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Tales of Faerun


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Ah, crap. I forgot to post a comment here. :wallbash: Still, I agreed with the idea. Also, I have two more character sheets to post. :dance:


Look who's back! :dance: :dance: :dance:


Name: Aedan Fallenheart


Gender: Male

Race: Elan

Age: 35 (Born 1344DR - Year of Moonfall, 14th of The Claw of the Storms)

Class: Fighter/Blackguard

Alignment: Chaotic Evil

Deity: None


Height: 183cm

Weight: 79cm

Hair: Black, shoulder blade length, tied to a ponytail.

Eyes: Silver

Skin: Pale white

Handedness: Ambidextrous

Scars/Tattoos: Several scars, mostly on his chest and back.

General physical description: Tall and lanky with sharp features and oval shaped faced, Aedan is much stronger than he looks. If it weren't for the constant expression of annoyance on his face, off-putting demeanor, lifeless and empty looking eyes, Aedan would be considered attractive.

Voice: Deep, low pitched, sometimes slightly husky. Even when extremely annoyed, his voice doesn't change.


Clothing/Armor: Medium, black colored armor, its design resembles Crusader armor. His casual clothing are also of color black.

Weapons: Aedan owns a single weapon, a great sword he calls Chaos. Its blade is encrusted with odd letter like symbols. The weapon's hilt as well as a pommel are black, a guard looks like two inverted wings.

Other magical equipment: Amulet of Health, Ring of Protection +3, Bracers of Armor +5, Greater Swordsman's Belt.


General personality traits: Cunning, malicious, dishonest, manipulative and arrogant, Aedan thinks he's the best thing that ever happened to Faerun. He is willing to do anything to achieve his goals and will show no regrets afterwards. He has no regards for laws, oaths or other people's feelings. He is quick to break his promises, switch sides, abandon his allies but not before stabbing them in the back first. Yet despite his unlikeable personality, Aedan possesses certain charisma which helps him to use people for his own needs as well as convince others to give him the benefit of the doubt.

Likes: Fighting, killing, chaos, fooling people, gold, himself.

Dislikes: Honesty, kindness, people in general, Gods, laws and order.

Attitude towards friends/strangers: There isn't a single person in all of Faerun that he considers a friend. He is annoyed by strangers.

Opinion on the world: Toril would be a dull place without someone like him to 'spice' things up.


Birthplace: The Supreme Throne, later Thesk.

Family/Relationships: No family and occasional flings if he finds any women worthy of him.

Friends: Aedan has no need of friends

Enemies: Pretty much every single person in Faerun

Background: Before becoming human, Aedan was an Angel of Vengeance, one of the most devoted Crusader of Cyric, the Prince of Lies. For countless years he served faithfully and well, earning fearful respect of his God's followers and even the certain affection of The Mad God himself.

Everything changed when one day Aedan was sent to kill the false worshipers of Cyric and to reclaim the precious artifacts they had stolen from the temple. After fulfilling his task he could not help but wonder why were those priests abandoning their faith. It didn't take him long to come to conclusion that Cyric was no longer capable of his role and that there was someone else better equipped for the position as a new Prince of Lies - him.

For ten years Aedan continued to serve Cyric while secretly gathering allies and preparing to overthrow his God but when the time came... he failed. As Aedan lay dying, surrounded by the corpses of his allies, the Prince of Lies couldn't bring himself to destroy his most perfect yet so very flawed creation and thus Aedan was banished to live among mortals as one of them.

His life as a human began when he woke up in an empty field near Thesk. While still retaining memories of his past self, Aedan swore to one day get his revenge on Cyric but he knew it will take time and as mortal he had too little of it, so he set his plan for vengeance aside and began looking for ways to extend his lifespan.

As years passed, Aedan made a name for himself as a vile but skilled warrior and eventually he founded a band of mercenaries called Stormswords who became infamous in the eastern and northern parts of Faerun. It was his infamy that caught the attention of the elan council and after some of them witnessed the rumors to be true, Aedan was chosen for transformation. Ever since he became an Elan, Aedan traveled mostly on his own, and looking for ways to get back at Cyric.


Skills and feats: Intimidate (25), Survival (16), Taunt (20), Hide (18), Concentration (26), Diplomacy (13), Craft (16)

Blind Fight - Aedan is able to fight in melee blinded or against invisible enemies.

Combat Reflexes - Aedan is able to make a number of additional attacks.

Smite Good - Aedan can deal extra damage to good creatures.

Languages spoken: Common

Pets/Animal Companions: A black steed named Charon.



