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So will we be going back to Dilpur to get Shalena's ship or look for another ship?


I had an idea that her ship was stolen by a rival pirate (Sea's Compass is a fastest ship in the region) but if nobody wants to go on a pirate-y adventure to get Shalena's ship back I could always change it that the ship is still there at the docks.

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Auri says we're gonna head to Westgate pretty much immediately but we can always have the pirate have taken it and be plaguing the waters around there, if you want him/her in there that bad. I'm eager to get to Westgate myself, but I'm not the only RPer around XD

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We also have the complicated matter of Kalin being short on time. :P I was thinking of using the Sea Compass because it is the fastest ship...of course, having the pressure of time could create some nice RP angst. :P


Up to you guys. :)

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Went ahead and moved us straight to Dilpur, just to keep things rolling smoothly. The party will be leaving for Westgate the next morning. :thumbsup:

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Here's my future villain-to-be, who will come into play later in the RP, most likely in the Shaar, after I've freed up a character slot.


Name: Elaril Del'Ferrill


Gender: Female

Race: Wild Elf

Age: 217 years old

Class: Druid/Stormlord

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Deity: She (rather obviously) worships Talos, but Elaril respects Auril and Umberlee just as Talos does.


Height: 5'4"

Weight: 165lbs

Hair: Elaril has neck-length black hair that is wild, tangled and messy, even when meticulously cleaned, which never happens.

Eyes: Elaril's eyes are big and a stormy blue the colour of lightning, which is not a coincidence. They also have a feral glint in them, also not a coincidence.

Skin: Being a Wild Elf, her skin is a smooth nut-brown, often smeared with dirt or occasionally blood if she'd recently been hunting.

Handedness: While naturally right-handed, Elaril is ambidextrous while in animal form.

Scars/Tattoos: While she doesn't possess any huge scars, her skin is pockmarked with scars from small cuts, fights while in animal form, claw-marks, and holes where large thorns planted themselves and were removed at some point or another.

General physical description: Elaril is thick and stocky by elven standards, but still very agile. Her frame is lean and muscular, and she deceptively strong and tough. Even from a distance she looks truly feral and wild, with her light step and quickness. As an animal, her skin or fur takes on a colour on the darker side for the selected beast, wherever applicable, and her eyes dont change colour, even if they change shape.

Voice: Her voice isn't raspy, but it is harsh and dangerous-sounding, and rarely raised.

Disabilities: None.


Clothing/Armor: Elaril Del'Ferrill's outfit consists of a fur tunic covering most of her torso, save the small of her back and a little bit of her chest (and no, not in any kind of provocative manner unless you're Tannin.) and a belt with fur hanging down both the front and the back. She wears somewhat tight leather pants and durable leather boots, but her arms are bare. All of this, save the belt, is covered in bark angled downwards to give it an appearance similar to scales, except with wood. While this may appear to provide a pitiful amount of defense, it is infact Ironwood, which is as strong as steel, and provides her formidable protection against physical attacks. She has painted lightning bolts of carious colours on said armor to advertise her loyalty to Talos. She also wears fingerless gloves crafted from wolves' paws, but no cloak, head covering, or cape.

Weapons: Her primary weapon is an Ironwood spear, smooth and razor-sharp. It looks almost exactly like a diamond spear except that the tip is polished wood as well. It is heavily decorated with feathers and claws. She also keeps an extendable staff on her belt that she uses almost exclusively for the 'Changestaff' spell, in which case it will turn into a 25-foot-tall Treant. On her back in a single holster is approximately a dozen shortspears that she uses for throwing. Because of her Stormlord abilities, these spears can be enchanted to give very powerful, often-lethal electrical shocks whether they're thrown or used for melee combat. Her primary weapon, however, is her vast and very powerful array of magics available to her, being powerful enough to cast any Druid or Stormlord spell. These range from being able to shapeshift, change the weather over the course of 20 minutes (Very beneficial for a Stormlord) and being able to summon one instantaneously, to summoning elementals, shambling mounds, a treant, or even animating plants to fight for her. She must pray for such knowledge after extended use, however.

Other magical equipment: An amulet that further fortifies her willpower and wisdom, a ring of thorns that improves her strength, dexterity, and constitution by 4 points each.


General personality traits: Elaril is a druid at heart and both loves and makes a home out of the wilderness, the more remote the better. She is a strong believer in the idea of 'survival of the fittest' and keeps herself fit and sharp-minded to ensure that she remains 'the fittest'. Being a Stormlord of Talos, she is perfectly comfortable and actually more powerful in bad weather than she is outside of it. A trait rather typical of a druid is her enjoyment of both flying and hunting (in fact if she's having enough fun she starts laughing/cackling like a madwoman.) although her enjoying danger...not so much, though she never puts herself in the way of it on purpose, or else she would be killed in the wilderness quite quickly. Her love of solitude tends to distance her from other worshippers of Talos, save her fellow druids, and she enjoys the freedom to do her work without a cleric rambling on about what she should be doing, which is a blessing, since she isn't taken with extracting riches or worshippers out of those weaker than herself and instead works on her only true goal: the complete and utter destruction of civilization and the transformation of the world back into a natural state, preferably with as little death as possible, instead preferring to let the wilderness sort the weak from the strong. This is not done out of malice, but rather her genuinely believing a natural world to be superior to a conquered one, and her worship of Talos is caused by her believing him to be the quickest agreeable route to such an outcome. Despite all of this, her secretive joys of adrenaline and flying, she is businesslike and focused in demeanour and very efficient, getting things done as fast as she can and very rarely failing. She also holds a special spot in her heart for both her Dire Bear companions and the huge Treant she turns her staff into.

