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New guy!!


Name: Dorovin


Gender: Male

Race: Half-Orc

Age: Early 40s

Class: Barbarian/Shaman/Rogue

Alignment: True Neutral

Deity: Akadi, Grumbar, Kossuth, Istishia, Malar, Uthgar, it all depends on the situation.


Height: 6,10

Weight: Nearing 350 pounds.

Hair: Black

Eyes: Light brown.

Skin: Dark

Handedness: Right

Scars/Tattoos: His body caries several battle scars from both men and beast alike. Tribal tattoos also color the skin of his arms, chest, and back.

General physical description: Dorovin has the classic appearance of a lumbering oaf, large on muscles, squashed, ugly face, and a closely shaved head.

Voice: A dry scratchy one with a hard to place accent .

Disabilities: His appearance has a tendency to make fitting in with people difficult.


Clothing/Armor: A well worn set of leather and hide clothing, all handcrafted by himself.

Weapons: A pair of short swords and daggers holstered onto his outfit.

Other magical equipment: An assortment of amulets, charms, and talisman.


Personality traits: Contrary to what his appearance would suggest, Dorovin could easily be considered an intellectual genius, knowledgeable in a wide variety of subjects and cultures. He is well mannered and perfectly at home in even the most sophisticated of settings. He keeps an emotional distance from nearly everything and is more concerned with the outcome, not the cost, preferring to keep things as simple as possible, even if it means turning the possible loss of lives into a numbers game.


Birthplace: Unknown.

Family/Relationships: His father was supposedly an undefeatable orc warrior from a Northern tribe, Dorovin didn't have any trouble with it though so it's possible those were just stories. His mother was a captive or so he was told.

Background: Born to a tribe of Orcs who saw him as less than a slave, Doro escaped as soon as he was able and spent his formative years in a monastery, learning all that he could from the monks who happily took him in. However one morning the monks had found that young Dorovin had left without telling anyone, and did not return until many years later as a man, fully grown and even more frighteningly intelligent. His knowledge and understanding of the spiritual beings outshone even the wisest of the monks, and with nothing left to learn, he set out on his own once more and joined a band of mercenaries in the hopes that his travels would teach him more than what the monks ever could.

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And here is a new guy I will be featuring in Mulhorand, and maybe beyond if he is received well! :smile:
Name: Imhiros Sehtar


Gender: Male

Race: Human (Mulan - Mulhorandi)

Age: 30

Class: Paladin/Divine Champion

Alignment: Lawful Good

Deity: Osiris


Height: 6' even

Weight: 175 lbs

Hair: Black, but Imhiros always shaves his head, so there is little to see but a shadow of hair on his scalp

Eyes: Chocolate brown, nearly black

Skin: Copper

Handedness: Right

Scars/Tattoos: Imhiros sports several shallow scars on his arms and legs from what appear to be sword cuts

General physical description: Imhiros is well-built and muscular, standing just at six feet in height. His facial features are sharp, with high, prominent cheekbones, a wide chin, a square jaw, and a hawk nose. His cheeks are borderline gaunt, adding to the harsh look of his face. He has deep lines at the corners of his eyes from squinting all his life in the desert sun. His expression is an almost perpetual scowl.

Voice: Deep, sometimes booming when angry or enthusiastic. When speaking Common, his voice is thickly accented, and he rolls his r's.

Disabilities: N/A


Clothing/Armor: A brass-plated steel scale-mail shirt, belted with a broad leather swordbelt, overtop a white linen tunic with loose sleeves. He wears brass-plated steel greaves over knee-high leather sandals and a pair of thick leather bracers around his wrists. His helm is a brass-plated steel skullcap that sports a white linen aventail to protect his neck from the sun.

Weapons: A bronze-headed spear, a steel shortsword, and a twinblade (two-bladed sword) strapped to his back. He often uses the spear like a walking stick.

Other magical equipment: An ankh amulet (acts as an Amulet of Natural Armor +3)


Positive personality traits: Dedicated, loyal, courteous

Negative personality traits: A tad smug

Likes: Meeting new people, traveling his homeland

Dislikes: Invaders, threats to his homeland

Fears: Losing his homeland to Unther or Thay

Attitude towards friends/strangers: Coolly friendly to pretty much everyone.

Opinion on the world: Mulhorand is the world.


Birthplace: Gheldaneth, Mulhorand

Family/Relationships: None living

Friends: Menarses Althas

Enemies: N/A

Background: Imhiros has had a fairly mundane life as the son of a seamstress and, later on, as a paladin of Osiris.


