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New character! :D Brought from the same RP as Nighty's.




Name: Zorica D’Aurelis


Gender: Female

Race: Half-Drow (Human mother, drow father)

Age: 20 (Born the 15th of Mirtul [The Melting], 1359DR – The Year of the Serpent)

Class: Rogue/Paladin

Alignment: Lawful Good

Deity: Kelemvor


Height: 5'8''

Weight: 130 lbs

Hair: Shoulder-length, thick, straight, blue-black

Eyes: Amber

Skin: Dark silver-grey

Handedness: Ambidextrous

Scars/Tattoos: None

General physical description: Zorica is slim and lithe. She is quite boldly featured, with high cheekbones, a strong square jaw, full pouty lips, thin eyebrows, and a long, slightly convex nose. Her ears are almost as pointed as a full-blooded elf's.

Voice: Low pitched, rather soft and smooth. Can become a growl when angered.

Clothing/armor: Zorica’s armor is a tight-fitting outfit of black leather with steel reinforcements on her shoulders, elbows, and knees. She wears a steel breastplate atop this with the symbol of Kelemvor engraved upon the chest.

Weapons: Twin adamantine longswords (Damage: 1d8, Type: slashing, Damage Bonus: Magical +2)

Other Magical Equipment: Amulet of Health (immunity to disease, poison, and level/ability drain)


General Personality Traits: Distant, sometimes cold, firm and unwavering, determined, sarcastic, pessimistic.

Likes: Her church's cause, good ale, warm baths, cats

Dislikes: Anything that stands in her way or threatens her church in any manner, undead, followers of Velsharoon, Talona, Bane, and Cyric.

Fears: Failure, spiders

Attitudes towards friends/strangers: Indifferent towards strangers, fiercely loyal to friends

Opinion of the world: The world is full of corruption that good folk must struggle to keep at bay.


Birthplace: Westgate

Family/Relationships: None currently

Friends: Her allies in the Church of Kelemvor

Enemies: Anything that threatens her church in any manner, undead, followers of Velsharoon

Background: Zorica was born to a prostitute in the port city of Westgate. Her mother, Anelina D’Aurelis, was of minor nobility, and was disowned and left alone on the streets after refusing an arranged marriage. Forced to beg and sell herself for survival, Anelina eventually became pregnant with Zorica. Unfortunately, she had no idea that the father was a drow until her daughter was born. Anelina contemplated abandoning Zorica, but after realizing it would be too similar to her own disownment, Anelina bought passage to Aglarond instead, hoping the half-elven nation would be more tolerant of her daughter and, thus, herself.

Anelina managed to find a job as a personal tutor, as she no longer wished to sell her body, and her education was her only other asset. While she taught the son of a local merchant, she also trained her own daughter to read and write. Unfortunately, when Zorica was ten years old, Anelina caught a mysterious fever and died, leaving Zorica to fend for herself. No one would take in the young half-drow, and so she was first forced to beg before stooping to stealing for survival. She became quite adept at thievery, and her skill kept her fed for seven long years.

Zorica’s nightly escapades often took her past the small chapel to Kelemvor that had been recently built in town. One night, when she passed by the chapel, her ear caught the enthusiastic voice of one of the priests delivering his sermon. Intrigued by what she heard, she paused and knelt beneath one of the tall windows. The more she listened, the more she was entranced by his words. Peeping over the edge of the stone sill, she caught sight of the priest; he was young, barely older than her, and yet his voice was filled with all the conviction of an experienced holy man in his elder years. Every night thereafter, she returned to relax under the chapel window and listen to the young man preach. Over time, she learned that he was a savant; his mental capacity, on average, was no better than that of a child…but his ability to comprehend and deliver theological concepts neared the level of the divine.

One night, the young priest left the confines of the chapel to spend some time in the cool air…only to interrupt a grave robber. The priest attempted to confront the desecrater, but was met with a drawn blade. Zorica moved silently behind the vagrant and slipped her own knife between his ribs before he could take a swing at the young savant – had she not been there, the priest would have been slain on the spot.

