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Tales of Faerun


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Just a quick announcement to say that neither Auri, Tok or I want the battle between Silithus and Hazel interfered with until otherwise noted, please :laugh:

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Just posting this quick thing to say Auri gave me permission to control Argyros in my latest and approved it once it was posted so everything checks out. (In case anyone was wondering.)

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Name: Rameses Galeran


Gender: Male
Race: Fire Genasi
Age: 24
Class: Fighter
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Deity: Tempus, Lord of Battle


Height: 6’2”
Weight: 167 lbs.
Hair: Bright golden blonde with streaks of red that flicker like flame, as is normal for fire genasi.
Eyes: Crimson red eyes.
Skin: A pale bronze etched with smoldering red szuldar markings, which are indicative of his planetouched lineage.
Handedness: Right handed.
Scars/Tattoos: The szuldar markings and a long, narrow scar on his right palm.
General physical description: His physique is lean and fit with narrow shoulders and slightly longer arms than the average genasi or human with his proportions.
Voice: Rameses has a soft, moderately deep voice with a smooth blend of the accents he has been exposed to over the course of his life and during his travels. However, perceptive individuals might be able to pinpoint the hints of Tethyrian and Calishite dialects in his speech. Also, Rameses tends to raise his voice when excited or upset.
Disabilities: None.


Clothing/Armor: Rameses is most often seen in his traveling attire, which consists of protective clothing from the elements draped over his worn yet well maintained leather armor.
Weapons: Due to his humble background, Rameses is armed only with a simple iron longsword and an iron dagger. Both items had been passed down to him by his mother, who was once an adventurer in her younger years.
Other magical equipment: None.


Positive personality traits: Rameses can easily be described as confident, ambitious, and free spirited. He does not hesitate before jumping into the heat of battle, and his inclination towards fighting can make him a fierce ally or a formidable opponent. This joy he finds in combat is due to the many childhood afternoons he spent wrestling and sparring with his friends. Like most genasi, his ambition compels him towards paths of riches, fame, and adventure. His genasi heritage also grants him a minor resistance against fire, although he prefers not to rely upon it. Also, Rameses holds an almost complete disregard towards any limitations in the form of laws, rules, or codes of conduct. Consequently, he feels that the Lord of Battle, Tempus, could be his patron deity. Finally, one critical thing to note about Rameses is that he will fiercely protect his friends as if they were family.
Negative personality traits: While his confidence often fuels his bravery, it often influences him as arrogance; he will never reject a challenge of combat. Also, his greed sometimes leads him to make immoral decisions for his own sake. Those flaws combined with his chaotic nature also tends to cause problems between him and authorities of settlements and cities.
Likes: Rameses likes the freedom of the open road, good living with good company, the warmth and comfort of fire, and the chaos of fighting.
Dislikes: Rameses does not like confinement or limitations of any fashion, seafaring travel, particularly cold and damp weather, darkness, and boredom.
Fears: While he tries to remain as fearless as possible in the name of Tempus, Rameses does hold a small collection of fears that rattle him. Those fears include a fear of drowning, freezing to death, and being trapped in small, dark spaces. Therefore, Ramses tries to be preemptive by avoiding occasions involving bodies of water, having his warm cloak when needed, and rarely venturing into enclosed areas.
Attitude towards friends/strangers: In Rameses’ mind, strangers can either be friends, or they can be enemies. This mentality suits him well, as he values both a good friend and a good fight.
Opinion on the world: Rameses believes that the world is a place full of opportunities to be taken, experiences to be had, and greatness to be achieved.


Birthplace: Rameses was born in Myratma of Tethyr, a relatively young nation in west Faerun.
Family/Relationships: Rameses has never known much family over the course of his life; his mother was alone when he was born, and she worked endlessly to raise him as best she could. Evidently his father returned briefly, because Rameses’ little fire genasi sister Solaina was born when he was seven years of age. Sadly, their mother died of illness when he was nineteen. To this day, his sister still lives in Myratma and produces silk for a living, and Rameses knows almost nothing about their father.
Friends: Rameses’ childhood companions Asher and Diana are undoubtedly some of his closest friends. Asher grew up hoping to serve as a guard to protect Myratma, whereas Diana always dreamed of roaming Faerun as a ranger; both of them know live their childhood ambitions, occasionally crossing paths with Rameses.
Enemies: Before he left Myratma, Rameses grew fond of a young Tethyrian woman named Rylee. Little did he know that she was already spoken for by a fearsomely jealous rogue, Harlock Dorne. Even though Rameses gently brought his relationship with Rylee to an end, Harlock still intends to have his vengeance on Rameses.
Background: Rameses was born into a humble background; his family on his mother’s side owned a meager silk orchard outside Myratma, and his mother weaved silk for a living. While Rameses never knew his father, his mother often described him as “fire itself given a man’s form with the warmest heart.” During his early childhood, Rameses became good friends with two other children, Asher and Diana; the trio played happily whenever they could and would eventually grow up to be good friends. When Rameses was seven years old, he discovered that his mother was pregnant, and she told him that his father had returned briefly. Rameses did not understand why his father left a second time, but his childish confusion and sadness washed away when his loving baby sister Solaina was born. His childhood happily continued into his adolescent life, and he learned how to wield a sword and fight from both his friends and mother, who was once a young adventurer. However, Rameses’ childhood came to an end when his mother fell ill and died; for years afterward, he and his sister Solaina lived off their own work producing silk as their mother had taught them to do. Once a young man, Rameses began to court with a certain young woman, Rylee, who was reluctantly paired with a violent thief named Harlock. Upon Harlock learning of their relationship, Rameses left Rylee as gently and painlessly as he could, the rogue outraged and hot on his heels. Thus, Rameses’ life as an adventurer of west Faerun began after being chased out of his hometown by a furious rogue, who still hunts for him to this day.


Languages spoken: Rameses speaks in Common and knows a few verses of Ignan.
Pets/Animal companions: The magnificent camel mount, Jarl.



I hope you all find my first character acceptable and interesting!

Edited by FreemasonGamer
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Not my call on whether to approve it or not, but I'm really liking the look of Rameses here :thumbsup:

Edited by Flipout6
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You're approved, Freemason! Welcome aboard! :D


BTW, my latest post has a spoiler tag for a particular section because it was waaaaay too long without it. So it was for the sole purpose of shortening the length on the page, not for anything unsavory. :tongue:


Also, permission was granted by Flipout6 for me to control Elaril for this post. We also collaborated on the Rhaine and Weyland section.

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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