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Thanks guys, but credit has to go to Baldur for the base... i just made her looks :laugh:


@Baldur: Why of course i did, can't expect just a salad... it has to have dressing.... a few gallons of it will do :laugh:


Yay more characters!


I suppose she could come in now, thinking the fight is for real?

Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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Thanks guys, but credit has to go to Baldur for the base... i just made her looks :laugh:


@Baldur: Why of course i did, can't expect just a salad... it has to have dressing.... a few gallons of it will do :laugh:


Yay more characters!


I suppose she could come in now, thinking the fight is for real?



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Okay, so HERE is where I was going to say that my character sheets won't be coming anytime soon, most likely. I have trouble with them and I'm a bit depressed lately, so it's hard for me to think much at all, let alone come up with posts or character sheets x.x Sorry, a hundred apologies, guys.
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Well, I sucked it up and finished the character sheets :P They weren't as hard as I thought they would be, and stuff kind of flowed once I started. I psych myself out a lot... >.> Anyway, without further ado, here they are:


Name: Reona Dala'ess


Race: Moon Elf


Age: 87


Class: Swashbuckler


Alignment: Neutral Good


Deity: None, currently


Place of Origin: Cormyr


Appearance: A small girl with a seemingly frail frame, pale skin, and chillingly electric blue eyes. Her raven hair has been recently cropped short in rebellion against her parents. She has a soft face, but it is hardened by her eyes, which most find hard to look directly at. Her appearance is very childish, as she is barely five feet in height and her body is very lean and compact. Her appearance has caused her to be affectionately nicknamed "Demon" by those close to her.


Armor/Clothing: Mostly wears black dresses, as she is symbolically mourning her own set fate. She has been ordered to wear a reversed black veil to cover her short hair.


Weapon: A katana with a dark blade and a plain black hilt and sheath


Personality: Masks her emotions to all but Arva, who has learned over time how to see through her facades. She is quite guarded and serious in nature, as well as nervous around most people. She usually lets Arva do all the talking for her, since he can read her so well.




Name: Arva Ivaebhin


Race: Sun Elf


Age: 93


Class: Trickster Rogue


Alignment: Chaotic Good


Deity: None, currently


Place of Origin: Cormyr


Appearance: A very tall and leanly muscled male elf with a seemingly permanent intense expression. He was born without skin pigmentation and is albino, so his skin is extremely pale, even for a member of his race. His long, white blond hair is kept loosely tied between his shoulder blades. Because he lacks pigmentation, his eyes are an almost peach pink. His appearance sharply contrasts Reona's, causing him to be affectionately nicknamed "Angel" by those close to him.


Armor/Clothing: Loose white tunic worn over white leggings with white leather hunting boots. Much to his disdain, however, recent events have forced him into wearing a full suit of pearl white armor for both protection from the sun and a more noble appearance.


Weapon: A katana with a light blade and a stark white hilt


Personality: Arva has a sunny disposition, despite his hatred of the sun. He is very open with people, and has a hard time hiding his true thoughts on anything. He is a bad liar, and therefore is always truthful. He cares deeply for Reona, perhaps even more than she already knows. Beneath his sunny disposition and prankster mentality, he can be quite manipulative toward people, always knowing exactly the right thing to say.




History: Nobles by birth, Reona was betrothed to Arva when her mother found herself pregnant. Their marriage would signify an alliance between the two rich families. When Reona was a toddler, and Arva barely older, Arva's parents were killed in a fire, leaving Reona's parents as his next of kin. She was raised believing he was her brother, and the secret was well kept from her to avoid scandals and rumors for her family. Recently, Reona's parents revealed to she and Arva that they were to be married, in order to collect Arva's inheritance. A few days after they were informed, they made a plan to run away together, and succeeded, but were found by a search party after only two weeks of freedom. When found, Reona had cropped her hair to an inch from her scalp in rebellion of her parents' plans to make her a bride, and Arva had become ill from being exposed to the harsh sun. They were punished, and have been training in secret ever since, honing their skills for their next chance to escape. They do care for one another, but wish to be married on their own terms, and not as a way for Reona's parents to become richer.

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