Zorica immediately gained a steadfast friend, and she vowed to his god that she would do everything in her power to keep the young man safe. With his testimony, her own demonstration of her skills, and the recitation of the knowledge she had learned from all the sermons she had overheard, it was not a difficult thing for the church to accept her as a paladin of the Eternal Order. She confessed all of her sins and renounced her life as a thief, though her skills would still prove uniquely useful. Her role as a paladin gave her a new sense of purpose, and she was satisfied with the direction destiny was taking her…

…until one fateful day when her savant friend was slain by followers of Velsharoon. Burdened with an overwhelming sense of guilt, she exiled herself from the chapel in Aglarond and traveled alone to Chondath, driven by a burning desire for revenge.


Skills: Diplomacy (4), Disable Traps (18), Hide (22), Move Silently (20), Parry (15)

Saves: Will (8), Reflex (15), Fortitude (14)

Attributes: Str (14+2), Dex (17+3), Con (14+2), Int (10), Wis (12+1), Cha (17+3)

Trapfinding – Can locate and disarm traps
Darkvision – Zorica can see farther than humans in the dark
Racial Immunity – Sleep
Smite Evil x2 – Extra damage against evil creatures and humanoids
Lay on Hands – Paladin healing ability
Aura of Courage – Zorica is immune to fear and her presence gives her allies a slight bonus against fear effects
Turn Undead x 6 – Freezes, frightens, or outright destroys Undead within a certain radius
Remove Disease – Can cure disease once per day
Two-Weapon Fighting and Two Weapon Defense – lessens penalty for dual-wielding and increases AC when dual-wielding
Dodge and Mobility – AC bonus against attacks
Spring Attack – Zorica can move around on the battlefield without provoking attacks of opportunity
Stealthy - +2 bonus to Hide and Move Silently
Divine Might – sacrifices a Turning attempt to temporarily add damage against undead to Zorica’s weapons

Languages spoken – Common, bits of Celestial and Infernal

Pets/Animal Companions: Brindle kitten named Sir Meowsalot



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Nice sheet, Auriana!


Well, I'm back, and with a character of my own.





Name: Marian Black




Gender: Male


Race: Half-fiend (Tanar'ri father, human mother)


Age: 34 years


Class: Fighter


Alignment: Chaotic evil


Deity: Cyric




Height: 6'1


Weight: 202 lbs


Hair: None


Eyes: Yellow, with an eery grow


Skin: Dark red; tough and scaled


Handedness: Right


Scars/Tattoos: None visible


General physical description: With dark scales, bat wings, glowing eyes, horns, and a fetid odor, most people see Marian's demon side before his human side - if it exists.


Voice: Deep and scratchy


Disabilities: None




Clothing/Armor: A metal breastplate, as well as gauntlets and boots to match.


Weapons: A light, spike-adorned mace


Other magical equipment: None




General personality traits: Sadistic, cruel, unfaithful, murderous, violent, hateful - Marian cares for nobody for himself, except to torture and kill


Likes: Violence, death (especially murder), torture, fighting, fire


Dislikes: Water, clerics, humans, elves, gnomes, dwarves, fiends, angels


Fears: Devils


Attitude towards friends/strangers: He has no friends and strangers rarely see him


Opinion on the world: It exists only to be manipulated




Birthplace: Menzoberranzan, The Underdark


Family/relationships: None, mother is deceased


Friends: None


Enemies: Menzoberranzan, Tanar'ri, humankind


Background: Born as a result of an experiment with breeding a Tanar'ri and a slave, Marian was raised a pet for a petty drow noble. But when he turned seventeen, his inherent demonic violence overtook him, causing him to brutally kill her. But the other drow soon learned of the incident, and Marian was scarcely able to escape the city without being killed. The half-fiend made his way to the surface, and though he found no place in human society, he enjoyed torturing them and their weak minds. So he stayed on the surface, moving from city to city, sacrificing people in the name of his new god Cyric.




