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Notifications get randomly reset from time to time. Just check your notification options and put them back to your preferred settings. It'll work...until the next reset. :laugh:


Not sure if this will specifically help the spam issue, though.

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Ah, okay :wink:


It doesn't really matter, it's only a matter of seconds to get into the spam folder, just wondering if anybody else had the problem

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I've updated my character sheet. It's mainly just general improvements, but I've also changed the class.




Name: Xundus Melarn (pronounced zun-duss)



Gender: Male

Race: Drow

Age: Sixty-eight (born 1311 DR, Year of the Fist, 30th of The Rotting)

Class: Fighter/Rogue

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Deity: Selûne, Shaundakul



Height: 5'5

Weight: 125lbs

Hair: Shoulder-length, stark white

Eyes: Red

Skin: Black with a slight purple undertone

Handedness: Ambidextrous

Scars/Tattoos: A cut mark across the top-left of his face, over his nose, and ending at his lower-right jaw.

General physical description: With his pointed ears, slim but athletic build, and handsome, angular features, he is not unlike other drow males. He is light enough on his feet to sneak well, but is not perfectly built for open combat.


Voice: Smooth and melodic like most elves, his voice is medium-pitched. He rarely raises his voice, even if angered.

Clothing/armor: Mithral chain-link underneath a leather jerkin. He wears a tattered dark-purple piwafwi that has long since lost its enchantment. He wears a leather strip that runs diagonal across his chest, with several pouches attached to it that he uses to keep his Sleeping Poison and crossbow bolts in, as well as a plain white stage mask with a simple cord to hold it in place, which he uses to hide his identity as drow.


Weapons: An adamantine rapier, the hilt elaborately decorated in silver. A ruby is embedded in the pommel of the blade. He also wields a hand-crossbow typical of his kind, and always keeps a couple of vials of Sleeping Poison with him.


Other Magical Equipment: A trinket that allows his sensitive eyes to withstand light, in the shape of a silver disc with the symbol of Selûne on it.




General Personality Traits: Charitable, kind, adventurous, optimistic, sneaky, reserved, calm

Likes: The moon, traveling, fighting, revelry, the stars, camping


Dislikes: Demons and other evil beings (especially drow), orcs, thieves, the ocean, Lolth, Matron Mothers

Fears: Deep water, Lolth

Attitudes towards friends/strangers: Although he tries to be friendly and open to strangers, he find it hard to make new friends, especially being drow. Generally, he is distrustful of strangers. He is, however, extremely loyal to his friends.


General Personality Overview: Despite a lifetime of hardships, Xundus always tries to look on the bright side. He finds it hard to communicate with strangers, though, especially without his mask. He prefers to stay hidden, and hasn't had many friends as he is uncomfortable showing his face to others. He tries to hide his emotions as he tries to hide his face, but when he gets comfortable with people (which rarely happens) he doesn't mind expressing his feelings. Despite his apparent abandoning Lolth and her ways, when he is in great times of distress he still occasionally prays to the Spider Goddess.


Combat Style: He prefers to single out and take down key targets, either up close with his rapier, or from afar with his crossbow. He can usually be found dual-wielding, with his crossbow in his left hand and his rapier in his right. After taking down a target, he retreats a short distance if possible, then goes back in.




Birthplace: Ched Nasad, the Northdark

Family/Relationships: He formerly belonged to House Melarn, but has since abandoned his house.

Friends: None (yet)

Enemies: None (yet)


Background: Born and raised in Ched Nasad among the drow House Melarn, he was taught not to trust, love, or ever let your guard down around others. When he came of age, he joined the ranks of House Melarn's soldiers, but was never the best at fighting. The only thing that kept him alive among his dangerous kin was his quick thinking. Secretly, he found Lolth and the rest of the city distasteful (though he still enjoyed torture and killing), and went on many ventures into the Underdark alone, claiming he was spying for the House.


At one point, he ran into a group of adventurers who captured him, and after a few days one of them revealed herself to be half-drow. She told him they were going to execute him on the surface, unless he would repent and change his evil ways. He did so, fearing for his own life, and the female taught him about Selûne, the Moonmaiden. At first, he found the goddess of the stars and light extremely distasteful. After all, why would he worship a goddess whose portfolio included light, something that drow were rarely exposed to? But when he was taken to the surface, he found the stars beautiful, even if they hurt his eyes a bit. After the half-drow deemed him worthy, Xundus had to make a decision: go back to live among his evil kin, or go to the surface, where he would be feared and hated.


He decided to go back to Ched Nasad, and when he got back, he was tortured for being gone, but to his suprise, they let him live. He spent many years back in the ctiy as a soldier, though secretly he longed for the surface world. He finally left the city after Tellik Melarn was killed for worshipping Vhaeraun, the drow god of males. Being only a commoner, he was able to escape the city without much notice, and reached the surface, where he tried to track the adventurers who had taught him about Selûne. Instead, what he found was a Priestess of Selûne, who, after a test to see if he was truly a follower of the Moonmaiden, gave him a trinket that would allow him to view the sun and stars without his drow eyes feeling pain or being blinded. Despite being turned away from some cities for being drow, he found life on the surface enjoyable, often embarking on trips to clear out orcs and goblins and the like. At one point, though, he was trying to enter a town when one of the villagers attacked him in fear, scarring him permanently, physically and mentally. After this incident, he began to wear a simple white stage mask to hide his identity as drow. Recently, he has stumbled across a few other deities than Selûne, including Shaundakul, who he has taken to following.




