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Tales of Faerun


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Alright guys, got some more news.


Thankfully, my best friend had been helping me with my issues and annoyances that would have probably been a lot longer without his help. As with that, I think I can start RPing again. Don't worry, in my spare time I have read each of the RP's, so I know whats going on. I will post probably later this morning or if that doesn't happen, later tonight.


Also, I was thinking about sticking with Olivia, and getting rid of Norgold. I just wanted everyone's opinion on that matter. :D





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Alright guys, got some more news.


Thankfully, my best friend had been helping me with my issues and annoyances that would have probably been a lot longer without his help. As with that, I think I can start RPing again. Don't worry, in my spare time I have read each of the RP's, so I know whats going on. I will post probably later this morning or if that doesn't happen, later tonight.


Also, I was thinking about sticking with Olivia, and getting rid of Norgold. I just wanted everyone's opinion on that matter. :D


Good to have you back, Best! I hope you can post soon, and if you do get rid of Norgold, make sure to give the Hammer Byron gave you to Caladus. I may have Caladus go to return it to his family or something later on.

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Byron's tasks are done. He will be with you for one more evening. Soon, a portal will open, and a new little sweetheart will take his place.


Name: Saerileth Sillarus.


Race: Half Eladrin, half Human


Gender: Female


Age: 15


Class: Paladin/ Chosen of Tyr


Alignment: Lawful Good


Deity: Tyr


Place of Origin: The Slopes of Mount Celestia, within the Plane of Ellisium


Appearance: Saerileth has fair skin, Black hair that reaches to her knees which she usually ties in a pony tail and holds back with a crown-like symbol of Tyr. She cannot use a helmet, and her hair is kept out of the way by looping over her shoulders before going down her front. She has blue eyes, and is short, slender and petite of build as she is still growing.


Armor/Clothing: Saerileth wears Steel Plate Armor, and has a white silken gown for sleeping.


Weapon: Carsomyr, The Holy Avenger +5 two-handed sword that grants a 50% Magic Resistance when wielded, It can be used to cast Dispel Magic 3 times per day, and does extra damage against Chaotic Evil opponents. It also dispels magic whenever it hits. The pommel gem, known as the Eye of Tyr, grants additional power, increasing it's enhancement bonus to +6, and furthering damage against Chaotic Evil opponents.


Personality: Saerileth is a very sweet and generous girl, and has a very strong sense of right and wrong. Her method of speech is similar to Old English, or Translated Latin, speaking with Thee's and Thou's instead of You, yours etc. If she feels something is morally wrong, she will not abide by it, and refuses to have any part in it.


History: Saerileth was born on the slopes of Mount Celestia, where upon reaching the age of 12, she received a vision from her God Tyr, telling her of his plans for her. She was taken to the temple the next morning where she started her training as a Paladin of Tyr. Her hair is long as her god commands her not to cut it.

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So, I was thinking of making Hazel go back to the forest, since I'm just not emotionally connected with her character... If that happens, I'd bring over my old RP characters, Reona and Arva (with some tweaks to their story and Arva would have a body this time)... I feel like I miss them, so I'd like everyone's opinion on it before I get into character sheets (because I am one lazy female human, mainly, don't want effort to be wasted on moving my hands that much :rolleyes: ).
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Great character sheet Baldur! :thumbsup: I've heard of Saerileth. Someone made a companion mod with her for Oblivion.


If you want to do this, Tokyo then go ahead. She is your character after all. I will miss her but if that's what you want. :teehee:

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So, I was thinking of making Hazel go back to the forest, since I'm just not emotionally connected with her character... If that happens, I'd bring over my old RP characters, Reona and Arva (with some tweaks to their story and Arva would have a body this time)... I feel like I miss them, so I'd like everyone's opinion on it before I get into character sheets (because I am one lazy female human, mainly, don't want effort to be wasted on moving my hands that much :rolleyes: ).


Fine with me, although Hazel would be missed. :(

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