Languages spoken: Abyssal, Common, Undercommon, Elven


Pets/animal companions: None


Edited by Quintatas
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I've decided to try and get into this yet again after lurking around reading your posts for a few days xD Going to try and use the Assassin again, but in hindsight I'm not pleased by him and was unable to find a way to use him so I've changed him to try and give him more motivation and explain it a bit better than 'He's an assassin because he is' as well as enable him to make an entrance. I dug through the Forgotten Realms wiki to find a lawless hive of scum and villainy for the reason he became an Assassin, and I found it in Scardale. I also made him older, changed some parts of his history etc and rewrote his personality and removed his group of assassins as in truth it would work in a similar way to the no rulers rule, since being a leader he obviously wouldn't be running off alone, instead they are a part of his distant past and he is no longer with them or in contact with them. Unfortunately, I am not too good with names, so expect most people mentioned to have boring names. The wiki contained only 3 and 4, and not 3.5 as mentioned in the first post, so I might have something which existed in 3 or 4 but not in 3.5

Oh, and I made him illiterate because it fit *shrug*


Name: Arthas Daud (Born: Arthas Warren, took his mothers maiden name as he disliked his father)
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Age: 47 (DOB: 14/2/1332)
Class: Assassin
Alignment: Chaotic Evil, though bordering with Chaotic neutral
Deity: None
Height: 6'1
Weight: 184 lbs
Hair: Black, but flecked with grey
Eyes: Weathered grey eyes
Skin: White with a few wrinkles
Handedness: Right handed
Scars/Tattoos: A single scar running down his right cheek
General physical description: He is a tall, rather strong man whose grey eyes are weathered yet still possess a determined look. His black hair is flecked with grey from his age and is cut short. While his face has several wrinkles he does not appear overly old and time has seemingly been kind to him. He has a single scar running down his right cheek, from his eye and ending just before his neck that was caused by a sword
Voice: He has a rather deep and rough voice that he rarely raises to a yell
Clothing/armor: Black light armour
Leather Boots
A ring suspended from a gold chain around his neck and tucked under his armour
A black hood.
A belt which has two pouches for carrying anything he deems necessary of carrying, and hanging from his belt is some old, wrapped up cloth
General Personality Traits: Daud is confident and brave. He is very patient and while he is not educated, that does not make him stupid. He is quick to grasp new ideas and is a quick thinker. While he often uses long and complicated words he does not always fulling understand what they mean due to his lack of education. He
Likes: Freedom, Rats, danger (Though not in excess), Forests and City scapes, shadows
Dislikes: Cyric, Imprisonment, Snakes, wide open plains
Fears: Death and the Afterlife, Weakness, chains, Ophidiophobia (Fear of Snakes)
Attitudes towards friends/strangers: He has very few friends as he rarely spends enough time around people to develop friendships anymore, but the few friends he does have can rely on his loyalty. Strangers can receive moderately warm treatment or hostility depending on his mood.
Opinion of the world: "Life is a cruel mistress. She'll let you spend your time building your life and grant you minor concessions, only to tear it from you. You can see happiness, but you can never touch it."
Daud views life and the world as cruel, cold and unforgiving where one must be equally as cold and hard to survive. Despite this, he acknowledges that he 'Could have carved a better path' than the one he took and that the world is not as bad as he once thought when sitting on the streets of Scardale, but stands by his opinion on it.
Birthplace: Scardale
Warren Family Tree
Arthas Warren (Daud)
Danica Warren (Sister)
1336 - 1339 (3)
Nadine Carla Daud (Mother)
1300 - 1343 (43)
Simon Daud (Grand Father)
1280 - 1363 (83)
Eria Iverson (Grand mother)
1283 - 1348 (65)
Wallace Warren (Father)
1304 - 1345 (41)
Gareth Warren (Grand Father)
1277 - 1344 (67)
Julia Indriana (Grand Mother)
1282 - 1347 (65)
Friends: None
Enemies: There is a large number of people in the Dalelands who would love to catch Daud, whether it be to bring him to justice or enact personal vengeance. Unluckily for them, Daud is cunning enough to avoid them
Background: He was born Arthas Warren, but he has long since taken his mothers maiden name. He started his existence as a thief, mostly stealing food or goods from stalls.