Languages spoken - Elven, Drow Sign, Common, Undercommon

Pets/Animal Companions: None




That's all- I'm open to advice if you have any thoughts on how to improve it :laugh:

Edited by Quintatas
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Here are my two new evil characters. :dance: I've also decided to get rid off Qsashei because I came up with another character who's going to replace her role.




Name: Orion Rayne


Gender: Male

Race: Human (Illuskan)

Age: 26 (Born 1353 DR - Year of the Arch, 22nd of The Drawing Down)

Class: Sorcerer

Alignment: Lawful Evil

Deity: Auril


Height: 188cm

Weight: 84kg

Hair: Straight, mid-back length, pale blonde with sky blue streaks

Eye: Icy blue

Skin: Pale white

Handedness: Left

General physical description: His unusually colored hair and piercing blue eyes are his most distinguishable features and excluding them, Orion looks like any other human. Tall and slender with sharp features and oblong shaped face.

Voice: Medium-pitched and slightly melodic


Clothing/Armor: Orion always chooses robes over armor. His robes are of white and different shades of blue colors and often look rather fashionable. The jewelry he wears is made only of silver and blue colored gemstones like sapphires and aquamarines.

Weapons: Silver dagger attached to his belt and a white staff with a glowing blue orb at the top. The staff can be used similarly to pole arm weapons. The blue orb at the top of the staff deals small cold damage.

Other magical equipment: Ring of Protection +3, Amulet of Health and Sash of Shimmering.


General personality traits: Orion is as cold as the deity he worships. He is unkind, arrogant and determined, willing to do anything to achieve his goals.

Likes: Magic, jewelry, music, ancient and rare tomes, cold places.

Dislikes: Pretty much everything.

Attitude towards friends/strangers: Can appear friendly, but really is indifferent to both. Orion has the need of allies or so called friends to further his goals, nothing more.

Opinion on the world: There are so many secrets and hidden powers to find and take advantage of and so little time to actually do it.


Birthplace: Luskan

Family/Relationships: Unknown, father deceased

Friends: None

Enemies: Everyone who opposes him

Background: Son to one of the high ranking members of The Arcane Brotherhood, Orion was always fascinated by magic. The inborn arcane talents only furthered his desire for knowledge which later became desire for more and more power.

Even as a child, Orion viewed himself much superior to other children of his age and even some adults, so he spent all of his time on studying magic. When Orion became of age he joined The Arcane Brotherhood and many said that he had a bright future ahead. Everything changed when his father was killed during Luskan war with Neverwinter. Not only that he had to flee his home but he also realized how fragile life can be. Ever since then he focused his talents on a different goal - immortality. To help with his plan he brought back to life a deceased worshiper of Kelemvor and gave him the task to collect souls for a ritual that supposedly grants immortality.


Skills and feats: Bluff (15), Concentration (30), Craft (19), Knowledge (22), Spellcraft (17)

Combat Casting - Orion can cast spells in combat.

Languages spoken: Common, Infernal

Pets/Animal Companions: Albino raven named Frost.





Name: Xallas the Soultaker


Gender: Male

Race: Death Knight

Age: 159 (2 years as a Death Knight)

Class: Fighter

Alignment: Chaotic Evil

Deity: None


Height: 182cm

Eyes: Red

Handedness: Right

General physical description: Nothing apart from a skeleton is left of the man that Xallas once was. To conceal his appearance Xallas is wearing a full set of black armor at all times. Only his red eyes are visible through the helmet.

Voice: Low pitched, almost growl-like.


Clothing/Armor: Full set of black-tinted full plate armor.

Weapons: Bastard-sword with a black colored hilt called Soultaker. Barely visible symbol of Kelemvor is still visible on its pommel.

Other magical equipment: Ring of Protection (+3) and Bracers of Armor (+4)


General personality traits: Cold and merciless, Xallas's only difference from other skeletons is his intelligence and ability to speak. Even if invisible, the evil aura around him is so strong that people avoid him just by looking at him once. It does not bother him in the slightest as he revels in fear of him and he feels no desire to communicate with anyone.


Birthplace: Westgate

Family/Relationships: Shalena Windsail (daughter)

Background: Before becoming a Death Knight, Xallas was a Moon Elf, a bard, who performed in once a popular tavern in Westgate called Mermaid's Jewel. He led a relatively good life until a wealthy merchant discovered that Xallas, or Belad as he was known at that time, was meeting his daughter in secret. Not giving a chance for the furious merchant to send his mercenaries to deal with him, Xallas left Westgate and disappeared from the face of Toril.

When he finally emerged from the hiding, Xallas no longer was a sailor but a devoted worshiper of Kelemvor. He served The Lord of the Dead faithfully and well until his death but someone had other plans for him. Two years after his death, Xallas was brought back as a Death Knight, an undead abomination he had sworn to eradicate. His new "master" tasked Xallas to travel the Realms and steal souls from the living to fuel an obscure dark magic ritual.


Languages spoken: Common

Pets/Animal Companions: Nightmare named Nadiir.


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The work is done. I do believe it's just about time for me to come back :thumbsup:

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