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Here's the return, only thought of one for now. Figured I'd do one good one rather than a bunch of mediocre ones.

Name: Nydeshka



Gender: Male

Race: Rashemi, Human

Age: 26

Class: Barbarian/Runescarred Berserker

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Deity: Bhalla (Chauntea)


Height: 5'8''

Weight: 165lbs

Hair: Black. His head is shaven, and his beard covers his jawline but is not especially bushy.

Eyes: Hazel

Skin: Lightly tanned and darkened from scarring. The texture is like that of hard leather.

Handedness: Right

Scars/Tattoos: His body is entirely covered in glowing magical runes.

General physical description: Even without towering over others Nydeshka's intimidation factor is very high. He is a hulk of a man who's appearance mirrors his capabilities perfectly. His face is haggard and worn from years of sleep deprivation and stress. The entirety of his body, from head to toe, face, fingers, and tenderbits included, have been covered with glowing green runes.

Voice: Deep, tired, and very loud and terrifying during rages as one might think. He has a slight accent when speaking common.

Clothing/armor: Fur boots, and a scale mail kilt. He has a very large belt that protects his lower abdomen, and holds his large skin for carrying jhuild (Rashemi firewine). A full black mask made of thick cloth with only two eyeholes. It covers the face completely and on the top is a red feather headdress that covers the rest of the head like hair. It belonged to his deceased Hathran lover.

Weapons: A blunt cold iron claymore

Other Magical Equipment: the runes


General Personality Traits: Nydeshka is a broken individual. In fact his name means "blunt sword", which berserkers who can't control themselves are called and given so that they might die in battle; he has given up his name in favor of a literally useless title. In a society where strength and power are everything he has fallen far from grace and wants to find someway to redeem himself. That said Nydeshka is a hopeful man who sees the beauty in the world and always has a reason to persevere, be it protection or vengeance. And moving back to the whole "berserkers who can't control themselves" that was a one time thing! He's getting so much better now, but to be safe all should know his wrath his lethal. He is also very ascetic, preferring to forgo the use of money for bartering, or begging. He is completely against using his strength for his own personal material gain, as the only things he seeks are intangible.

Likes: Fighting, drinking, carrying on, strength, competition, trials

Dislikes: Evil, Thayans, weakness, reminders of the past

Fears: Succumbing to the darkness in his heart

Attitudes towards friends/strangers: Nydeshka is typically aloof, keeping people at a distance for their own safety. When he did have friends they typically partied regularly and fought constantly.

Opinion of the world: "Life is a grand test, and I intend to succeed."


Birthplace: Northern Rashemen

Family/Relationships: All dead

Friends: Abandoned him

Enemies: No outright enemies, though many Red Wizards would slay him on sight.

Background: The boy who would become Nydeshka was born in the far northern tundras of Rashemen where life was cold and harsh. He was taught from a young age that strength was everything. When he was a young man he set out to see the world on a quasi-pilgrimage called a dajemma where he saw a great deal of the world and became very open-minded. When he returned he immediately joined a fang (sort of a berserker club) and set about proving his strength and doing what he did best. And prove himself he did as within a few years he had caught the attention of a young Witch who requested him as her personal guardian. After several years the two had gone through a great deal and grew closer as wells as stronger, but it was all not to have a happy ending. In an ambush against Thayan wizards he lost the thing the he held closest to his heart and he flew into a great rage, striking down everyone he could, friend or foe. When he was finally subdued he was declared Nydeshka, given a blunt claymore, and given the task of hunting down the wizards who had the good fortune to have fled the battle in hopes he would never be seen again.


Languages: Rashemi, Common

Pets/Animal Companions: Dvorovoi- a small spirit, glowing red and sharing a great deal in common, visibly, with a will-o-the-wisp. The spirit has a small command over fire, having many times saved Nydeshka with fire-making capabilities. The wisp also gives off a malicious aura to those who can sense it, and a great deal of heat; in reality this spirit is a fragment of a far stronger Rashemi spirit of Rage that was drawn to Nydeshka after his exile.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Back with a vengeance:



