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Tales of Faerun


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Well, here's the character sheet of mommy dearest. ;D



Name: Valthiira Relve'fer


Gender: Female

Race: Drow

Age: 340

Class: Cleric/Arachne

Alignment: Chaotic Evil

Deity: Loth


Height: 165cm

Weight: 59kg

Hair: White, straight which she keeps in a messy bun.

Eyes: Red

Skin: Dark grey, almost obsidian black

Handedness: Mixed handedness

General physical description: Sharp facial features, diamond shaped face, with slender and well formed figure. Her long pointed ears, pierced with elaborate earinings.

Voice: Medium pitched and sultry, tends to lower when angry.


Clothing/Armor: Valthiira loves to wear expensive and revealing gowns and robes, most of the time of red color, as well as a lot of jewelry. Her crimson armor, somewhat more protective than the usual drow armor is adorned with spider and spider web ornaments.

Weapons: Snake headed whip, and a drow longsword with a spider with ruby eyes attached to the hilt.

Other magical equipment: Brooch of Shielding, Periapt of Health, Ring of Protection +3.


General personality traits: Cruel, power hungry, paranoid, arrogant, merciless and pitiless.

Likes: Power, beautiful clothing and jewelry, imposing fear, pureblood Drow, life in Underdark.

Dislikes: Surfacers, good drow, half-drow, Eilistraee and the Seldarine.

Fears: To lose everything she has.

Attitude towards friends/strangers: She sees both merely as tools.

Opinion on the world: Those who refuse to live by the way of the Drow race are fools.


Birthplace: Underdark, Tes Natha'rra city.

Family/Relationships: Nawen Relve'fer (daughter), Nadhriir (son), Daylene Relve'fer (younger sister).

Enemies: She is convinced that her daughter is her greatest enemy; rival houses.

Background: Born into a House Relve'fer, Valthiira was the oldest daughter of the three daughters of Erelshalee Relve'fer, who at that time was the Matron mother of their house. While all matron's daughters desired power it was her eldest who wanted it the most. Over the years the three girls fought over power but then everything changed when Erelshalee and her youngest daughter were poisoned which left only Valthiira and Daylene. The later knew how power hungry her sister was and that she will stop at nothing, and out of fear for her own life, Daylene had decided to leave and start her own house, but Valthiira, paranoid in nature, crippled and scared her younger sister horribly, which made her stay but after that event, Valthiira began treating her sister as a mere servant.

After Valthiira became the new Matron mother of the house, things changed completely in Tes Natha'rra and over the years, House Relve'fer rose to its peak of power. Over the years she gave birth to three sons, a Draegloth named Nadhriir, twin boys but Valthiira sacrificed one to the Spider Queen, while the other boy, Zszdiirn was killed by the rival house. Fifty years later, she gave birth to her first daughter, Neerril (now known as Nawen).

Everything was as usual, until six months after the birth of her first daughter, Valthiira noticed that her daughter had green eyes. Furious at her patron for bringing a 'half-breed' child into her otherwise pure drow bloodline, she had sacrificed and was about to do the same to her daughter, but at the eve of the ceremony, her daughter's great-grandfather stole the baby and with the help of his druid guardian, and while her guards managed to capture the high elf, the druid escaped with the baby to the surface.

Ever since then, Valthiira's most important goal is to find and kill her daughter.


Languages spoken: Drow, some common.

Pets/Animal companions: A large spider mount named Sarnor.


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Name: Doge’ Vanrow
Gender: Male
Race: Raavasta
Age: Unknown
Class: Wizard
Alignment: Neutral evil
Deity: None
APPEARANCE: (Note that as a shapechanger his changes whenever he wishes. These are or his natural form that will rarely be seen.)
Height: 6,2
Weight: 160 pounds give or take.
Fur: Brown
Eyes: Yellow
Handedness: Right
General physical description: Like all Raavasta, Doge’ appears to be a humanoid fox.
Voice: Silky smooth and excessively charming.
Clothing/Armor: Comfortable and stylish robes.
Weapons: Other people.
General personality traits: A cunning string puller with unknown agendas, Doge’ never shows his true self so very little is known about him.
Likes: Winning, power, money, the look of defeat on his opponents faces.
Dislikes: Losing, being outsmarted, uncontrollable people.
Attitude towards friends/strangers: Treats them all the same, like pawns meant only to further his own goals.
Opinion on the world: It’s his.
Birthplace: The Abyss
Family/Relationships: None
Friends: none
Enemies: None
Background: Rather long and really doesn’t matter in the grand scheme of things. Doge’ does not dwell on the past, only the future and present, for that is where success is to be found.
Languages spoken: Any, Raavasta’s have the ability to learn and speak fluently any language that they hear.
Edited by josh900
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@Quint, you should probably post as soon as you can, now that you've got everyone's attention on your character. We're basically stalled until you go.

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Sorry for not posting. I've had no chance to as I was at some races. I would have warned I wouldn't be posting, but I didn't think it would take so long to get back.

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I'll be going on vacation for the rest of the week for spring break, so I won't be able to post then. For now, just assume Xundus is following everybody else, and Marian has disappeared to somewhere.

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