rotting)

Class: Fighter

Alignment: Neutral Good


Deity: Selûne





Height: 5'4

Weight: 150lbs

Hair: Shoulder-length, stark white

Eyes: Red

Skin: Black

Handedness: Right-handed

Scars/Tattoos: None

General physical description: With his pointed ears, slim but athletic build, and handsome, angular features, he is not unlike other drow males.

Voice: Smooth and melodic, his voice is medium-pitched.

Clothing/armor: Mithral chain-link underneath a leather jerkin. He wears a tattered piwafwi that has long since lost its enchantment. He wears a leather strip that runs diagonal across his chest, with several pouches attached to it that he uses to keep his Sleeping poison and crossbow bolts, as well as a plain white stage mask with a simple cord to hold it in place, which he uses to hide his identity as drow.


Weapons: An adamantine rapier, the hilt elaborately decorated in silver. He also wields a hand-crossbow typical of his kind, and always keeps a couple of vials of Sleeping poison with him.


Other Magical Equipment: A trinket that allows his sensitive eyes to withstand light.




General Personality Traits: Charitable, kind, adventurous, optimistic, sneaky, reserved

Likes: The moon, traveling, fighting, revelry


Dislikes: Demons and other evil beings, orcs, thieves

Fears: Deep water

Attitudes towards friends/strangers: Although he tries to be friendly and open to strangers, he find it hard to make new friends, especially being drow. He is, however, extremely loyal to his friends.




Birthplace: Ched Nasad, the Northdark

Family/Relationships: He formerly belonged to House Melarn, but has since abandoned his house.

Friends: None (yet)

Enemies: None (yet)


Background: Born and raised in Ched Nasad among the drow House Melarn, he was taught not to trust, love, or ever let your guard down around other drow. When he came of age, he joined the ranks of House Melarn's soldiers, but was never the best at fighting. The only thing that kept him alive among his dangerous kin was his intelligence. Secretly, he found Lolth and the rest of the city distasteful, and went on many ventures into the Underdark alone, claiming he was spying for the House. At one point, he ran into a group of adventurers who took him prisoner, and after a few days one of them revealed herself to be half-drow. She told him they were going to execute him on the surface, unless he would repent and change his evil ways. He did so, fearing for his own life, and the female taught him about Selune, the Moonmaiden. At first, he found the goddess of the stars and light extremely distasteful. After all, why would he worship a goddess whose portfolio included light? But when he was taken to the surface, he found the stars beautiful, even if they hurt his eyes a bit. After the half-drow deemed him worthy, Xundus had to make a decision: go back to live among his evil kin, or go to the surface, where he would be feared and hated. He decided to go back to Ched Nasad, and spent many years there as a soldier, though secretly he longed for the surface world. When he got back, he was tortured for being gone, but they let him live. He finally left the city after Tellik Melarn was killed for worshipping Vhaeraun, the drow god of males. Being only a lowly commoner, he was able to escape the city without much notice, and reached the surface, where he tried to track the adventurers who had taught him about Selune. Instead, what he found was a Priestess of Selune, who, after a test to see if he was truly a follower of Selune, gave him a trinket that would allow him to view the sun and stars without his drow eyes feeling pain or being blinded. Despite being turned away from some cities for being drow, he found life on the surface enjoyable, and started signing on with fellow adventurers to clear the world of evil.



Languages spoken - Drow, Drow Sign, Common, Undercommon

Pets/Animal Companions: None





Well, that's it. Tell me if it's good, or give me advice if not. Thanks!

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Welcome to the RP, Quintatas, and welcome to the Nexus Forums! :smile:


Your character sheet looks good. Take care that you don't make drow life on the surface look too easy; we've had some issues with that in the past. We have one drow in the main group already (she's just now getting comfortable in her own skin - correct me if I'm wrong, Nighty :tongue:) and one half-drow who really doesn't care what people think of him. :laugh: Besides them, the only other drow in the RP as of now is a villain.


Other than that, the only advice I can give is to make sure you understand all of the rules, and to read as much of the RP as you can (I realize 400+ pages is a lot) in order to get an idea of how we post and our overall writing style.


Whenever you're ready, jump in! :D

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Thanks Auriana! Though it seems a daunting task, I will try to read as much of the RP as I can. And don't worry, life won't be easy for my drow. After all, problems are what make stories xD

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Trust me, it's a daunting task alright XD if I were you I'd just read the last few pages or so.

Also, welcome to the RP!

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I've finished my character sheet - might make some more changes later, but hopefully this is a bit better. I've made a few changes and edited the text, though everything is pretty much the same.