Name: Nephis Odesseiron
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Age: Unknown, although estimated to be in her 200's (arcane extended lifespan)
Class: Red Wizard of Thay(former)/Conjurer
Alignment: True Neutral, borderline evil tendencies, on occasion.
Deity: Abraxas (through pact only; she does not worship him per-se)
Height: 5’9
Weight: 110lbs
Hair: N/A
Eyes: A dark honey-gold.
Skin: A light, dusky mahogany.
Handedness: Right
Scars/Tattoos: A pair of lapis-lazuli circles marks her forehead, signifying her as a Wizard in Mulhorandi’s hierarchy. Her body is also covered in an assortment of twisting intricacies and abyssal shapes, tattooed in a writhing black ink- the same shape never appears twice, although her face and forehead remain unmarked with permanent inks.
General physical description: Tall, slender and intrinsically regal, Nephis’s are the bearings of nobility and a pedigreed breeding, with features of Turami descent; her cheekbones are high, wide and angular, providing the framework for her other features. Gaunt cheeks and a strong (yet effeminate) jaw maintain an air of stern seriousness to her features, balancing out the soft exoticism of her acorn-like eyes and the slight delicacy of her short nose. Lacking hair of all descriptions, her brows are painted upon her face in a semi-scowl, framing often a portrait of creative makeups that adorn her lids.
Voice: Low, concentrated and unmistakably intelligent, Nepis’s breathy tone betrays a neutral accent only ever-so tinged by her Mulhorandi exposure. Her intonations often increase in pitch as she speaks, yet when angered or perplexed she is ever calm.
Disabilities: N/A
Clothing/Armor: To Nephis, there exists no such thing as impractical clothing. Her grandiosely ornate attire is a sign of her station, a scintillating jewel decorating the high wizardry of Thay, a caste where wealth, power and superficial beauty were unavoidably linked- or at least, she was. A hundred blades would have to carve Nephis’s chest before she would don iron for so baser an urge as physical protection; when she don’s armour, it flatters her form in materials of great expense, such as gold and ebony, hidden beneath fabrics more befitting of her station. Comfort, practicality and function are meaningless for the Wizard to whom fashion and grandeur are the only import. Her gowns are crafted of the finest silk and lightest velvet her jewels a shower of gold and ruby covering her from head to toe. The most important aspect of her appearance, however, is headwear; she is never seen without a splendid headdress, or shining wig. Her favoured colour is crimson, although she is seldom seen in the colours of her fallen station.
Weapons: Staff of Fury; this magical rod is a two-foot long sceptre of pure gold, decorated with rubies, sapphires, diamonds and pearls. It bears a great ruby at its head, and serves as a focus for Nephis’s powers- when used in conjunction with her spells, all gain a considerable boost in their capabilities.
Other magical equipment: A variety of amulets and jewels, including a Ring of Immunity.
Positive personality traits: Trustworthy, logical, well-mannered, diplomatic and wilful.
Negative personality traits: Arrogant, vain, dismissive and proud.
Likes: Luxury, fashion, knowledge, Illusion, the arcane arts, learning, sharing wisdom (for a price), witty conversation, politics, and battle.
Dislikes: Szass Tam, the current state of Thay, the Zulkirs, the lesser-minded, the Undead.
Fears: Being forced to return to Thay unprepared- Szass Tam succeeding in his goals of ascension.
Attitude towards friends/strangers: Nephis is unmistakably afflicted with pride, and as such often looks down her nose towards those she possesses unfamiliarity. It takes a chisel of charming words and intelligent argument to crack her surface, but once her attentions are gained, she can be considered a loyal friend, if such sentimentalities must be observed.
Opinion on the world: “Mulhorand is a paradise, but every oasis must fade in the end. Much will change, for the better, one hopes. “
Birthplace: Thay
Family/Relationships: All deceased, although it is whispered that she shares a bed with Mensares.
Friends: Mensares, various nobles of Mulhorand and the clergy.
Enemies: Szass Tam, the remaining council of Zulkirs.
Background: Born in Thay to the powerful house Odesseiron, Nephis’s birthright was conjuration and arcane power- if she had the initiative to reach out and grasp it. As with all those gifted in the magical arts, the pre-pubescent scion was taken in by the Red Wizards for trial and inspection, culminating in her apprenticeship to the then-nascent Zulkir of Conjuration, Nevron. Her ascension through the ranks was swift and forthcoming, gained by both political guile and arcane ingenuity.
She was forced to expel from Thay after Szass Tam’s takeover, having originally fought upon the side of those Zulkirs still loyal to their conjoined power; as one of the Tharchion during the war, Nephis opted to preserve her life and loyalty to Thay by escaping- emptying her magical repositories and keeping the secrets she possessed close. Nephis laid down her crimson robes and escaped the country in 1375 DR, headed for Mulhorand.
Crafting for herself an elaborate guise as one of the Wizard Caste (complete with a feigned political and social background in Skuld) Nephis instilled herself into the beating heart of the great Empire’s political body, serving as advisor on matters of the arcane to various nobles and priests. A brief stint as a scribe to the Pharaoh propelled her career from courtier to gilded respect, and so her positions of residence and the status of her advisory roles ascended, culminating in a position of lofty respect in Gehldaneth- the Sorceress caught the eye of the powerful Mensares, merchant prince and mogul of Mulhorandi commerce. As a man of keen mind and lofty ambition, his interest into the arts of Illusion have gifted Nephis a new calling, to serve as mentor in his studies and guest at his house. It is rumoured the two share more than whispers.
Languages spoken: Abyssal, Common, Infernal, Mulhorandi

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Not bringing him in juuust yet, but I went ahead and made the sheet. BOW TO THE COOKIE AND TEA LORD!!!



