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Tales of Faerun


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Name: Lord Dire


Race: Don't know the race of demon lord because there apperance can be anything so I'm just going to say he's some sort of Demon.


Age: - (don't what to put as age so some help will be needed)


Class: Demon Lord (Abyssal lord)


Alignment: Chaotic Evil


Deity: Doesn't really have one since hes a Abyssal Lord


Place of Origin: Abyssal 76


Appearance: He's Around 8ft 6inches with red eyes under his helmet and his skin if you can see it it's jet black


Armor/Clothing: Full steel plate armour which doesn't shine and has dark energy flowing through it. At the joints there his a red material which is flexable but strong


Weapon: If he ins't use his hands or powers its a 3ft steel long sword splatted with blood


Personality: Wants mortals to be enslaved and put under his controll he gets the job done and makes his way through anything to get the job done


History: He's made many attempts of expanding his Abyss and conquering and enslaving the mortals but as been flawed and banished for hundreds of years. Slowly he thinks of plans while sitting in his keep in his abyss. He doesn't speak much but now and again he has influence his cultist followers to help him reign over the weak and pathetic mortals. He is close to returning after being baneshed over 100 years ago by a powerful mortal.

Edited by Meciathe
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Nice character sheet though I think that he's kind of OP being the Abyssal Lord and all. :ermm:


Also, check out this page it has few types of demons mentioned there, maybe you'll find one that you like because stating that your character's race is a Demon isn't really elaborative or whatever that word is. Unless everyone else are okay with just demon.

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Well lets face it, he's making it fair. There are loads of good characters, making it impossible for an evil character to give a good character anything close to a scratch.


Yes, but adding something that is totally op on the evil side will also be unbalancing and stupid and could turn this into an op godfest :unsure: Just because someone is outnumbered does not mean they have to be ridicoulasly powerful to counteract this. Quite on the contrary, they just need brains. Sure it matters whose got the biggest stick but it matters a lot more whose swinging it

IMHO gods / demons / anything with such power should probably not be played, otherwise it gets very stupid, very quick

Edited by Brutii
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Then maybe he could just be weakened in some way, otherwise it will just turn into a goodfest ;D


Or, the easiest thing, just don't have gods and demons and stuff?

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