Likes: The wilderness, solitude, flying, hunting, adrenaline rushes, storms and rough weather, coastlines, raw power, competence, chaos.

Dislikes: Civilization, order, restrictions, being 'landlocked' (unable to fly, via shapeshifting or during a storm.) wastefulness, artificial materiels.

Fears: Death, Civilization conquering nature, being overpowered and subjected to subservience.

Attitude towards friends/strangers: She doesn't tend to allow herself to meet strangers, but if she does, it's because they're either a help or a hindrance to her mission.

Opinion on the world: It was designed to be a place of nature and wilderness, not one of cities and society. It would be much better off left as it was designed.


Birthplace: The Duskwood in The Shaar.

Family/Relationships: None.

Friends: A Dire Tiger named Kotarak.

Enemies: All of civilization, law, and order, enemies of Talos.

Background: Elaril Del'Ferrell was born in the Duskwood within the Shaar to a pair of Wild Elf parents who were two of the only survivors of a tribe that been killed off by sickness. Elaril's father was a skilled hunter and tracker, while her mother was a powerful druid in her own right. With their combined knowledge, between hunting, staying hidden, learning to use druidic powers that seemed to come naturally to her, and surviving on her own, Elaril grew to be totally self-sufficient. This came as a boon, because when her parents were killed by hunters when she was young, Elaril's despising civilization led her to become a recluse, living on her own, growing in power. As this lifestyle heavily influenced her and wrapped itself around her mind, and she spent years in the woods, she eventually encountered a cleric of Talos, who brought her back to his church, hoping to convert her. On this journey they forayed into civilized lands, where Elaril saw weakness and dependence all around, people who would die if left in the wilderness less than a week. This was not just localized, but Elaril saw it everywhere she went. Over the next hundred years or so, as she began worshipping Talos in order to gain power as her purpose formed, she took time to examine cultures and cities, both at their strongest and weakest, and when she saw all the poor who depended on donations, the rich who grew fat and lazy, and even mighty armies that had been eliminated due to being unable to adapt to terrain they passed through or changing weather conditions, Elaril decided that the world would be better off without such weakness. Studying and refining her powers, Elaril kept herself in top physical and mental shape as she gathered as much knowledge as she could, in a process lasting nearly a hundred years. She also grew to despise her church, as they were petty and flaunted their power instead of truly using it for something good. She did, however, admire Talos, whom she saw as one of the ultimate and harshest true representations of just how powerful nature could be, and her mostly-solitary worship of him eventually led to her being granted the powers of a Stormlord. She has used her abilites as both a very powerful druid and stormlord to halt civilization's expanse wherever she could while she tried to figure out a way to return the world to a wild, feral state, which she does not yet know how to do.


Languages spoken: Common, elven, can communicate with animals.

Pets/Animal companions: Her animal ally is a huge 12-foot-long Dire Tiger, whom she can summon if need be, and it has its own story to it. However, she also keeps a staff simply for the purpose of turning it into a Treant, and this spell is used often as well.

Edited by Flipout6
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I figure I need another character, as just one isn't enough to work with. So, I came up with this one:





Name: Colton "One-eye"




Gender: Male


Race: Human


Age: 31 years - (Born 1st of Deepwinter, 1348)


Class: Fighter, with some experience as a mage, particularly in the schools of Illusion and Evocation


Alignment: Chaotic Neutral


Deity: Garagos, Umberlee




Height: 6'0


Weight: 184 lbs


Hair: Unkempt dark brown hair, reaching his neck and sometimes tied back in a knot


Eyes: Green, one is white


Skin: Light, though slightly tanned


Handedness: Right


Scars/Tattoos: No scars, and he boasts about it


General physical description: Tall but slightly slim, his body is toned for combat, and has a handsome ruggedness.


Voice: Medium-pitched, rarely raises his voice unless provoked


Disabilities: None. Though he was born blind in one eye, it was replaced with an enchanted marble eye that he can see out of.




Clothing/Armor: A loose red shirt and brown pants. Over his clothing, he wears a studded leather vest, and straps of leather around his legs. He wears no gauntlets or bracers, for maximum dexterity.


Weapons: A silver shortsword and a matching longsword.


Other magical equipment: When not dual-wielding, he carries a spell tome in his left hand, bound with red leather.




General personality traits: Boastful, arrogant, freedom-loving, charismatic


Likes: Robbery, freedom, alcohol, fighting


Dislikes: Murder, lycanthropes, rich people


Fears: Lycanthropes, undead


Attitude towards friends/strangers: He is friendly to everyone, preferring to have allies rather than enemies, though he robs both alike.


Opinion on the world: The world exists for the benefit of its inhabitants.




Birthplace: Westgate. He has lived there his whole life.


Family/Relationships: He is distanced from his family, and has no romantic interests.


Friends: None


Enemies: Everyone he has robbed and have seen his face


Background: Born to poor parents in the port city of Westgate, he participated in crime from a young age. When he was ten, he was sneaking into shops, stealing food and clothing. When he became thirteen, he was offered a place in the unpredictable church of Umberlee, and he accepted. Though he had no skills in divine magic, he was decently skilled in arcane magic, and did well in his service to Umberlee. However, after ten years, he was exiled after killing a prominent member of the church (upon being attacked). He made his living through banditry, and at one point practiced piracy, though he preferred robbery on land.




Languages spoken: Common, orcish


Pets/Animal companions: A rat named Blackie


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