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Tales of Faerun


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Hi all, hoping to join the game, and this is the character I'm intending to use.


Name: Kellindel N’Vel

Race: High Elf


Gender: Male

Age: A lady never tells…

Class: Bard/Arcane Archer

Alignment: CG

Deity: Tithes occasionally to Milil

Place of Origin: Waterdeep


Appearance: Kellindel is a little on the short side, but carries himself with the confidence of someone far taller. His face is unmarked, though had it not been for the rapid work of a number of excellent clerics in the past this would probably not be the case. Being unable to actually grow any facial hair is one of the banes of his life, as he suspects that a small goatee would look rather dashing on him, and previous attempts at using fake ones have not impressed anybody.

His shoulder length blonde hair is always kept spotlessly clean, and undergoes a daily washing and brushing routine that would put all but the most pampered members of the Waterdavian nobility to shame. He often ties his hair back in a colourful ribbon, and wears two braids, one hanging down either side of his cheeks.

His health is pretty good though un-exceptional, years of hard drinking have yet to erode his strength or general physical well-being, though he is fairly sure that it will all catch up with him soon.

Occasional bouts of binge drinking and unwise sexual adventures have left him with many things, none of which could fairly be described as disabilities, and thankfully all of which have been cleaned up (for the time being at least) by the hard working ladies of the Sune temple.

During downtime he dresses flamboyantly, in bright primary colours and keeping up to date with the latest fashions. Unless they’re pastel. He cannot abide pastel.

His musical accoutrements are a set of bongos and a triangle, both of which hang from his right hip in easy reach should he need to beat out a quick refrain.


Armor/Clothing: In times where armour is de-rigueur he wears the same set of vibrant green and gold armour he always has, which fortunately contains a minor enchantment meaning that the colours can be dimmed at will to rather less noticeable tones.

Weapon: He carries an enchanted longbow that can add elemental damage of his choice to each of his shots, as a further enchantment this bow can also be shrunk to the size of a pen.

Personality: Affable, friendly, polite, a lover of strong alcohol and attractive women (species broadly irrelevant.) Highly charismatic, intelligent enough and prone to making boneheaded decisions, especially where women are concerned.


Likes: Wine, women and of course song.


Dislikes: The Tanarukk, the fey'ri... Basically anything with a history of trying to remove his head from his shoulders, diseases that ensure his genitals itch until he manages to get to a cleric and spelljamming.


Fears: Ending his adventuring career without enough stories to bore the future grandchildren he hopes to have.


Attitude Towards Strangers: Kellindel is friendly to pretty much everyone he meets, though he’s not fool enough to expect the same from others.


Attitude Towards Friends: Well, they're friends... Sooo pretty good really.


Opinion Of The World: He finds the world a hell of a place to be, full of beauty and adventure. Seriously what could be better?

History: His family live respectable lives in Waterdeep, including his mother, a sailor of some repute, his father, a blade-master in the militia, and his brother... An accountant.

It would be hard to say which of the boy was more the black sheep of the family.

His last adventuring party consisted of;

Skafloc, the mighty barbarian
Llana, Priestess of Sune
Fade, a fey’ri rebel
Karosin, A complete bastard, in both a literal and metaphorical sense
Greg, a dead guy/risen martyr
Avelaer, a bladesinger

They were involved in some trifling matter in the High Forest involving the Fey’ri, giant magical towers, trips to the Abyss, mages, almost getting violated by a particularly unattractive Glabrezu and finally actually sleeping with that Drow.


Also stopping a portal being opened that would have allowed an army of demons to enter the prime material plane, but that was honestly a secondary concern.


He has also, at varying times, battled vampires, fought undead dragons and been bitten on the ass by a kobold.

Edited by eocine
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I hate to say no to your first sheet, but it is very similar to a few characters we had problems with in the past. It is not a bad sheet, I just think that it would not be best for this RP and our members (I got folks getting bad flashbacks in Steam chat, if that tells you anything :tongue:).


I think we need something far away from the womanizing sort.


We do think you should make another, though. You seem to have a talent for character creation. :D

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Yeah it's nothing really against the character himself, more that we've had several like it already, most of them not played well at all, so that left us with a bad taste in our mouths over the character type. Were it not for bad past characters that were of the same archetype we would have approved.


So it's not you... it's us lol.

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No worries man, it's alllll good.


I've seen some horrendously played versions of the archetype as well, and you guys have no reason to trust how I'd play him so it's fine, hopefully if I do well with another character I'll be able to bring him in later, and if not that'll be fine as well.

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Right, trying again.


Orrin Lenford
Male, Human, Monk

Age: Late 30's
Height: 6’0
Weight: 186lbs
Hair: Brown hair kept short and neat.
Eyes: Brown.
Skin: Caucasian, tanned.
Facial Hair: A neat beard.
Handedness: Functionally ambidextrous, through years of training.
Scars/Tattoos: Diagonal 1cm scar on his top lip and missing the tip of his left hand ring-finger. Numerous other scars hidden by his clothing.

