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Right then, this doesn't mark a triumphant return on my part or anything, but I was on for the night XD don't let the long post dissuade anyone from going along with Weyland, Arland, and Amendale to meet the rest of the Greys, though, you're all welcome to participate there, of course. I just made a huge post just to cover several posts' worth in a single one just in case I'm not on for another while yet.


I'll try to keep caught up here, and if I'm lucky I can slip in a post or two, but it'll be slow-going from me for a while.


P.S: Sorry if that post length melted your brains :laugh:


P.S.S: I think this song'll suit this situation just fine.

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Expanded on my second post there. Just a whole bunch of dinner conversation, mostly there for flavor more'n'anything XD but still, hopefully it makes it a bit more interesting to read.

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Sorry for the short posts lately, I've just had my time taken up by so many things. They feel especially small in the face of Flip's posts! :laugh:


Anyways, great post!

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This isn't a fully-fledged character, but at the request of Stew I have made a character sheet for Elaril's animal companion, a Dire Tiger. Read if you wish XD


Name: Kotarak


Gender: Female

Race: Dire Tiger

Age: 10

Class: Animal Companion

Alignment: True Neutral

Deity: N/A, Elaril's the closest thing to a deity the tiger has.


Height: Kotarak is massive, standing at 4'6" tall while on all fours, and twelve feet long.

Weight: 5 500 pounds

Hair: Her 'hair', or rather fur, is a dark burnt orange and specked with long black stripes that give her natural camouflage, which she puts to great effect. Her underbelly is white, but this is rarely seen.

Eyes: Kotarak's eyes are orange and reflect light in a prism of colors. While completely in the dark, if some light is shown on them, they appear to glow an ominous yellow, but this merely an illusion. They do not glow on their own.

Skin: Not visible beneath her fur.

Handedness: Uh....Quadridextrous?

Scars/Tattoos: Kotarak is covered in scars from previous engagements with both other tigers and from hunters. A vicious sword stroke at one point cleaved her left eye in half, but this was healed by Elaril Del'Ferrill's intervention and while the eye itself still bears the scar, Kotarak has learned to adapt and use her damaged eyesight. Three of what used to be arrow holes punctured her side and left pink circular scar tissue where they hit. Her flank has six claw scars total, one on the small of her back and one on the right side of her flank, behind her hip, from attempts via males to commit infanticide on her young and her own defending them.

General physical description: A massive specimen for a female tiger, Kotarak is incredibly strong, tough, and fast, being a tiger and all. Being a Dire Tiger, she has sharp bone-like spikes jutting out of her back at a rearwards angle, looking like blades of grass while camouflaged. Whiel walking or running, like many big cats, her muscles are clearly visible at work, adding to an intimidating appearance. When combined with her massive two fron teeth, which protrude from her mouth and reach her chin, her appearance alone is enough to strike fear into the hearts of those not of a fighting inclination, and most that are.

Voice: She can growl, roar, and yowl, but otherwise she doesn't tend to be very vocal.

Disabilities: Nothing physical. Hates bows and crossbows, metallic weapons to a lesser extend, but Elaril's commands overwhelm her murderous desire upon seeing such weapons. As she never leaves Elaril's side, this is never a problem.


Clothing/Armor: Nothing. She has fur.

Weapons: Her claws, teeth, and muscles.

Other magical equipment: None


General personality traits: Being a creature, Kotarak doesn't have a personality in the same sense as a person might. But she is intelligent enough to recognize friends from enemies and can even reognize Elaril if she is in a form besides her natural one, even if she's disguised as prey. She also, ironically, has some traits similar to a housecat, like her enjoyment of milk and being stroked. She is a wild animal at her heart, though, and will still attack if threatened, hunt what it perceived to be prey, and not give a damn about good or evil. However, past experiences with hunters have led her to naturally wish to attack anyone with a metallic weapon, armor, or a bow, and only if stopped by Elaril will she fail to do so.

Likes: Cat stuff. Food, warm spots in the sun, resting, hunting, milk, and being petted (but only by Elaril.)

Dislikes: Bows, crossbows, metallic weapons, infanticide.

Fears: Bows, crossbows, metallic weapons.

Attitude towards friends/strangers: If you're not Elaril, another druid, or another tiger, you're probably food or not worth her time.

Opinion on the world: N/A, animalistic instincts.


Birthplace: The Shaar

Family/Relationships: One surviving male cub, four cubs (deceased)

Friends: Elaril Del'Ferrill

Enemies: Her prey, hunters, most civilized beings.

Background: Being an ordinary Dire Tiger, Kotarak was born and raised like any other Dire Tiger was. She had cubs when she was about four years old, and when they were 6 months old, Kotarak took down a pair of travelers on the road in order to meet the demands of her increasingly-ravenous cubs. This provoked an act of revenge from a nearby village, and hunters pursued her and her young deep into the Duskwood using fire and loud noises to make themselves appear much mighter than they were. Eventually she and her cubs were cornered and Kotarak was forced to fight back. She single-handedly eliminated five out of the eight of them, but was severely wounded and her strength flagging by that point. Elaril, who had been invetigating the noises and tracking the hunters, intervened and slaughtered the remaining three without mercy. By the end of the encounter, four out of five cubs had been killed, and Elaril had to heal Kotarak to prevent her eventual death from the multiple wounds she received. Normally Elaril's belief in the idea of 'survival of the fittest' would have her leave the beast to die, something about the situation softened her heart, and she made sure to keep hunters away from Kotarak and her sole remaining cub until the cub had matured and moved away from its mother, occasionally interacting with the great tiger herself, and eventually forming an unshakeable mutual bond. Kotarak hasn't abandoned Elaril- even to breed- ever since.


Languages spoken: She can understand Sylvan. Otherwise she speaks tiger. It's a language now.

Pets/Animal companions: Elaril's the closest she has. Given how feral Elaril is in the first place, she's not too far off from an animal.

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And I return! But not with my old characters, sadly. I just don't feel quite like using the same old guys and gals this time around. Instead, I give you MY tiger. (eat your heart out, Flippy)


Name: Aera

Race: Weretiger

Age: 20

Class: Barbarian

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Deity: Selune

Place of Origin: The Shaar

Height - 7'6"
Weight - 135 lbs.
Eyes - pale blue
Hair - tan
Fur - white with tan stripes
Extremely tall and relatively curvy, Aera has a strong face to match her strong body. Her eyes are intense and her cheekbones are high and pronounced, framing her small nose and full lips, making her beauty almost seem delicate, but her features contain a certain strength about them. When she smiles, her mouth is shown to be full of pointed teeth. Her body is covered in thick, snowy white fur and pale tan stripes. She has a long tail, even in humanoid form. When in tiger form, her pelt and eye colors do not change.

Armor/Clothing: A haltertop and loincloth crudely made from the pelt of a black bear. Matching bracers and knee-high boots. The outfit itself can be called skimpy at best.

Weapon: Claws and teeth. A dagger concealed in her boot when forced to fight in humanoid form.

Personality: Catty.

History: Bitten as a toddler in a village attack by the followers of Malar, Aera was kidnapped and taken in by her weretiger "mother." She lived her entire life believing she was actually the offspring of two weretigers until very recently. She has since run away and begun to live on her own.

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Well that depends on perspective. She sounds like fun, though XD


PS: Epic personality.

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