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Tales of Faerun


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(A thank you to Baldur for helping me with this :thumbsup: )

Name: Aricia


Age: Unknown


Class: Cleric


Race: Eladrin Archfey.


Alignment: Lawful Good


Deity: Illmater


Place of Origin: The House Of Triad.


Appearance: She has Long Mahogany hair, brown eyes, and skin as pale as snow, with an ethereal glow to it. She has a beauty spot beneath her lips. Her face is one of undeniable beauty, and calmness.


Armor/Clothing: She wears a unique piece, a mixture of elegance and beauty, with protection from damage: She wears a beautiful polished silver bodice, engraved with beautiful patterns and symbols. on top of this she wears a white robe, which is very tight, and reveals the bodice, with a high and thin collar, made of white feathers. She wears silver greaves, but her flowing robe covers them, and her silver boots. As for accessories, she dons a diamond choker necklace, large diamond earrings, and a small diamond tiara, sitting on top of her mahogany hair. And a pair of white leather gloves, covering all but the very tips of her fingers.


Weapon: The Flail Of Ages (All heads)


Personality: She is kind and fair, but also tough and stern. She can be snappish, but mostly kind to her daughter Saerileth, and is protective of her, as she has not seen the girl in many years.


History: Aricia is the mother of Saerileth, hailing from the distant Feywilds. It is from her that Saerileth gets her fair skin, and otherworldly beauty. However, Her temper is a lot more volatile than Saerileth, as Aricia has not recieved the mental discipline training of a Paladin. She was sent to the Prime to ensure Saerileth is kept safe, and kept on task. as the monks feared she would get distracted by all that the Prime has to offer. She currently resides within the House of Triad, where the god Tyr has tasked her, with looking over her daughter.

Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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