After Scardales failure to conquer the Dalelands under Lord Lashan Aumersair, it's law deteriorated and it was inevitable that Daud would one day be thrust into the dangerous circles. At age 18, and for the first time, he was contracted as an Assassin. He was somewhat reluctant and morally conflicted for he knew the old fisher man personally, Samuel. The man had been nice enough in his youth, he had told stories of the sea and sometimes even gave one of his caught fish to the youth to curb the childs hunger. But Daud had grown greedy over time, and the money that he was offered, though small, was huge relative to what he had become used to.
The kill sounded easy enough, but he failed in almost every way. After stowing away on the boat, an opportune time came to carry out the kill. However he couldn't do it, he could see those old eyes which were weathered but friendly, even now the man was alone. After much hesitation and deliberation, he decided to abandon the idea. He didn't even realise he had made a sound until a wooden pole was brought down on his back. The fisherman had caught him and only now, threatened with imprisonment and starvation, did he have the will to kill the man. He stood and spun, tearing out his blade, barely even realising what he was doing. When he was finished, those old eyes were hauntingly empty now
They never found the body, Daud had dumped it in the sea. It had taken seven stabs to kill the man, the rusty blade had caused a painful demise. The first time was the worst, and it go easier over time
One cold night, after having been out of work for a while and sleeping on a street corner, he witnessed another assassin conduct the 'business' and was so fascinated by her skill that he decided to follow her. The Assassin was well aware of Dauds presence and allowed herself to be trailed to a small alley before confronting him. Impressed by the boys skill and courage in the face of likely demise, The assassin, whose name was Aliaga, spared his life and offered him the opportunity to train with her. Daud took it quickly to avoid otherwise certain death.
Aliaga had led him into the sewers of the city. This was the place Daud would call home for many a year. Aliaga taught him how to fight properly, how to kill 'properly' and how to cross filled rooms without being seen. By the end of the 3 years they were together, he had transformed from a hired thug into a proper assassin.
The lawless city proved to be excellent for them both and the two quickly became rich from their illegal trade. Daud trusted Aliaga completely. Of course, all 'good' things come to an end. Aliaga was killed one day after attempts to retrieve the payment for an Assassination went sour, Daud quickly left the town to avoid a similar fate.
After that, he spent many years working alone, making a small name for himself as the 'Knife of Dalelands'. Many years later he returned to Scardale and enacted his revenge upon those he held responsible for Aliaga's death, proving that he is willing to wait in the shadows for the right moment to enact his revenge.
At age 30, he set about organizing a band of Assassins and they became feared in the Dalelands for their skill in their chosen 'Art' They were mostly unknown outside of the Dalelands, with them being best known around Scardale, they were just one of the many types of scum that took refuge here. They became an acknowledged problem in the Dalelands... but over time something changed. Daud noticed many of the newer Assassins worshiped Cyric and conducted sadistic murders. Daud left the group, claiming it had become little more than 'A gang of thugs and butchers'.
He has worked solo again ever since. He expanded his exploits and operated outsider the Dalelands as well, but he showed a great preferance for sticking inside his native soil. Despite this, his reputation outside the Dalelands is relatively minor. By now, he is weary of the world and increasingly fearful as he never chose a diety nor respects those which would be most inclined to his position, hence his fear of death and the afterlife. As he has aged he has taken less and less contracts and for the time being he has stopped outright and has taken to travelling the land, using the time to contemplate what he should do with the rest of his life, his money slowly dwindling away. He knows he is searching for something, but he doesn't know what he's searching for yet.
Skills and feats: He is by no means stupid. He has a sharp mind and is quick to pick up new ideas. He knows how to move silently and be like a shadow, striking from the darkness. He can fight with his blade when required, but prefers the stealthy approach. He has some arcane ability, and is able to use:
Feather fall
Disguise self
Ghost sound
Spider Climb
Deeper Darkness
Modify memory
Languages spoken – Common
Pets/Animal Companions: None
Other: He is illiterate and cannot even scrawl nor read his own name.
*Braces for impact as people pick out obvious things he has missed....* :laugh:
Edited by Brutii
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3.5 is lumped with 3rd edition; just avoid things marked as 4th edition or post-Spellplague. A good rule of thumb is if the only sources are published in 2006 or later, it's probably fourth edition. :thumbsup:


