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Yeah coulda used that information a couple days ago, before i decided to have Tannin give chase. Cause now we either have to wait till you get back, or I have Tannin go out of character and just let the crazed half fiend run off knowing that he'll be hounding them again as soon as possible. But I think I'll just edit so Tannin didn't follow, Suppose both you and Nighty will have to edit too though.


This is why we like to have a few days heads up before anyone leaves, cause if not it affects everyone and turns into a giant headache.

Edited by josh900
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Name: Lucas Arnem


Gender: Male

Race: Half-elf

Age: 19

Class: Fighter/Cleric

Alignment: Lawful good

Deity: Kelemvor and Lathander.


Height: 5,9

Build: Athletic

Hair: Black

Eyes: Pale blue

Skin: A light copper tone.

Handedness: Right

Scars/Tattoos: Two stab wounds in the center of both hands.

General physical description: A fairly handsome, innocent looking young man, Lucas certainly does look the part of a good natured youth hoping to one day become a hero worthy of admiration.

Voice: Medium pitched, though often shaky and filled with uncertainty


Clothing/Armor: Standard issue chainmail.

Weapons: A longsword and shield bearing the symbol of Kelemvor.

Other magical equipment: An amulet of protection given to him by his mother.


General personality traits: Noble in spirit and a heart for justice, Lucas has the makings of a great paladin, should he get over his fears and awkwardness.

Likes: Good people, quiet spaces, not being noticed. Doing good works.

Dislikes: Evil doers, liars, harmers of the innocent, thieves, murderers, those that have turned their backs on their gods. loud places, attention drawers and those that like to argue.

Fears: Failing. being powerless to help someone.

Attitude towards friends/strangers: He tries his best to see the good in everyone

Opinion on the world: It can be a dark place, but that’s what heroes are for, to lighten the world up and make it a safer place for all.


Birthplace: Darromar, Tethyr

Family/Relationships: Sam Arnem (Father) and Taliea Arnem (Mother)

Friends: Has a few back home, but none with him at the moment.

Background: Born to a human fisherman, and an elven merchant. Lucas was raised in a loving home surrounded by friends and family. When he turned fourteen he decided that he wanted to become an adventurer, to go out and see the world and help those in need, so he joined the local clergy to receive training in the divine arts. Three years later he was taken on as a squire for a Doomguide by the name of Salis Torell, and has dutifully served under him since.


Languages spoken: Common and Elvish.

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Well, I'm back from vacation! And I've had plenty of time to think up another character.





Name: Alvise Meder




Gender: Male


Race: Human


Age: Twenty-three [born 1356 DR, Year of the Worm, 1st of Deepwinter]


Class: Acrobat/Rogue


Alignment: Chaotic neutral


Deity: Tymora




Height: 5'10


Weight: 130 lbs


Hair: Cut short, black. He has a small black beard, which is kept tidy and neat.


Eyes: Grey


Skin: Light


Handedness: Ambidextrous


Scars/Tattoos: His arms and legs are covered with cuts, and he bears a tattoo of a dagger on the back of his leg.


General physical description: A slim man, Meder has a slightly angular face that could be considered handsome.


Voice: Medium-pitched, there is nothing special about it.


Disabilities: The middle and index fingers of his right hand are missing.




Clothing/Armor: Alvise wears a neat blue tunic and brown pants (probably stolen) under a large crimson cloak, which is trimmed with a golden material. A golden scarf matches his wide-brimmed hat, which is black in color. An intricately decorated golden stage mask hides his face.


Weapons: Dual long daggers, and a small crossbow he hides under his cloak.


Other magical equipment: A ring of Disease Immunity




General personality traits: Charismatic, stealthy, fit, determined - traits that make a good thief. To top it off, Meder is almost always able to remain calm under pressure.


Likes: Thievery, climbing, escaping authority, travel, crowded areas, cities


Dislikes: Authority, bullies, hypocrites, false justice


Fears: Being caught, dying


Attitude towards friends/strangers: Friendly and charismatic on the outside, most people like Meder - when they first meet him. Only a few people come to know him for who he truly is - most know him shortly, for they are too busy trying to find the person who stole their coin purse...


Opinion on the world: "The world is a gold mine; some strike it rich and reap the rewards, and some walk away empty-handed."




Birthplace: Selgaunt, Sembia


Family/Relationships: Meder was orphaned as a boy.


Friends: None


Enemies: None (who know who he is)


Background: Born in Selgaunt to beggars, he was left on the street as a child. Meder only survived as a group of thieves picked him off the street, and raised him only to profit their organization. He broke free from the group at the age of seventeen, and has survived on theft since then.


With his most recent heist gone horribly wrong, he is a wanted man in Selgaunt, and is currently fleeing, trying to find a city to settle down in.




Languages spoken: Common, Undercommon


Pets/Animal companions: An unnamed rat that he simply calls "Rat"




Edited by Quintatas
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Ugh, I hate posting twice in a row, but I wanted to say that I removed two character sheets of Liam/Orion and my dwarf Dhulgar, because I don't really know what to do with them in the RP and how to introduce them. Maybe I'll remake their sheets and post them again, I'm don't know yet. :wacko:


Also, I'd like to remind you all about this thread for character sheets. :dance: :dance: :dance:


I also made a minor change in my character sheets. I changed general personality traits to positive personality traits and negative personality traits. Figured it would be better to separate those two instead of having them both in one section. Not sure why I'm even mentioning this. XD :whistling:

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I won't be posting for a few days. There are some tornado warnings in the area I live, so I'll be taking shelter.
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