Orrin stands at six feet even, and his physical training regimen has kept him in fantastic shape. Neither overly handsome nor ugly, he fits perfectly into the mid range of human attractiveness.

Whilst he is not phenomenally strong by heroic standards, he does operate at the peak of a martial artist in all physical ways. He has great stamina and remarkable agility.

His voice is medium pitched and unremarkable.

A blow to the side of the head taken many years ago has left him deaf in his left ear. He could have it healed of course, but considers the disability a form of penance.


Slightly shabby brown robes when on his normal business, though he does possess a few more impressive sets of clothing for when he’s fundraising for the series of orphanages he helps administer.


A set of brown robes.
A rope belt
Pouch of shuriken
A matched set of tonfa
A Githzerai silver-sword


Orrin, is kind, decent, disciplined and centred.

Whilst not overtly charismatic he does seem to earn loyalty and friendship from a wide number of people. Though it’s entirely possible that these examples of friendship are as much due to his actions as his words. His personal wisdom, absorbed through many texts and writings is impressive, and his intelligence is enough that he can understand and evaluate the concepts of a variety of historical thinkers.

He hates the oppression of the weak, especially of children and whilst a peaceable man in general takes direct action against those who would seek to hurt or exploit either group. When he is not adventuring he works at a series of orphanages, from Toril to Sigil, where he himself was raised.

His main fears are failing those closest to him, and being unable to provide for his wards.

Orrin cares deeply for his friends, and would die for those closest to him.

As a man of deep seated goodness and conviction he cannot walk by when someone else is in danger, to do so would be contrary to all he believes in.

Birthplace: Sigil
Hometown: He has founded orphanages in many cities, each of them is a home to him.

Orrin was born to Caitlin and Mat Lenford, but the biggest influence on his life was Sissy Smith a former cleric of the dead Goddess Leira, to whose preachings he listened to and was fascinated by from an early age. Tragically his parents were killed when he was still a child, and so he followed Sissy as she went on an excursion to Limbo, and one of the monasteries there.

He was initially unable to study with the Githzerai, as there were concerns over the human’s ability to find the required focus, but once he had successfully undergone a proving, and shown the willingness to impose the necessary discipline upon himself he was accepted as a student. It was a harsh environment for a child, but he progressed through the ranks, and left a full member of the order, being presented a silver sword as he did so.

Now an adult, he returned to the streets of Sigil, and set about making a difference. This he did, not with his fists, but by aiding his mentor Sissy in first building and then expanding an orphanage, taking in children and helping them as Sissy and the monks had helped him.

In time, as the orphanage became more self-sufficent, and indeed new chapters were opened, both on the planes and on Faerun, he was taken time out from the day to day administration, and looked to earn money for the orphanages by adventuring. During that time he met and married his wife, the Half-Githzerai bard Misty, who joined him as a partner in the orphanages.

His closest companions are Sissy, his mentor, and Misty his wife. Though he maintains friendships with Yaminakital, a half-demon sorcerer who managed to turn away from his evil heritage. Dart, another of Sissy’s wards, though this friendship is occasionally a strained one, and several other of his friends met and made through his adventuring days.

Through the years he has not made a great deal of enemies, but any can earn his undying enmity by harming those weaker than they.


He has a personal belief structure that, at the core, revolves around leaving the world better than it was when you enter it.

Skilled in many forms of martial combat, orphanage administration, caring for children and rock-climbing.

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Well I like it, anything dealing with the other planes and the like is awesome in my book lol, Auri's not so much. She doesn't like anything that isn't from the core rule books. So anything not found in them are denied unfortunately, this is enforced even to backgrounds as I just recently found out.


So have either another sheet or an edited version of this character ready on stand by just in case she doesn't accept it.

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Pretty sure a doorway between Sigil and Toril is mentioned in Faiths and Pantheons, as part of the Abbey of the Swords, and nothing in 3.5 retconned the 2e ones out of existence but obviously it's the DM's call in the end, if need be I'll get another character ready.

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...She doesn't like anything that isn't from the core rule books...


That isn't the issue I have with the involvement of the other planes, josh, and you know it.


It is also not up for debate in this thread.


Pretty sure a doorway between Sigil and Toril is mentioned in Faiths and Pantheons, as part of the Abbey of the Swords, and nothing in 3.5 retconned the 2e ones out of existence but obviously it's the DM's call in the end, if need be I'll get another character ready.


This character is approved, eo, so long as there isn't going to be any random plane-hopping going on. That is the main issue I have with the planes; I don't want it to be an easy way to get out of situations or otherwise abused (like bringing in the Mother of Cthulhu or some similar rot :P ). So, despite Orrin's origins, for the duration of the RP, he'll need to remain in Faerun, unless you make special arrangements with me so I can approve what you're doing ahead of time - we've actually done that before in this RP. See my PM to you for more information.

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