Name: Xundus Melarn (pronounced zun-duss)



Gender: Male

Race: Drow

Age: Sixty-eight (born 1311 DR, Year of the Fist, 30th of The Rotting)

Class: Fighter/Scout

Alignment: Neutral Good


Deity: Selûne





Height: 5'4

Weight: 150lbs

Hair: Shoulder-length, stark white

Eyes: Red

Skin: Black

Handedness: Right-handed

Scars/Tattoos: A cut mark across the top-left of his face, over his nose, and ending at his lower-right jaw.

General physical description: With his pointed ears, slim but athletic build, and handsome, angular features, he is not unlike other drow males. He is light enough on his feet to sneak well, but is not perfectly built for open combat.

Voice: Smooth and melodic, his voice is medium-pitched.

Clothing/armor: Mithral chain-link underneath a leather jerkin. He wears a tattered dark-blue piwafwi that has long since lost its enchantment. He wears a leather strip that runs diagonal across his chest, with several pouches attached to it that he uses to keep his Sleeping Poison and crossbow bolts in, as well as a plain white stage mask with a simple cord to hold it in place, which he uses to hide his identity as drow.


Weapons: An adamantine rapier, the hilt elaborately decorated in silver. A ruby is embedded in the pommel of the blade. He also wields a hand-crossbow typical of his kind, and always keeps a couple of vials of Sleeping Poison with him.


Other Magical Equipment: A trinket that allows his sensitive eyes to withstand light, in the shape of a silver disc with the symbol of Selûne on it.




General Personality Traits: Charitable, kind, adventurous, optimistic, sneaky, reserved

Likes: The moon, traveling, fighting, revelry


Dislikes: Demons and other evil beings, orcs, thieves

Fears: Deep water

Attitudes towards friends/strangers: Although he tries to be friendly and open to strangers, he find it hard to make new friends, especially being drow. Generally, he is distrustful of strangers. He is, however, extremely loyal to his friends.


General Personality Overview: Despite a lifetime of hardships, Xundus always tries to look on the bright side. He finds it hard to communicate with strangers, though, especially without his mask. He prefers to stay hidden, and hasn't had many friends as he is uncomfortable showing his face to others. He tries to hide his emotions as he tries to hide his face, but when he gets comfortable with people (which rarely happens) he doesn't mind expressing his feelings.




Birthplace: Ched Nasad, the Northdark

Family/Relationships: He formerly belonged to House Melarn, but has since abandoned his house.

Friends: None (yet)

Enemies: None (yet)


Background: Born and raised in Ched Nasad among the drow House Melarn, he was taught not to trust, love, or ever let your guard down around others. When he came of age, he joined the ranks of House Melarn's soldiers, but was never the best at fighting. The only thing that kept him alive among his dangerous kin was his intelligence. Secretly, he found Lolth and the rest of the city distasteful, and went on many ventures into the Underdark alone, claiming he was spying for the House. At one point, he ran into a group of adventurers who took him prisoner, and after a few days one of them revealed herself to be half-drow. She told him they were going to execute him on the surface, unless he would repent and change his evil ways. He did so, fearing for his own life, and the female taught him about Selûne, the Moonmaiden. At first, he found the goddess of the stars and light extremely distasteful. After all, why would he worship a goddess whose portfolio included light? But when he was taken to the surface, he found the stars beautiful, even if they hurt his eyes a bit. After the half-drow deemed him worthy, Xundus had to make a decision: go back to live among his evil kin, or go to the surface, where he would be feared and hated. He decided to go back to Ched Nasad, and when he got back, he was tortured for being gone, but they let him live. He spent many years there as a soldier, though secretly he longed for the surface world. He finally left the city after Tellik Melarn was killed for worshipping Vhaeraun, the drow god of males. Being only a commoner, he was able to escape the city without much notice, and reached the surface, where he tried to track the adventurers who had taught him about Selûne. Instead, what he found was a Priestess of Selûne, who, after a test to see if he was truly a follower of the Moonmaiden, gave him a trinket that would allow him to view the sun and stars without his drow eyes feeling pain or being blinded. Despite being turned away from some cities for being drow, he found life on the surface enjoyable, often embarking on trips to clear out orcs and goblins and the like. At one point, though, he was trying to enter a town when one of the villagers attacked him in fear, scarring him permanently physically, and mentally. After this incident, he began to wear a simple white stage mask to hide his identity as drow.



Languages spoken - Drow, Drow Sign, Common, Undercommon

Pets/Animal Companions: None

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Hey, a question - I hope I'm not being an idiot an the answer is totally obvious :P - but what is the current month in the RP? Depending on the month, it might heavily influence my character soon. Thanks!

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LOL, We're really not keeping track that well, to be honest. ;D Only that a year has passed, and it's now 1379DR, probably mid to late summer.

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