And my (probably) last character moved from another RP. :dance:


Name: Dhulgar Fireforger


Gender: Male

Race: Shield Dwarf

Age: 100 (Born 1279 DR, Year of the Snarling Dragon, 27th The Claw of Winter)

Class: Fighter/Dwarven Defender

Alignment: Neutral Good

Deity: Moradin


Height: 129cm

Weight: 75kg

Hair: Short, dark brown with some grey hair and always neatly combed.

Eyes: Brown

Skin: Lightly tanned

Handedness: Mixed handedness

General physical description: Stout and sturdy, Dhulgar is a fine example of dwarves. His dark brown beard braided into three braids, the one in the middle being the longest is always well kept, at times more than his hair. Due to many hardships, the dwarf appears older than he is but nevertheless vigorous.

Voice: Low pitched, strong and rough

Clothing/Armor: Banded mail set, minus the shield, tinted with grey and brown colors. When out of armor, simple tunic, breeches and boots.

Weapons: Battleaxe made out of Deep Crystal. Dhulgar forged the axe himself and named it Alagh. A dwarven word meaning battle-glory or valor.

Other magical equipment: Belt of Frost Giant Strength, Boots of Hardiness +3, Amulet of Health and his wedding ring which grants him a small armor bonus.


General Personality Traits: A dwarven traditionalist, Dhulgar believes in valor, justice and always doing the right thing. He is kind-hearted, stubborn and courageous. He likes helping fellow dwarves, especially those of his former clan. Even if he tries to uphold all dwarven traditions, sometimes he is willing to give the benefit of the doubt to outsiders if he sees them as honorable and worthy of his trust.

Likes: Alcoholic beverages, tavern brawls, tales, smiting, spending time with his wife and son

Dislikes: Evil, undead, Frost Giants, criminals, traitors

Fears: To lose his family

Attitude towards friends/strangers: Indifferent to strangers, sometimes rude, loyal to his friends.

Opinion on the world: The world is a vast and full of wonders, but there is nothing better than your clan and it's clanhold.


Birthplace: Icewind Dale

Family/Relationships: Arida (wife), Bhelin (son), surviving members of the Fireforger clan

Friends: Surving members of Fireforger clan

Enemies: Frost Giants, undead

Background: Dhulgar was born and grew up in a Fireforger clan of dwarves in Icewind Dale. He received training as a fighter and led a relatively normal life. He worked a clan's smith and over the years became known in the nearby human settlements for his clan traded with them. At the age of sixty, he married the love of his life, Arida and two years later a son was born to them. Life seemed perfect for Dhulgar, he had a beautiful family, he loved his work and was surrounded by the people he genuinely liked. In between he also was one of the guards of the clanhold. His position helped him to retain his skills as a fighter and after years of loyal service Dhulgar was appointed a new Clanwarden to replace the previous Clanwarden who perished while fighting Frost Giants.

Soon after his rise in ranks, the real problem began. The current clan's ruler ordered to start excavations of the clanhold in hopes to expand it as far as possible and make their clanhold the largest dwarven clanhold in all of the western part of Faerun. Highest ranking priest of Moradin, Bereghar, tried to convince the ruler not to do it but he refused to listen to the wiser dwarf. It ended in a disaster because the dwarves disturbed something evil and one night the horde of undead emerged from a newly built tunnels and attacked the clan. Dhulgar alongside other two Clanwardens led a defense against the undead but failed because more and more skeletons just kept pouring from the tunnels. Many of the clan's dwarves died in the attack while the surviving members of the clan scattered across Icewind Dale and southern regions of Sword Coast North.

Dhulgar, his wife and son moved to one of the settlements of the Ten Towns, Bryn Shander where he worked as a smith and his wife worked as a cook in a local tavern. Business for Arida went better than it did for her husband and after ten years of hard work as a fortunate for her, accident, Arida built a new tavern called the Dented Shield which to this day is still in business.

Dhulgar on the other hand, while a talented smith, could not forget the night when Fireforger clanhold fell and his grim thoughts affected the quality of his work. Eventually Dhulgar gave up on smiting and after finding no other work, became a mercenary. His work led him far away from home but the dwarf hopes to earn enough so that he could come back home to his family and give them life he would have given if their clan wasn't destroyed.


Skills and feats: Strength (30), Constitution (25), Craft (18)

Armor Skin - Dhulgar gains a +1 natural armor bonus to his armor class.

Knockback - Dhulgar can push enemies backward with his blows.

Combat Brute - Dhulgar employs strength as well as leverage to great effect in battle.

Bulwark of Defense - Dhulgar gains a small bonus to his strength and constitution.