Languages spoken: Mulhorandi, Common, Celestial

Pets/Animal companions: N/A
Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Very nice character sheet, Auri. I have one to share too. :dance: :dance: :dance:



Name: Orion Loucura


Gender: Male

Race: Human

Age: 29

Class: Sorcerer/Shadow Adept

Alignment: Neutral Evil

Deity: Shar


Height: 190cm

Weight: 83kg

Hair: Shoulder-length, loose, straight, white with two light blue streaks at front

Eyes: Icy blue

Skin: Pale white

Handedness: Mixed-handedness

General physical description: Tall and thin with sharp facial features and his long hair always kept loose, Orion moves with an eerie grace at times appearing more as a restless ghost than a living being. The sympathetic expression he wears on his face to conceal his true motives gives him friendly and harmless demeanor. He has a scar of a bear scratch on his face, but most of the time it is hidden from view by his hair.

Voice: Medium-pitched, calm, soothing and at times can get somewhat melodic

Disabilities: Madness


Clothing/Armor: As a sorcerer Orion wears robes or other simple clothing. All of his clothing are of white of blue colors. His robe isn't an exception. Beautiful white robe, made out of finest materials and adorned with blue ornaments depicting magical runes.

Weapons: Elegant white staff with a blue orb at the top which deals some cold damage if it touches the opponent.


Positive personality traits: Determined, intelligent, can be social if he desires to

Negative personality traits:
Insane, arrogant, overconfident, sadistic

Likes: Wine, literature, magic, cold, torture

Dislikes: Warm climates, weak people, long distance travels

Attitude towards friends/strangers: Depending on the situation. Could be friendly, could be rude

Opinion on the world:
Pretty little thing full of vermin


Birthplace: Silverymoon

Family/Relationships: Both of his parents, and one grandmother are alive, but he has no desire to ever see them again.

Background: Orion had a normal and happy childhood. His parents were well respected mages and lived well enough to give their son everything he needed. As he showed signs of being magically gifted, he knew that it is expected of him to accept the future similar to that of his parents, and much to their relief, the boy seemed content with the path already chosen for him. Orion was particularity fond of illusion magic.

When Orion turned sixteen years old, he was already a skilled sorcerer, with a good heart and desire to help others, but the life he was expected to lead no longer interested him: Orion wanted to go on adventures and see more of the Realms so, he began showing tricks in the streets hoping to attract attention from adventurers traveling through his home city. It didn't take long, and eventually Orion was offered to join a band of adventurers and Orion gladly accepted the offer. During one of their adventures, the party leader had hired a surface drow cleric, and Orion fell in love with her just as she had fallen for him. The two traveled with band of adventurers for a few more years before retiring to start a new life together, but their happiness didn't last long.

The drow had a bounty on her head in the Underdark, the bounty her kind were too happy to collect, and so one day upon returning home, Orion found his beloved dead, her body and the life she carried within her cruelly mutilated. Stricken with grief, Orion tried everything to bring her back to life, each unsuccessful attempt sending him down the darker road until he tried to use the dark magics of the Shadow Weave itself which cost the sorcerer his sanity.

With the last shreds of his sanity, the man Orion was ceased to be. Now he was a broken, mad man traveling the Realms fueled by bizarre ideas and inflicting pain upon others just to see how long a person can take before they break.


Languages spoken:
Common, elven, a bit of dwarven


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Name: Llhunarra Madove (Luna for short)



Gender: Female


Race:Half-Elf (Human mother and Elvin father)

Age: 22

Class: Rogue/Thief

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral


Height: 5’6”

Weight: 120lbs

Hair: Auburn and most commonly worn in three braids.

Eyes: Green

Skin: A slight shade paler than your average human.


Handedness: Left handed, but is able to wield a weapon in each hand.

General physical description: Like most half-elves she is a bit on the slender side, sporting a slim and tone physic more than a muscular one. While she has quite pointed ears thanks to her father, Luna’s face is more rounded like her mother’s.


Voice: Llhunarra’s voice is gentle and clear, nothing about it really standing out. For the most part she speaks casually, saying what is on her mind which occasionally does lead to trouble. The only time her voice really changes is if she has hard far too much to drink, such a state reducing her to a much quieter tone or the humming of her favorite tunes.


Clothing/Armor: Luna’s most common outfit consists of a mixture of brown and dark green leather armor. Two belts cross her lower stomach in an X shape, each one supporting one of her two blades that rest at her hips. With other various straps and buckles along her legs she has several small compartments sewn into the armor to hold various…tools of her trade. Lastly she wears a thin brown cloak that often hangs over her shoulders, handy in concealing the weapons on her hips and thighs.


