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Tales of Faerun


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Brutii, your last post is completely out of the realm of reality, even for a professional assassin. There's no way anyone could sneak up on a deer like that - or any other animal - without being detected by smell. Animal hearing is also far stronger than ours, so even if Daud thought he was soundless, he was most likely not to the deer.

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I don't have any issues with Daud being unsocial - I realize it is part of his character - but I'm a hunter and therefore have a few issues with your last post. It's not really possible to sneak up on a deer like that without it taking off. You just couldn't get that close, period. I very much hate to be "that" person who calls anyone out but it is very unlikely even for the most skilled of hunters, and rather impossible to carry a deer on one's shoulders. They're VERY heavy animals, even the small ones. You either have to clean (skin and butcher) them on site or drag them back to camp. I have no other issues with your post.

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Also... I gotta put this out there cause it's getting on a lot of peoples nerves.

This stuff with you criticizing everyone's actions has to stop. Daud's got this high and mighty attitude about him when nine times outta ten he comes across as a complete idiot and a lot of times it just seems like you're wanting to cause trouble or something that you have a history of doing in this RP I might add. Every time you jump into this thing it's almost like you go out of your way to cause trouble, or make a character that purposely tries and screw things up for no good reason and we're sick of it, you drag things down and just piss people off cause you always throw in a character like this, and with your past few post it seems less like Daud complaining, and more like you putting your own feelings into your post and complaining about us, which is dragging OOC issues into the RP, which is a no no. So do us a favor and tone it down please? We like things to go smoothly here and inner conflict doesn't help any of that even if it's just someone dropping subtle hints into their post.

Edited by josh900
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Though I do agree that it would be impossible to sneak up on a deer like that in real life, I must say that this is a fantasy setting and Daud was using magic, so it could happen.


With carrying the deer... an average female deer weighs around 125 lbs, so it is entirely possible to carry one if you are strong enough.

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Scent though, Daud only used an Invisibility spell and that doesn't cover up his smell. And the tiniest crunch of a leaf can send a deer running too so there's that.

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Though... I am quite sure it is possible to carry a dear bas Quintatas mentioned


Edit: I feel compelled to ask, what makes him seem like a complete idiot? People do tend to get tunnel vision and trying to apply that to animals despite their differences is a case of him trying to use past experience when approaching a new problem, which is something humans do. He doesn't know whether it applies to animals or not, hr would have to test it to find out. And it isn't a stretch to suggest they could have been seen anyway by the birds (What he is wrong in is not considering motivation, which is another trait that would be carried over from being an assassin rather than a hunter, witnesses to crimes are different than birds, after all) As for his criticism, with Theia he is obviously being defensive, and his interactions with her have been exclusively negative, so its also normal for him to be bitter towards her when she points out something he has done wrong. Somewhat arrogant and ignorant, yes, but I wouldn't sat an idiot.

Other than Theia, I don't think he has levied enough criticism at anyone to make it correct in suggesting that I am out to screw things up. If I was, wouldn't I make a character designed specifically to screw things up, like an evil wizard, instead? Also, I don't have any motivation to screw things up.

Obviously, the way I have written it has given the wrong message. I am not and do not intend to try to screw things up, nor do I habour resentment for anyone here, the only person on the nexus I hated has long since gone (Thankfully)

My ignorance in the methods of hunting are not a result of me trying to piss anyone of, its a result of me having no experience in such a topic.


I've changed some of it so it seemed more plausible

Edited by Brutii
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I have a surprise for our group's two-year anniversary (which is the 23rd): http://auriv1.deviantart.com/art/Tales-of-Faerun-Movie-Poster-2nd-Anniversary-449148681


Let's celebrate! :D

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