Languages spoken: Dwarven, Common


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Okay, I've been making a new character. I hope y'all like him:



Name: Tenebris Sever (often goes by either Ten or Sev)




Gender: Male


Race: Dhampyr (human half-vampire)


Age: 25


Class: Cleric


Alignment: Neutral

Deity: Jergal




Height: 6'0


Weight: 165 lbs


Hair: Black, held back often in a bun


Eyes: Red irises


Skin: Very Pale


Handedness: Right


Scars/Tattoos: none


General physical description:

Tenebris has an almost unhealthy paleness and thinness to him, with lanky limbs and a thin face. He has high cheekbones indicative of a noble heritage, sharp eyebrows that scrunch nearly together when he concentrates deeply, and an unremarkable nose.


Voice: Sarcastic at times and condescending when angry, Tenebris has a grim, baritone voice, with hints of a Waterdavian accent.


Clothing/Armor: Matching his grim personality, Tenebris wears a black priest's clothing made of wool and a black cloak and broad-brimmed hat. To protect himself, he also wears adamantine breastplate armor and bracers, enchanted to protect against foes, both corporeal and otherwise.


Weapons: Tenebris has two weapons, one being a light crossbow he saves for when foes are at proper engagement distances ('proper' here meaning as far as possible). For when enemies bother him at close ranges, he uses what he calls Bones, a holy disrupting impact heavy mace with bone-like decals on it.




General personality traits: Grim, fatalistic, and often sarcastic


Likes: Statistics, books, old lore, verbal sparring


Dislikes: Torch-&-pitchfork mobs, optimism


Fears: Undeath


Attitudes towards friends/strangers: Meh.


Opinion of the world: “It's all going to end eventually, but let's see how long that be avoided.”




Past: Tenebris Sever grew up never knowing his parents, having been abandoned at the foot steps of an waterdhavian orphanage of Ilmater. It was clear to the priests there that Tenebris would have great suffering in his life, being the result of a union between a human and a vampire. Nonetheless, they took him in and raised him, giving him his name after the grim shadowy past that was his origin.


Early on in his childhood, it was soon realized that the young boy had a keen intellect and wisdom beyond his years... and a morbid interest in death. This separated him from his peers, as he always spent time devouring the knowledge within the few books that the orphanage had, and his heritage only deepened that divide, making him rather disheartened about life.


When he was about ten winters old, Ten saw a priest in dark clothing going around with a large book and quill, scribbling away rapidly as the man went through records. Curious, the boy followed the priest, and when he was alone, Tenebris approached and inquired as to what the man was doing. The priest, mildly surprised and irritated, told him to go away and that a child like him wouldn't be interested in a book like his.


The half-vampire was persistant, however, and proved that he was greatly fascinated by books and especially statistical knowledge. The priest, now curious himself in this strange boy, showed Tenebris that he was taking down the birth and death records of the city, and that as a cleric of Jergal, it was his duty to do so. Tenebris was immediately taken by this and insisted that the priest take him in to learn more.


Since that day, Tenebris has learned much knowledge (particularly that of death), and also has grown to show the rare gift of foresight into fate (he has often earned some money for expenses fortune-telling; a waste of his skills, he feels, but it pays the bills). He has traveled the lands since then, giving the occasional fate-reading and destroying any undead that he came across (something he has strong feelings for), and also avoiding any mobs wanting to burn him for a vampire.


Birthplace: Waterdeep


Family/Relationships: orphaned, n/a


Friends: n/a


Enemies: Undead




Skills and feats:

Concentration (22), Diplomacy (14), Heal (15), Lore (23), Parry (21), Spellcraft (23)


Spellcasting Prodigy

Able Learner

Intuitive Attack – His faith in the eventuality of death being as strong as it is, and with his experience in fighting, Tenebris has learned to hit using his intuition rather than brute force

Empower Spell


Improved Parry

Spell Penetration

Combat Casting

Improved Initiative


Racial Immunities/Abilites:

Damage Reduction – Tenebris,due to his heritage, is resistant to non-silver weapons

Fast Healing – As long as he is not dead, Tenebris quickly recovers from severe injuries

Cold and Electricity Resistance – Tenebris is mildly resistant against cold and electricity

Charm Gaze – If he and another gaze into each others' eyes, Tenebris can choose to charm the person as though he had cast Charm Monster.


Languages spoken: Common, Elven, Dwarven




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Just as a small little announcement, I'm raising the character cap once again to a total of eight main characters. Hopefully, this will help with storytelling a bit more and give ample opportunity to make a healthy amount of both good and evil characters. Of course, it is by no means a must that you make that many, and I do not recommend that members new to roleplaying try to tackle that number of characters. This will be the final time I raise the cap, as more characters than eight will be difficult to manage.


Also, @Quintatas, I'm just assuming that Xundus is coming along with us, but is quiet. Not really sure how to roleplay him, so it is just understood that he is there with the rest of the party.

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