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Tales of Faerun


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May not be able to post for a while guys, school is once again forcing its way into any enjoyment I may get out of everything with the worst possible timing. May not even get to read what goes on for a while :mad: sorry


P.S: the sapping enjoyment bit was an exaggeration.

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Keeping in theme with my character-making frenzy (I have made dozens of random character sheets to find one I like most) I've come up with another character. I think I'll stick with three, if this one is approved. I don't think I can handle six characters :ohmy: !


And, I'm finally going to post my character in the right thread :laugh:





Name: Solaer Orle'lylth (Guild of The Blade)



Gender: Male


Race: Elf


Age: Forty-three (Born 1335 DR, Year of the Striking Falcon, First of The Rotting)


Class: Bard/Fighter


Alignment: Neutral Evil


Deity: Shevarash




Height: 5'11


Weight: 145 lbs


Hair: Dark brown, shoulder-length


Eyes: Amber


Skin: Pale


Handedness: Right


Scars/Tattoos: None

General physical description: Tall and slender, with his pointed ears and long hair, he looks like your stereotypical elf. His eyes, however, burn with hate for his enemy, giving off an eery presence to him.


Voice: Medium-pitched and melodic

Clothing/armor: Black leather armor under a chain shirt, as well as an obscuring brown cloak.


Weapons: An enchanted longsword that gives off a soft red glow, as well as several throwing daggers strapped onto his belt.


Other Magical Equipment: None.




General Personality Traits: Merciless, unfriendly, loyal and caring (to certain people). He could care less about people he doesn't know, and has no qualms with killing them if he deems it necessary. However, he is VERY loyal to his family and friends, and will support them to his dying breath.

Likes: Family, lore, adventure, song, art, the night sky


Dislikes: Assassins, drow, slavery, people being treated badly for no reason, undead

Fears: Shadow-mages, demons, ghosts and other powerful undead

Attitudes towards friends/strangers: He is notably uncaring about strangers, and has no qualms about killing them if he deems it necessary, with the notable exception of ladies. But to his friends, he is extremely loyal and caring, giving a lot of his time to them.




Birthplace: Luskan

Family/Relationships: His best friend growing up was his father, Hathim, who cared for him despite the harsh conditions of their home. His father is since dead, and he has no other family.

Friends: Keveak Falconsflight (formerly), Hathim (deceased), Dyrik (deceased)

Enemies: Keveak Falconsflight


Background: Unlike most elves, Solaer was not born and raised in a lush forest, but in a dirty inn in Luskan. There, his father Hathim rented a room, and earned his keep by cleaning the inn. When he was sixteen, his father was (presumably) killed from a disease, and at that time, a traveling human bard, Dyrik, took him under his wing and taught him to play music. For two years his mentor taught him, and on Solaer's twentieth birthday his beloved mentor died when his horse faltered and tumbled down a mountain, with Dyrik on it.


After the death of his mentor, he set out traveling the Realms, mostly in the northern areas, around Ten-Towns and Luskan. But when he turned thirty-two, he caught on to a rumor about his fathers death, that there was an assassin that had killed his father. Soon after, he befriended the human Keveak Falconsflight, who soon betrayed him when Solaer caught on to the fact that Keveak was an assassin, and had killed his father. Solaer survived the attempted assassination, however, and set out after him, seeking to end the life of the man that had ended his fathers life.


NOTE: During his travels, he joined Orle'lylth, who taught him about being a fighter.




Languages spoken - Being a bard and a master of lore, including languages, he has mastered several, including Elven, Drow Sign Language, Abyssal, Undercommon, Common, Dwarvish, Gnome, Halfling, Infernal

Pets/Animal Companions: None



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