Also, keep in mind that his modify memory power may only be used on our characters with our consent, so ask if you intend on using it.


Finally, I have a question, Brutii: which side are you planning on joining with this character?

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Ah, thank you


Of course, messing with someones head like that demands prior consent


I actually plan on making him join the side of good (He's willing to do good to protect the world. If everyone is dead, there's nothing left to do) and also because the lack of evil PC's means he'd become a hopelessly outnumbered punching bag who I'd really only get to use so he can sit around cursing to himself, which failed miserably both the last times because having no one to rp with is boring.

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Name: Renalt Grimtooth


Gender: Male

Race: Half-orc

Age: 19

Class: Psion (Telepath)

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Deity: Sardior


Height: 5'10

Weight: 165lbs

Hair: Black

Eyes: Gold

Skin: Pale green

Handedness: Right

Scars/Tattoos: None

General physical description: Renalt is a rather slim individual when compared to other half-orcs, and especially alongside full blooded orcs. However, compared to average humans he could be considered of an athletic build. He keeps his thick black hair cut short, and his facial hair groomed into a goatee connected to a soul patch with no moustache.

Voice: Coarse, intimidating

Disabilities: None


Clothing/Armor: A fur coat, red-dyed flax pants, and sandals

Weapons: None

Other magical equipment: None


General personality traits: Egotistic, eccentric, jolly, easily angered. Renalt typically keeps a humorous and carefree demeanor, but when he is angered, which isn't hard, he becomes a fierce adversary to whoever has broken his cool.

Likes: Power, unique items, kiss-asses

Dislikes: Critiques (constructive or otherwise), not being able to do what he wants,

Fears: Illithid

Attitude towards friends/strangers: Renalt is warm and welcome to everyone, known or unknown. He treats all equally, especially when they make him angry. Friend or foe, those who anger him face his wrath equally. The only difference might be that his friends don't usually end up dead afterward... usually.

Opinion on the world: "The world is mine to do with as I please, all I need is the power to make my changes"


Birthplace: Luthcheq, Chessenta

Family/Relationships: Half-orc father and mother, deceased

Friends: None at the moment

Enemies: The citizens of Luthcheq

Background: Ever since birth Renalt has been an extraordinary child. Born with vivid golden eyes, his fate as a special individual was sealed the moment he entered the world. His first words were not words at all, but rather telepathic messages he sent as an infant to his parents. In the city of Luthcheq magic is rather frowned upon, and his parents became fearful of their child and his powers from that point on, as he power did nothing but grow. They didn't really realize that Psionics aren't actually magic, but they didn't really care; their child was not normal. Growing up Renalt had an extremely hard time as word of his abilities spread through town, and the townsfolk were frequented with unnatural displays of unexplainable power. This all came to a head when Renalt's mother, having angered the poor tortured soul, was accidentally killed by the boy, sending his father into a murderous rampage. In self defense, Renalt was forced to kill his father as well, ending the 'easy' beginning chapter of his life. The townsfolk were, of course, completely unsympathetic to his case and immediately shifted into mob mentality to drive the 'monstrosity' away. Several months later, after much wandering, he happened upon a temple to Sardior, where he found a purpose and a rolemodel: power and dragons (Sardior) respectively. And thus began his search for power, and his shift to seemingly mad, mind bending eccentric.


Languages spoken: Common

Pets/Animal companions:

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