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Tales of Faerun


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I'd like to have three to four characters per person, and I know I'm stepping on toes by saying this, but even then it seems like too large a party to be traveling across the map together. It's becoming a small army and, though I prefer social RP to fighting all the time, when we DO fight, we're always sure to win because of our numbers. I don't like that it's not a challenge anymore.

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What Toky said, Too many characters get lost in the background with this many in it. I think 3 or 4 for the main group, then a villain on a top of that.


And close it off to new members, or give them a trail period of a few weeks or a certain number of post to see if they'll fit our skill level and the group as a whole. Sounds elitist, but at this point I think we kinda need it.

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Might I add a reminder that the character limit was raised to start with to add more variety because it was thought to be needed at the time. However, I do realize that things change, and I have thought about lowering the cap again, anyway. Thankfully, lowering the limit won't affect too many of us, and as we are in a city, there are good opportunities to remove characters from the RP...peacefully or not. :tongue:


So as not to reduce numbers too abruptly, I propose that the cap be lowered to six main characters for now, including both good and evil (which I believe was our cap prior to the increase to eight). Then, after a time, should we find another convenient opportunity, we can lower the cap again if we think it is needed.


Also, I will consider a trial period for new members.


Taking all of that into consideration, Heidi will be moved to a minor, Quarylene will be re-added as a main, and one other of my characters will be slated for removal soon.

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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I know some people hate compromises, but this is my own two-bit thoughts into the matter:


1) I suggest a 4-character limit for all members (save for brand new members; see below), and while, yes, there are people with more characters than that, I think they would be alright with keeping their current characters. They just cannot create new ones unless and until their number of characters drop below 4.


2) Since we've going for so long, I figure it would be rather hard for members new to the RP to integrate with everyone else (who are already used to one another's writing styles and the setting), so my suggestion here is that new RP members only be allowed 1 character until the majority of the veterans feel comfortable with letting them have more characters.



These decisions would of course be subject to executive decision at the end of things (no point in being thread leader if you can't make the decisions, yes?).


Anyway, here be me thoughts on the topic.

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All right, folks...after much worrying and discussing and fussing and discussing some more, I think we've finally come to a solution and procedure for character creation in this RP. So, until further notice, these are the new rules regarding characters and character limits:


1) The main character limit is SIX. No more than that. Members who have more than six prior to the creation of this lower cap may keep their all of their current characters, BUT may not create any more until their count drops below six again.


2) Members who do already have six or more should seriously consider weeding out characters that are difficult to get into or have little to no interaction with others. There are some extras floating around in the character sheet section and in the RP itself that are, essentially, dead weight. Additionally, future-made characters should be carefully made so that they don't become dead weight.


3) New members to the RP will be limited to ONE main character. This is to make it easier on both the current writers and the new members. Once a new member gets used to the writing style and flow of the RP, they may have their cap raised to six.


Let me know if you have any questions or suggestions.

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Would it be alright for Daud to identify the poison by taste or smell? Or does someone else want to identify it?


Sure, though it should be by smell.

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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I'm back from vacation, but I had a little swimming incident with my phone on the first day and I haven't been able to keep up with everything so it will be a little while before I can post again.

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