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Tales of Faerun


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All right. I've officially made an additional rule regarding deities. See #13 on the front page of this discussion. I thought that something like this might come as logic, but apparently not.
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All right. I've officially made an additional rule regarding deities. See #13 on the front page of this discussion. I thought that something like this might come as logic, but apparently not.


It shall be done, Auri.. He will not restore his followers. He will discover when he tries that he has less influence than he thought. And the caps was to imply a great booming voice..

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No. I say you cannot kill Caladus. He is my character, and thus I control if he lives or dies. Also, Although he may not fight, I am still going to (after this when Cal is walking in the woods (You said this was ok last night, Auri) grant horses. how many is up to you, if you only want him to grant the one for Cal, then so it shall be. If you want a bunch of good horses, so it shall be.

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No. I say you cannot kill Caladus. He is my character, and thus I control if he lives or dies. Also, Although he may not fight, I am still going to (after this when Cal is walking in the woods (You said this was ok last night, Auri) grant horses. how many is up to you, if you only want him to grant the one for Cal, then so it shall be. If you want a bunch of good horses, so it shall be.


-.- I hate that rule, people die every day



Do you all take everything so seriously?

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You have no control over who lives and dies...only your own characters.


If anyone has a problem with the way this RP is handled, bow out gracefully.

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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No. I say you cannot kill Caladus. He is my character, and thus I control if he lives or dies. Also, Although he may not fight, I am still going to (after this when Cal is walking in the woods (You said this was ok last night, Auri) grant horses. how many is up to you, if you only want him to grant the one for Cal, then so it shall be. If you want a bunch of good horses, so it shall be.


-.- I hate that rule, people die every day



Do you all take everything so seriously?


When it involves the potential death of my characters, yes. Remember, Auri's rule. As I can not simply blast you into little bits as that would be controlling your character, you cannot simply stick a sword in someone's head and kill them off. That is not allowed. It is up to the person controlling the character whether or not you actually make contact.. And Rilifane will grant horses if ppl were confused and Auri doesn't change her mind...

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You have no control over who lives and dies...only your own characters.


If anyone has a problem with the way this RP is handled, bow out gracefully.


No, I don't think control should be had over peoples characters, it's just... this forum seems to want to make it so that as long as someone wants to survive, they could stand under a nuclear missile as it detonates and live. People want to survive, it doesn't make them invincible... but imagine if it did... oh i'm imagining it, i'm imagining it :teehee:#


still, all to their own

Edited by Brutii
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