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Tales of Faerun


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So, here's my kind of evil character. This character sheet is different because it describes two people (actually it's one person but with two personalities) in one sheet. To avoid confusion I'm going to use Comic Sans MS for Liam and Georgia for Orion. They look different enough, right? :ohdear:



Name: Liam/Orion Rayne


Gender: Male

Race: Human

Age: 25

Class: Sorcerer

Alignment: Neutral Good/Chaotic Evil

Deity: Kossuth/Auril


Height: 188cm

Weight: 84kg

Hair: Straight, red, mid-back length.


Straight, mid-back length, pale blonde, almost white with sky blue streaks.

Eyes: Amber/Icy blue

Skin: Pale white

Handedness: Left

General physical description: Tall, slender with sharp facial features and oblong shaped face.

His unusually colored hair and piercing blue eyes are his most distinguishable features and excluding them, Orion looks like any other human. Tall and slender with sharp features and oblong shaped face.

Voice: Medium-pitched and slightly melodic


Clothing/Armor: As a sorcerer, Liam always wears robes of red and orange colors. He wears golden jewelry with gems like rubies and garnets.

Orion always chooses robes over armor. His robes are of white and different shades of blue colors and often look rather fashionable. The jewelry he wears is made only of silver and blue colored gemstones like sapphires and aquamarines.

Weapons: Adamantine dagger attatched to his belt and a staff with a glowing red orb at the top. The staff can be used similarly to pole arm weapons. The red orb at the top of the staff deals small fire damage.

Silver dagger attached to his belt and a white staff with a glowing blue orb at the top. The staff can be used similarly to pole arm weapons. The blue orb at the top of the staff deals small cold damage.

Other magical equipment: Ring of Protection +3, Amulet of Health and Sash of Shimmering and a Bag of Holding.


General personality traits: Good natured and kind, Liam does not posess a fiery temperament and he is in fact quite timid and humble.

Orion is as cold as the deity he worships. He is unkind, arrogant and determined, willing to do anything to achieve his goals.

Likes: Magic, jewelry, music and other arts, ancient and rare tomes, warm places, travel.

Magic, jewelry, music, ancient and rare tomes, cold places.

Dislikes: Cruel people, cold, Orion.


Pretty much everything.

Fears: To be completely dominated by Orion or simply disappear.

Attitude towards friends/strangers: Friendly to both.

Can appear friendly, but really is indifferent to both. Orion has the need of allies or so called friends to further his goals, nothing more.

Opinion on the world: The world is full of things that are worth preserving.

There are so many secrets and hidden powers to find and take advantage of and so little time to actually do it.


Birthplace: Silverymoon

Family/Relationships: Both parents are alive and still living in Silverymoon.

Friends: None

Enemies: Plenty for both

Background: Son of a wealthy merchant and talented wizard, Liam took after his mother and pursued the arts of magic. His mother saw a great potential in her son and was especially proud and happy when her son show natural talent for the arcane arts. When Liam was ten years old, his mother sent him to an old aquiantance of hers to further improve his talents. That was where Liam's happy life ended.

The sorcerer that tutored Liam disliked the boy and always belittled him for almost everything he did and because of his nature, Liam tried his best to ignore the insults and focus on his training. As years passed, the insults turned from bad to worse and after yet another humiliation, when Liam was sixteen years old, something happened. Liam blacked out and once he regained his consciousness, his mentor was dead and his tower burnt to the ground. It was the first time when Orion showed himself. Scared of whatever consequences might fall upon him, Liam left Silverymoon and traveled to the east offering his arcane talents for mercenary groups.

It didn't take very long for Liam to realize that after the murder of his mentor, he began to share his body with something else. Something evil and violent that started showing himself more often and eventually began using Disguise self to change his appearance a little to suit his tastes more.


Skills and feats: Bluff (15), Concentration (30), Craft (19), Knowledge (22), Spellcraft (17)

Combat Casting - Liam/Orion can cast spells in combat.

Greater Spell Focus - Enemies are less likely to resist Liam's/Orion's spells.

Craft Wondrous Item - Liam/Orion can craft wondrous items.

Languages spoken: Common, Infernal and Abyssal


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I guess that makes me a RP character then! My first name's Liam. :cool: Funny how that works

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Probably going to jump this thing forward about two weeks once we get everyone on the boat. I don't think we want to go through what we did last time with all that ship travel. :P


If that's all right with everyone else, of course. :D

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