Weapons: As mentioned above Llhunarra carries two main weapons, a sort sword on her right hip and slightly elongated dagger on her left. Each thigh also houses a pair of throwing daggers, weapons less used by the rogue, but allowing her some range if need be.


Other magical equipment: Her one and only magical item is one she…acquired from a ship captain in the town of Assur. The flask hooked onto the back of her belts, where they cross, is her prized possession. It contains a strange mixture of red wine and a whiskey like substance, the container refilling itself each morning at dawn.


Positive personality traits: Llhunarra is friendly to everyone she meets, even those she ends up stealing from although as of late this has been few and far between. Almost always in a good mood she is talkative with others as long as they welcome the conversation. Young and just starting to venture out beyond her region of birth she is a bit naïve at times, her adventurous spirit enough to get her in trouble when she underestimates a task or foe.

Negative personality traits: Her worst trait has to be her love of the alcoholic mixture in the flask she carries with her. While she is not an outright drunk that spends her nights stumbling through the streets, she often has more than she should. This does not make her disagreeable or abrasive, but it does tend to hinder her judgment. Some may find her not as serious as they would like in a time of need. Also she is not so careful of others personal space.

Likes: Just about everything and anyone that hasn’t wronged her. With no real responsibilities in her life she seeks adventure and entertainment in all forms whether it is scouring a dungeon, enjoying drinks at a bar or gambling with friends.

Dislikes: Those that try to oppress others. A big believer in free will and the freedom to do as you please, Llhunarra does not get along with people or organizations that attempt to control others.

Fears: Confinement. (Physical and mental)

Attitude towards friends/strangers: Everyone is a potential friend until they prove otherwise. Part of this is due to how naïve she is, but it does not mean she befriends just anyone without question.

Opinion on the world: The world is meant to be enjoyed.


Birthplace: Memnon (Then traveled to Assur with her mother and half-brother.)

Family/Relationships: Father – Eldamari(current location unknown), Mother – Catharine Madove and half-brother Gerrard Madove both deceased.

Friends: None of note beyond the locals of the Assur tavern, Journeys End.

Enemies: Captain Skith of The Eastern Maiden (previous owner of her flask). intr Others she has stolen from.

Background: Born in Memnon, Llhunarra was the second child of a human tailor by the name of Catharine Madove and the Elvin sailor, Eldamari.


Catharine, who already had a son with her late husband had not intended to bring a half-elf into the world. With Llhunarra’s birth as something of an unplanned event, she at first raised the young girl in Memnon, allowing her to see her father whenever he made port there. Growing tired of raising the two children on her own she was able to convince Llhunarra’s father to take them to his home, Assur.


Although he still travelled plenty, most of his time spent on the high seas, Eldamari was able to spend more time with the girl, Gerrard as well. As she grew older though he began to each them how to wield blades, the traveled male knowing all too well how cruel the world could be. For several years, until Luna reached the age of ten times were good. After her first decade of life things took a turn with her mother growing ill and soon passing. Left with only her half brother and father, the young girl found herself mixing with the boys at the dock more than the woman her tailor mother used to know.


With their father still spending the majority of her time at sea her older brother took to taking care of her, the half-elf looking up to her human sibling. In time she would be without a father as well, the elf failing to return with the ship he had for so long called his home. Unsure if he had passed on or merely moved on with his life, sailors not necessarily known for their love of a stagnant life, the two now teenagers began to look outward.


Gerrard, now 19 and Llhunarra 15, the siblings began to develop dreams of becoming mercenaries. Practicing the skills taught to them by their father the two dreamed of making money with their skills while also seeing the world. Her brother, being the older of the two chose to set out his first time without her, wanting to learn some of the local region before bringing her along. Sadly adventuring was not a lucky path for the young man, Gerrard losing his life in a skirmish with the hired thugs of a competing merchant to the one he had been contracted to protect.


Upon receiving the news of her brother’s death, leaving her for all tense and purposes alone, Llhunarra chose to live her life more freely. While using her talents to earn enough coin to survive, she also began to delve into more…unsavory skills. Surprisingly enough she was quite good at acquiring items, especially those that belonged to others. Finding she enjoyed the work, often exploring the house of others for her own entertainment she soon found herself getting into more trouble than was safe.


At the age of 22 she chose to leave Assur, setting out to explore the surrounding area and seek out entertainment where she had fewer enemies. Realizing sticky fingers quickly drew unwanted attention she has shifted away from that path a little, focusing more on her skills with a blade. Spending her days as she sees fit now Llhunarra wanders, looking for her next adventure.




Languages Spoken: Common

Edited by Llhunara
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