Name: Kylan Redshield


Gender: Male


Race: Human


Age: 120’s though is still able bodied due to eternal youth.


Class: Paladin, Anointed Knight


Alignment: Lawful Good


Deity: Torm




Height: 6 foot 1


Hair: Wavy, shoulder length, black


Eyes: Brown


Skin: Lightly tanned


Handedness: Right


Scars/Tattoos: Carries with him a plethora of scars over his body and head from his long career as an adventurer.


General physical description: Looking to be about middle aged, The tall and muscular Kylan could be an imposing figure were it not for his warm smile and calming demeanor. His somewhat large nose shows signs of being broken multiple times and his eyes show a heavy weight. Noticeable facial scars include one that starts above his left eye and continues down across his left nostril and and lips, and ends at his chin, as well as one that starts at his right cheekbone, and cuts up to the top of his scalp.


Voice: A soothing relaxed tone, though when angered he can certainly roar with the best of them.





Clothing/Armor: A plate mail suit known as Valor which carries several enhancements which are activated through vocal commands, though only two may be active at any given time. For plain clothes he wears a comfortable cotton shirt and breeches.


Weapons: An assortment of blades and other weapons that he has collected over the years which he keeps in a large sack of holding. Though his primary weapon is a single handed blade whose name is pronounced “Keln” The blade is an orange coloring and made from a material unknown to Faerun. It has proven itself to be particularly dangerous to outerplanar creatures, demonic and devilish forces.


Other magical equipment: An amulet which both strengthens, and protects him magical assaults, A kettle which can heat any substance put into it to the desired temperature(perfect for making tea in a hurry)




General personality traits: The best way to describe Kylan now is to picture the quintessential Grandfather, Kind and caring, filled to the brim with words of wisdom and encouragement though never one to sugar coat things, never much in a rush, opinionated and more often than not simply wants to take it slow and easy unless the situation calls for haste or he gets too excited.


Likes: Cookies, Tea, being on the road and right back in the action again. A fan of books and plays, tales of adventures, good food and drink, warm fires, and the camaraderie that comes from facing death on a near daily basis with a group of friends.


Dislikes: The true evils of the world, Demons, Devils, and plain old unlikable people.


Fears: Not many nowadays. The fear of losing his family though will always plague him.


Attitude towards friends/strangers: To friends he treats with kindness and respect and will more often than not, speak candidly with them, saying what he thinks needs to be said despite no one wanting to hear it. To strangers he’s cautiously curious, wanting to get to know them should they be traveling with him.


Opinion on the world: “It’s better now than what it will be in a few years.”




Birthplace: Elturel.


Family/Relationships: Wife: Mara Redshield (deceased) Daughters: Lin Casol and Hersha Venan (both married) Sons: Thomas Redshield.

Granddaughter: Tatheli Venan.

Grandson: Stalgath Redshield

Background: Once the leader of one of the most powerful adventuring groups of his time. Kylan lead the group to countless victories and it’s fair share of defeats. After nearly eighty years however, though he hasn’t aged physically, mentally his mind was that of a hundred year old man. The years of hardship weighing on his mind and conscious, and with the death of several lifelong friends, Kylan Redshild hung up his armor and sword for what he thought would be the last time, spending the next several years making up for lost time with his family.


Though with the birth of his newest grandson, and the impending doom he felt when faced with the realization that he would be used as a baby sitter and thus forced to deal with a cry baby and dirty diapers, he would be thankful for any reason to escape such a fate. And so, despite his mental age, he couldn’t help but practically leap for joy when the resurgence of an old friend came with the opportunity for yet another adventure.




Languages spoken: Several, though he’d much rather just use Common and let the others do the talking.


Pets/Animal companions: He’s kept several dogs, though they were left home with his family.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Tannin is to be removed from the RP immediately and permanently. josh900 is also suspended from making additional characters in the RP until further notice. You have one post left with Tannin to have him leave the party.

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